
You are too easy Brad.
Looks like my work here is done.

Say hi to your mom for me when she tucks you in.

You can do it all day long, and it happens every day in this country. People go to jail/prison for obstruction of justice all the time in this country when all they do is seek to hinder an investigtion into their POTENTIAL crimes.

You want to know how one does it? Read the Mueller report. Read of the numerous incidents of Donald Trump obstructing justice to hinder an investigation.

Stop defending a damn criminal sooner. Ask yourself, if Trump was Hillary Clinton, what would you be saying right now?
You can't obstruct justice when you haven't committed a crime and you exercise your legal authority to hire and fire. Asking, but not ordering someone to give an American hero a break is just being a good human being.

Mueller testifying is exactly what we need. The last thing he wants is to legally tell the truth about the witch hunt.

Dems are so doing everything to reelect Donald Trump. He has 40 percent locked up all the Bernie, AOC fans will be pissed when they aren't in charge and an 80 year old lying pervert is the Dem nominee. They won't show up to polls or they'll vote third party.

I said Trump would win in 2016. I was not only mocked by Hillary flacks but Republicans on this board.

I go back to why I believed it then. Look at a Trump rally compared to anyone else. No one can touch his populist appeal.
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You can't obstruct justice when you haven't committed a crime and you exercise your legal authority to hire and fire.

Yes you can.

Read the elements that a prosecutor must prove for obstruction of justice. Mueller cited them in his report btw.

Mueller testifying is exactly what we need.

I fully agree.

And do you agree not to attack him if he doesn't say what you expect him to say? And if he makes a case for Trump's obstruction of justice, will you listen and accept what he says without attacking him?

He has 40 percent locked up

Which leaves 60%. :D

Trump is in seriously trouble when it comes to the 2020 election. If he loses 60% of the electorate, we are talking about a landslide for Democrats, you do realize that right?

Also, Biden can touch Trump's minority populist appeal, which is why Trump is worried about him.
If Mueller believed there was illegal obstruction why didn't he charge someone, anyone?

Mueller had a secret grand jury for two years, they could of charged anyone with whatever they wanted. They got Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen for shit from ten years ago that had nothing to do with the election of 2016.
Yes you can.

Read the elements that a prosecutor must prove for obstruction of justice. Mueller cited them in his report btw.

I fully agree.

And do you agree not to attack him if he doesn't say what you expect him to say? And if he makes a case for Trump's obstruction of justice, will you listen and accept what he says without attacking him?

Which leaves 60%. :D

Trump is in seriously trouble when it comes to the 2020 election. If he loses 60% of the electorate, we are talking about a landslide for Democrats, you do realize that right?

Also, Biden can touch Trump's minority populist appeal, which is why Trump is worried about him.
You really believe Pervy Joe or Communist Bernie are going to get 60 percent? There will be a third party global warming nut job in this race and 60 percent of New Yorkers or Californians won't get it done when it comes to the electoral college.
Rod Rosenstein, the Ass't AG who appointed Mueller and oversaw the Mueller Gang's investigation and who has intimate knowledge of what Mueller found and didn't find, has forcefully denied there was collusion. He has also stated that there was nothing in Mueller's Report or what Mueller found which rose to any obstruction.

What is going on now is the dems, the FBI/DOJ coup conspirators, Brennan, Clapper, Yates, Lynch, et al, are scared shitless that Barr will fully investigate their conspiracy as he said he would. They are in full out PR mode to do anything, everything, they can to not become Bubba's and Bubbette's bitches in prison.
Yes you can.

Read the elements that a prosecutor must prove for obstruction of justice. Mueller cited them in his report btw.

I fully agree.

And do you agree not to attack him if he doesn't say what you expect him to say? And if he makes a case for Trump's obstruction of justice, will you listen and accept what he says without attacking him?

Which leaves 60%. :D

Trump is in seriously trouble when it comes to the 2020 election. If he loses 60% of the electorate, we are talking about a landslide for Democrats, you do realize that right?

Also, Biden can touch Trump's minority populist appeal, which is why Trump is worried about him.

You realize each side has 40% locked up at all times. Its the 20% in the middle that has to be courted.

As for Biden, I don't think Trump is scared of him as the attack ads will make him look very very creepy. That said, I agree that he's probably the one Dem in the race today that can actually beat Trump (didn't say would, but could). Too bad for the Dem party, he won't be the candidate. You even said it yourself earlier that you think Kamala gets the nod. You even mentioned a co-ticket, but Biden isn't going to be anyones VP, and if the Dem party subjigates Harris to be VP for Biden, the Democratic party would have a Schism. The black woman as VP to the old white man. Even the brain trusts at the DNC aren't that stupid.
You realize each side has 40% locked up at all times. Its the 20% in the middle that has to be courted.

As for Biden, I don't think Trump is scared of him as the attack ads will make him look very very creepy. That said, I agree that he's probably the one Dem in the race today that can actually beat Trump (didn't say would, but could). Too bad for the Dem party, he won't be the candidate. You even said it yourself earlier that you think Kamala gets the nod. You even mentioned a co-ticket, but Biden isn't going to be anyones VP, and if the Dem party subjigates Harris to be VP for Biden, the Democratic party would have a Schism. The black woman as VP to the old white man. Even the brain trusts at the DNC aren't that stupid.

Think about what has happened in this country since Biden got to Washington. His generation has watched probably 20 million illegals and 5trillion dollars worth of drugs come across the border. They havevwatched inner cities crumble, black neighborhoods lose all property value and done nothing. What the hell has joe Biden accomplished as a leader and as a government official?
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Think about what has happened in this country since Biden got to Washington. His generation has watched probably 20 million illegals and 5trillion dollars worth of drugs come across the border. They havevwatched inner cities crumble, black neighborhoods lose all property value and done nothing. What the hell has joe Biden accomplished as a leader and as a government official?

Made himself rich.

The End.
Mueller told the attorney general that the depiction of his findings failed to capture ‘context, nature, and substance’ of probe

By Washington Post Staff
April 30 at 7:07 PM

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III expressed his concerns in a letter to William P. Barr after the attorney general publicized Mueller’s principal conclusions. The letter was followed by a phone call during which Mueller pressed Barr to release executive summaries of his report.
This is a developing story. It will be updated

I take from your comments you have no problem with Mueller testifying before Congress correct? And also, you won't attack Mueller after his testimomy, correct

@pokebear @Syskatine

Assume you all are now fully on board with Mueller never under any circumstances testifying in front of congress right? Because that was obviously the deal he made.
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