While the whole world goes bonkers over Trump look what the French are doing.


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
They're closing mosques and finding weapons inside them, they've kicked in over two thousand doors in raids of muslim households.

Donald Trump wants to get a handle who is coming into the country but that is somehow looney tunes. What would the politically correct do if he was closing mosques and kicking in doors.

The establishment, MSM, liberals, they don't get Trump, he knows exactly what he's doing and he will continue to suck all the oxygen out of the room and bury all his competition on the back pages of the news.
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The French are looking out for the safety of their citizens. Our crotchless panty president and congress are looking out for their political agendas.
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Let's drop the 1st (France has anti-hate speech laws) and 4th amendments for our safety. Might as well drop the 2nd while we are at it.
As people continue to support the rhetoric of Trump, I'm losing hope.
People like what Trump is saying because he's communicating with the American people. He's saying things people are thinking. He's challenging the political class. He's exposing both sides for what they are, career politicians who say and do what their big money donors want.

I think he would be a disaster as POTUS. His strategy isn't rocket science though. In general people are tired of the partisan bullshit engulfing DC and are looking for anything different even if it is a WWE character with a terrible hair piece.
People like what Trump is saying because he's communicating with the American people. He's saying things people are thinking. He's challenging the political class. He's exposing both sides for what they are, career politicians who say and do what their big money donors want.

I think he would be a disaster as POTUS. His strategy isn't rocket science though. In general people are tired of the partisan bullshit engulfing DC and are looking for anything different even if it is a WWE character with a terrible hair piece.

Gawd, I'm trying to spend my last day on earth at age 68 with a snoot-full, and I have to ask is it a "WWF" character? Inquiring minds, including the poodle, the horse I rode in on, Vince Mc... and Hulk Hogan want to know.
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People don't necessarily agree with what Trump is saying. They are just F'in sick and tired of smarmy, do nothing, PC politician that are too chicken-shit to do or even say anything substantive about real issues facing the country.

Trump has been allowed to flourish, for a time, because of a vacuum. That vacuum exists because (not enough) other politicians are speaking out in a realistic, intelligent manner about issues in a way that reflects the views of the majority of Americans.
Gawd, I'm trying to spend my last day on earth at age 68 with a snoot-full, and I have to ask is it a "WWF" character? Inquiring minds, including the poodle, the horse I rode in on, Vince Mc... and Hulk Hogan want to know.
Well yes, but you said it. White males like me have enough blame to burden. If I call it that other name, somebody is going to be offended, and I don't want the hassle of protesters.
What would the politically correct do if he was closing mosques and kicking in doors.

First, the likelihood of Trump ever kicking anything that would kick back is about 600000000000000 to 1.

Second, does your hypothetical contemplate him having warrants or operating within the bounds of the law? Or is the idea just so damned exciting you just dream about it in a world where those things don't really matter?

Imagine it: you and him, his yellow swirl and you, on FOX (LIVE and BREAKING!) stomping through those pussy mosque doors with AR's and twin full sails of Copenhagen and jimmybob would rapel down and nobody would be out of breath or drunk..... Shit. #'Murica
First, the likelihood of Trump ever kicking anything that would kick back is about 600000000000000 to 1.
He wasn't posting about Trump literally doing it himself. I know you lefty sycophants love to believe that whatever slop is thrown at you by your idols is the literal truth, like the notion that Barry actually killed bin Laden, but sometimes, like in this case, it's actually just a figure of speech thing.

Although I have to point out that Trump is more likely to physically kick something than that nutless Kenyan by a long shot...
First, the likelihood of Trump ever kicking anything that would kick back is about 600000000000000 to 1.

Second, does your hypothetical contemplate him having warrants or operating within the bounds of the law? Or is the idea just so damned exciting you just dream about it in a world where those things don't really matter?

Imagine it: you and him, his yellow swirl and you, on FOX (LIVE and BREAKING!) stomping through those pussy mosque doors with AR's and twin full sails of Copenhagen and jimmybob would rapel down and nobody would be out of breath or drunk..... Shit. #'Murica

Obama is the first sitting president to be publicly (and accurately) called a giant pussy on live TV, so let's tap the brakes on saying anyone else isn't going to kick something.

Seriously man, how long did it take to get the taste of that oval office speech out of your mouth before you could post again?
As people continue to support the rhetoric of Trump, I'm losing hope.

I don't support what he said but your selective outrage is amusing. Obama and the dems along with establishment republicans have been systematically eroding our rights and pissing on the constitution for decades. Yet you get lit up over this? Seems strange.
They're closing mosques and finding weapons inside them, they've kicked in over two thousand doors in raids of muslim households.

Donald Trump wants to get a handle who is coming into the country but that is somehow looney tunes. What would the politically correct do if he was closing mosques and kicking in doors.

The establishment, MSM, liberals, they don't get Trump, he knows exactly what he's doing and he will continue to suck all the oxygen out of the room and bury all his competition on the back pages of the news.
Sadly, it may take a terrorist act comparable to Paris to get the attention of the Pussy-in-Chief. The French are doing what they believe they need to do to save their country. Unfortunately, we have nimrods in the WH who are rushing head long into transforming the US as promised rather than protecting the US as the Constitution requires. The reason Trump is maintaining his poll numbers is that the citizens and their communities are the ones dealing with the problems created by the politicians. Those problems include the crime, education and medical costs, destruction of property, social services costs, job losses and other issues forced on communities by politicians living regal lives isolated from the realities of their politically correct edicts.
First, the likelihood of Trump ever kicking anything that would kick back is about 600000000000000 to 1.

Second, does your hypothetical contemplate him having warrants or operating within the bounds of the law? Or is the idea just so damned exciting you just dream about it in a world where those things don't really matter?

Imagine it: you and him, his yellow swirl and you, on FOX (LIVE and BREAKING!) stomping through those pussy mosque doors with AR's and twin full sails of Copenhagen and jimmybob would rapel down and nobody would be out of breath or drunk..... Shit. #'Murica
You are a moron of the first order. I didn't endorse anything the French are doing I was just merely pointing WHAT they were doing and I find it funny that people are so bat shit over Trump they ignore what else is going on in the world.

Unlike you I'm not for taking any rights away from anyone, speech, gun, due process, any of them. That said I don't think those rights extend to non-US citizens living in other countries.
Obama is the first sitting president to be publicly (and accurately) called a giant pussy on live TV, so let's tap the brakes on saying anyone else isn't going to kick something.

Seriously man, how long did it take to get the taste of that oval office speech out of your mouth before you could post again?

That's funny. I didn't see it... did he not talk enough shit or threaten enough? What he say or do that is so offensive?

I love how people think it's soooo cool that part of our political discourse is conservatives calling the president a pussy on national tv, but they just can't figure out why Donald Trump is so successful in this campaign.
They're closing mosques and finding weapons inside them, they've kicked in over two thousand doors in raids of muslim households.

Donald Trump wants to get a handle who is coming into the country but that is somehow looney tunes. What would the politically correct do if he was closing mosques and kicking in doors.

The establishment, MSM, liberals, they don't get Trump, he knows exactly what he's doing and he will continue to suck all the oxygen out of the room and bury all his competition on the back pages of the news.

I didn't endorse anything the French are doing I was just merely pointing WHAT they were doing and I find it funny that people are so bat shit over Trump they ignore what else is going on in the world.


Chicken Little called and wants his panic back.
That's funny. I didn't see it... did he not talk enough shit or threaten enough? What he say or do that is so offensive?

I love how people think it's soooo cool that part of our political discourse is conservatives calling the president a pussy on national tv, but they just can't figure out why Donald Trump is so successful in this campaign.

It's not political discourse it's just an obvious observation.
Few are ignoring what is going on in the world. More precisely, they are seeing on every TV channel what has been wrought on those countries by politicians wrapped up in multiculturalism, free and unrestrained movement across open borders and disregard for laws. They don't like these same things occurring in this country and are expressing their objections. Trump is sailing high in the polls because he is expressing those objections which the professional politicians and government institutions have deemed to be politically incorrect and themselves have ignored.
Few are ignoring what is going on in the world. More precisely, they are seeing on every TV channel what has been wrought on those countries by politicians wrapped up in multiculturalism, free and unrestrained movement across open borders and disregard for laws. They don't like these same things occurring in this country and are expressing their objections. Trump is sailing high in the polls because he is expressing those objections which the professional politicians and government institutions have deemed to be politically incorrect and themselves have ignored.

Trump is sailing high in the polls because he's getting all the media attention due to his loudmouth blowhard bully routine. Meanwhile, guys like Rand Paul have introduced actual legislation to address the issue and remain largely ignored.....further proof that people appreciate rhetoric more than solutions. Trump provides an equal amount of substance as Obama....he's all mouth.
Trump is sailing high in the polls because he's getting all the media attention due to his loudmouth blowhard bully routine. Meanwhile, guys like Rand Paul have introduced actual legislation to address the issue and remain largely ignored.....further proof that people appreciate rhetoric more than solutions. Trump provides an equal amount of substance as Obama....he's all mouth.
Perhaps your complaint about the lack of success by Paul should be addressed with the other 99 Senators. Or maybe Paul should work to get 60 other Senators to back his proposals if they are that good. The biggest problem is we have a dysfunctional political system which can't or doesn't want to solve the problems yet it's the people who have to live with and endure the problems caused by political lack of action. The people are begging for solutions to these problems and have been for decades. They hear the promises but see no results. It's little wonder they gravitate to someone like Trump given those who have come before have failed to deliver.

I have until March 1 to decide which candidate to cast my ballot with. Trump is not my first choice but I certainly like what he has done to shake the establishment to its core. What he is stating and how he goes about it is resonating with millions of people of all races and all political affiliations.
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Perhaps your complaint about the lack of success by Paul should be addressed with the other 99 Senators. Or maybe Paul should work to get 60 other Senators to back his proposals if they are that good. The biggest problem is we have a dysfunctional political system which can't or doesn't want to solve the problems yet it's the people who have to live with and endure the problems caused by political lack of action. The people are begging for solutions to these problems and have been for decades. They hear the promises but see no results. It's little wonder they gravitate to someone like Trump given those who have come before have failed to deliver.

I have until March 1 to decide which candidate to cast my ballot with. Trump is not my first choice but I certainly like what he has done to shake the establishment to its core. What he is stating and how he goes about it is resonating with millions of people of all races and all political affiliations.

The people elected the Congress. If they want solutions they should elect representatives that care about solutions, not rhetoric, which was the point of my previous post. From what I've seen and I've watched all of the debates, Trump has provided the least detail as to his solutions to the big issues while pumping the most rhetoric, hence my dislike for him.
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What he is stating and how he goes about it is resonating with millions of people of all races and all political affiliations.
This simply isn't true. He is appealing to uneducated, poor white voters.
That's funny. I didn't see it... did he not talk enough shit or threaten enough? What he say or do that is so offensive?

I love how people think it's soooo cool that part of our political discourse is conservatives calling the president a pussy on national tv, but they just can't figure out why Donald Trump is so successful in this campaign.

He didn't say anything. Like.... at all. Called a major oval office event that interrupted programming and captured America's attention to say (and, forgive me. I am paraphrasing)

"DUHHHHHHHHH....... Regarding ISIL, I will keep pronouncing it like a cock and you can't stop me.

As for stopping ISIL, we will just keep doing what we've been doing, because it'll probably work some day and I don't want my legacy to be tainted by another middle eastern war when it can be the next guy's problem. So don't worry (cover your ears terrorists!) we won't commit ground troops ever! That's just what ISIL wants!

Also, quit being racists you racist American jerks. That's not who we are (CATCHPHRASE!) All you filthy white privilege jerks need to stop assaulting Islam because it's peaceful and that's not who we are (CATCHPHRASE!) That's just what ISIL wants!

In closing, I would just like to say f*** the 2nd Amendment (no mention of whether ISIL wanting us to preserve our 200+ year old Bill of Rights or the Constitution in general). We need to stop giving powerful assault weapons to no fly list terrorists because commons sense. Goodnight and and f* you America."

I may be off on some exact quotes, but that's pretty much it.
Look guys, Trump is not presidential material. He is great for shaking up the establishment but he's effectively holding the GOP hostage now and they have nobody but themselves to blame. Since Reagan, they've held ultimate power for only 12 years and all of those were Bush Dynasty years - none of which were particularly inspiring.

Every year, another batch of establishment clones gets set up to lose because they are so out of touch with the electorate. Trump simply filled the void of what the voters wanted and were not getting - and that's someone who seems at least to have the balls to not apologize to the cameras every time he says something that stirs up people's delicate sensibilities. Trump is the anti-Jeb and the GOP in it's infinite wisdom felt sure we all wanted ANOTHER extension of the Bush dynasty and nobody does. Therefore, Trump.

Supporting Trump is nothing more than a condemnation of politics as usual - which should've been predictable but wasn't. And that's why he continues to soar in the polls. Not because anyone really wants that lunatic in charge of foreign or domestic policy.
Yeah, not nearly alarmist enough. Explaining level headed thinking and not overreacting is indefensible.

pictured, syskatine
Glad I'm not the only one that is really annoyed by this.
He and his spokes-tools are the only ones out there who consistently insist on referring to the group as ISIL. I've asked many people why that is, but have never gotten an answer. My assumption is it is to draw attention away from the fact that they really began to gain strength with his total F**K up of the situation in Syria (coupled with his earlier decision to pull completely out of Iraq).
He and his spokes-tools are the only ones out there who consistently insist on referring to the group as ISIL. I've asked many people why that is, but have never gotten an answer. My assumption is it is to draw attention away from the fact that they really began to gain strength with his total F**K up of the situation in Syria (coupled with his earlier decision to pull completely out of Iraq).

A quick google search offered nothing but sources on this question that will receive some deserved ridicule, but make of this what you will.
Well hell, Barry acts like ISIL is still a terrorist organization. They aren't. They are a terrorist state. They have people and land mass that they control and govern. And they are now expanding their state to other countries.

Contained. Only in the eyes of a retarded amateur.
That's funny. I didn't see it... did he not talk enough shit or threaten enough? What he say or do that is so offensive?
He didn't say anything of substance or value to the American people. Not at all shocking as that about sums up his entire time as president, nothing of substance or value to the American people.

Chicken Little called and wants his panic back.
I'd respond to this but it makes no sense at in relation to what was posted. I guess it's just it is some kind of stock lib response when they are confused.
This simply isn't true. He is appealing to uneducated, poor white voters.
That's going to be news to the black lady in my neighborhood with the Trump sign in her yard. She owns a nice salon she had an Obama sign in 12.
Adver...umm the KKK resonating with Trump is worse than the New Black Panthers, the Wall Street protests, they are going to throw Grandma over the Cliff, BLM etc resonating with the rodent in chief?

To me they are both equally sad and even for the same reasons. Have a friend in Cleveland who is raging mad (along with all his FB friends) at the black people who recently endorsed Trump. Couldn't believe the reies I was seeing. He happens to also be black. Where is the same outrage over inner city lost jobs, horrible education, crime etc. Yep not a peep! This is about status quo from both sides...

I've worked in a number of Muslim countries and can promise you they for the most part would not object to seeing the western style democracy fail and subsequently disappear. Call it for the most part a latent wish.

I'm not a trump fan at all but derive a huge amount of amusement by how worked up people get over what he says. The media covers him to the nth degree to taint all Republicans and guess what? If the Republicans weren't spineless lackeys to their own ambition it wouldn't work. But the people registering the most indignation are the very same ones who would shave obamas nut sack (if it could be found) and claim they are doing it for compassion, prosperity, bipartisanship etc etc. Bullshit! Stake your ground stand by your message and don't apologize because your worried about losing a few hundred votes.

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