When You Read This - And You Should Read It Despite How Long It Is - At First It Ought To Scare The Pants Off You

Cheer up, Brother Woody, all is not lost. The human struggle between good and evil will be with us as long as humans exist. Have confidence that good will prevail. Here. Read a little Norman Vincent Peale to shore up your backbone.

Dan yer priceless! 🤣
There’s lots of common ground. The two sides should bond over those issues in which they are in agreement, work on them to reduce as much power from the establishment, the military industrial alliance and the state-media censorship organizations. Maybe a sense of trust can be established where neither side feels compelled to hate the other. And maybe as a result we will keep our liberty intact.
If in your opinion there are lots of common ground issues would you mind listing a few.
If in your opinion there are lots of common ground issues would you mind listing a few.
Sure. I listed two earlier. Polls show most American citizens, Republicans and Democrats alike are aghast to learn CRT is being drummed into children's heads at school. They also indicate most citizens are appalled at drag queen shows at school. Start there. Gather together as many people with as varied political beliefs as you can accumulate, form a coalition of the concerned, attack from every angle and learn to trust one another, learn your “opposite” is not a red-faced, horned satanist. You may discover your opposite is also concerned with America’s never-ending wars, and dismayed that billions of dollars (if not trillions) are being spent on foreign wars, money that could be spent rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure (or, God forbid! lower taxes and let people keep the money for themselves). The whole Covid fiasco infuriated people across the board. Band together and let the powers that be learn that nothing like that will ever be tolerated again. There are lots of options, lots of Democrats who would agree with you on things like this. All it takes is for somebody to take the bull by the horns, let the opposition know they aren’t hated, indeed you’re anxious to join with them on some of the issues you already agree on. Put the disagreements on the back burner until each side learns it can trust the other. And once hatred is demolished and trust is established you can approach disagreements with a sense of comradeship and compromise.
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