Who said this?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Sep 21, 2005
“Let me be clear - there is no reason to carry a knife. To anyone who does - they will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law."

Edit to add April 8th tweet:

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Since Londonstan is in the news lately with the murder guessing it is a politician in the UK, maybe even the puss cake mayor, Sadick Con something like that.
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Since Londonstan is in the news lately with the murder guessing it is a politician in the UK, maybe even the puss cake mayor, Sadick Con something like that.

Can’t spend 5 seconds googling his name...reveals his overt racism. Brilliant.
Huh? Do you have dyslexia? Re-read the thread.

looks like he made a phonetic pun on the guy's last name with the fact that he's conning the people of london. again, how is that racist? is "dumbya" racist too?

not everything is racist just because the target is brown. sometimes individual brown people can just be dicks too you know.
looks like he made a phonetic pun on the guy's last name with the fact that he's conning the people of london. again, how is that racist? is "dumbya" racist too?

not everything is racist just because the target is brown. sometimes individual brown people can just be dicks too you know.

“londonstan” isn’t racist at all, you’re right....oh wait. You’re not, and it’s still overt racism.
Islam isn't a race. You like blowing the dog whistle though.

You’re an idiot Pakistanis, hell any country ending in “stan”, would be inclusive. Hilarious how the righties on this board still pump the narrative well dry lol.
looks like he made a phonetic pun on the guy's last name with the fact that he's conning the people of london. again, how is that racist? is "dumbya" racist too?

not everything is racist just because the target is brown. sometimes individual brown people can just be dicks too you know.

“Individual brown people”
Man, I didn’t know that...all of these years that I’ve made reference to Alabamastan and Lubbocksobad...I was being racist.

You’d be the first I’ve ever heard utter such dumbass terms, so yes I’m quite confident you’ve pumped the racist overtones.
1. if it is racist, you can't define how it is.
2. not surprised because i am clearly racist, i guess? or because you think i'm a conservative? and those people are all the same?

I don’t label all conservatives racist. If you spout dumbass racist rhetoric and buzzwords like “londonstan” and a clear reference to the mayor’s family heritage or aggressively defend it as you do, yeah you’re a racist in my eyes. Deal with it haha
You’re an idiot Pakistanis, hell any country ending in “stan”, would be inclusive. Hilarious how the righties on this board still pump the narrative well dry lol.
I don’t label all conservatives racist. If you spout dumbass racist rhetoric and buzzwords like “londonstan” and a clear reference to the mayor’s family heritage or aggressively defend it as you do, yeah you’re a racist in my eyes. Deal with it haha

you are inferring a reference that's far from clear.

first and foremost, Londanistan is kind of funny. Not hilarious, but kind of funny. the problem is you are part of a humorless, judgmental religious sect and finding Londanistan offensive is part of your ritualistic dogma. the irony of that is that you are exactly what you hate about christianity.

nobody in their right mind sees londanistan as anything but a reference to unchecked refugee (a highly debatable term) flood turning one of Western culture's greatest cities into a violent shithole - which in no way demeans the race of anyone. is it insensitive? yes, so f'ing what?

i can sleep at night knowing you think i'm a racist, even though you are willfully ignorant of the fact that i'm not.
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Since Londonstan is in the news lately with the murder guessing it is a politician in the UK, maybe even the puss cake mayor, Sadick Con something like that.
You are correct. It was Sadick Con the puss cake mayor of Londonstan.
Pretty unsurprising that people who graduated from the same university as Patrick Lavigne, Justin Blackman, Brandon Weedon, and Mario Boggans can't get the name of a mayor from across the ocean right.

Edit: I forgot Markelle Brown, also.
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I guess making insensitive comments doesn’t equal racism. Oh wait...that’s exactly what it does.

“So f’ing what?” I mean, if that’s how you view it, enjoy the racist tag.

Your tags mean nothing! You are a hysterical lunatic and your opinion holds as much weight as your adult diaper.
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