
Middle America sees that no further indictments were made and no obstruction charges brought. The PR battle with Russian Collusion/Obstruction has been lost by the Left. But keep trying it...

So are you saying that Barr's political spin and misrepresentation of Mueller's Report should go unchallenged.

You do realize all the Democrats have to do is call Mueller to testify, correct?
So are you saying that Barr's political spin and misrepresentation of Mueller's Report should go unchallenged.

You do realize all the Democrats have to do is call Mueller to testify, correct?

Looking forward to it.
No you aren't.


Typical liberal. I’ll be in charge of what I’m looking forward to and I am looking forward to the Dems grilling the guy they unanimously said would get to the truth. 30,000,000$ and Paul mannaforts expensive wardrobe later...

Nothing. Trump maybe kinda could have impeded an investigation into a crime he didn’t commit? Are the walls closing in again?
Typical liberal. I’ll be in charge of what I’m looking forward to and I am looking forward to the Dems grilling the guy they unanimously said would get to the truth. 30,000,000$ and Paul mannaforts expensive wardrobe later...

You realize it wouldn't be the Democrats grilling him right? It would the Republicans. If Mueller testifies, you will attack his testimony along with other Trump supporters.

Mueller has given the Democrats all they need. He is now even LEAKING out his viewpoint...attacking Barr. The man is begging to be called to testify by Democrats. Yet, you don't seem to get it.

Wake the fu** up highstick!
You realize it wouldn't be the Democrats grilling him right? It would the Republicans. If Mueller testifies, you will attack his testimony along with other Trump supporters.

Mueller has given the Democrats all they need. He is now even LEAKING out his viewpoint...attacking Barr. The man is begging to be called to testify by Democrats. Yet, you don't seem to get it.

Wake the fu** up highstick!

Nuance. That’s what the leaked memo says. Nuance. He said Barr did not mischaracterize. You are womp womping over nuance.

How’s law school going?
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According to the DOJ OLC that Mueller followed you can’t charge a president. It’s up to Congress to impeach. The Mueller report is a roadmap and referral to congress for impeachment. Give it a read sometime. :cool:
Nuance. That’s what the leaked memo says. Nuance. He said Barr did not mischaracterize. You are womp womping over nuance.

You are SO new.

You realize people, important people, are now talking about resignation/removal of Barr in D.C. right now, correct? Barr is now afraid to testify before Congress. Hello?

You have no clue the clout Mueller has in D.C. circles (NYC circles too, along with Jerry Nadler) or the internal war occurring right now in the DOJ, do you? Or even the clout Mueller has now built up with the American people. He appears neutral. Barr doesn't.

Yet all of this escapes you because you have tunnel vision on protecting a corrupt politician.

Fine then.

I take from your comments you have no problem with Mueller testifying before Congress correct? And also, you won't attack Mueller after his testimomy, correct?
Trump is in seriously trouble, if, and this is a big if...IF the Democratic congressional leadership decides to get off their a** and do something.

Right now, the Democratic congressional leadership is playing softball. Granted, there are numerous political reasons for the softball game: (1) Confidence (or overconfidence?) that they will beat Trump in 2020; (2) false comparisons to Clinton's impeachement fiasco; and (3) worry that they are playing Trump's game.

Robert Mueller has provided the Democrats all they need to not only impeach a sitting President but also expose an Attorney General for the political hack that he is.

The question remains: Are Democras smart and courageous enough to do what needs to be done?
Look at this scorching hot take...and you're wrong again. You're not very bright, actually stupid as ****
You are SO new.

You realize people, important people, are now talking about resignation/removal of Barr in D.C. right now, correct? Barr is now afraid to testify before Congress. Hello?

You have no clue the clout Mueller has in D.C. circles (NYC circles too, along with Jerry Nadler) or the internal war occurring right now in the DOJ, do you? Or even the clout Mueller has now built up with the American people. He appears neutral. Barr doesn't.

Yet all of this escapes you because you have tunnel vision on protecting a corrupt politician.

Fine then.

I take from your comments you have no problem with Mueller testifying before Congress correct? And also, you won't attack Mueller after his testimomy, correct?

Lol you take it from my comments? You mean the two times I said I was looking forward to it? Nothing gets by you.
Lol you take it from my comments? You mean the two times I said I was looking forward to it? Nothing gets by you.

I'll ask again...

I take from your comments you have no problem with Mueller testifying before Congress correct?

And also, you won't attack Mueller after his testimomy, correct?

Yes or no?
I've never seen a guy like Barr, revered, respected in a decidedly bipartisan way, become such a fawning bum in less than one week.
I'm gobsmacked...
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I'll ask again...

I take from your comments you have no problem with Mueller testifying before Congress correct?

And also, you won't attack Mueller after his testimomy, correct?

Yes or no?

Is this real life?

Yes I’m for it. And I will only attack him if he is anti trump.
Yes I’m for it. And I will only attack him if he is anti trump.

Well his report is anti-Trump so I guess that means you would attack him. Like I posted, if Mueller testifies, it will be Republicans attacking him.

But why attack him when he is anti-Trump because Trump obstructed justice? Why not agree with him and hold Trump accountable for breaking the law?
Well his report is anti-Trump so I guess that means you would attack him. Like I posted, if Mueller testifies, it will be Republicans attacking him.

But why attack him when he is anti-Trump because Trump obstructed justice? Why not agree with him and hold Trump accountable for breaking the law?

If trump grabbed your pussy on fifth avenue I would still support him. He is cousin Eddie in Independence Day. He is the only one willing to kamikaze into the liberal nut bars. I hope he keeps a full head of steam and I get to enjoy another glorious election night.
Well his report is anti-Trump so I guess that means you would attack him. Like I posted, if Mueller testifies, it will be Republicans attacking him.

But why attack him when he is anti-Trump because Trump obstructed justice? Why not agree with him and hold Trump accountable for breaking the law?
One more time for the record, skid mark.
How can one facilitate the obstruction of a no holds barred investigation of a crime you did not commit?
What is eluding me here?
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If trump grabbed your pussy on fifth avenue I would still support him. He is cousin Eddie in Independence Day. He is the only one willing to kamikaze into the liberal nut bars. I hope he keeps a full head of steam and I get to enjoy another glorious election night.

So you support a potential dictator and a politician who is above the law. As long as he is is taking it to "liberals," correct?

You don't really care about the rule of law or the Constitution, do you?
How can one facilitate the obstruction of a no holds barred investigation of a crime you did not commit?

You can do it all day long, and it happens every day in this country. People go to jail/prison for obstruction of justice all the time in this country when all they do is seek to hinder an investigtion into their POTENTIAL crimes.

You want to know how one does it? Read the Mueller report. Read of the numerous incidents of Donald Trump obstructing justice to hinder an investigation.

Stop defending a damn criminal sooner. Ask yourself, if Trump was Hillary Clinton, what would you be saying right now?
Potential dictator.

You were the one who posted you would attack Robert Mueller if he was anti-Trump.

It appears all you care about is defending and protecting Trump. Regardless of what he does wrong.

What does that sound like to you?

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