When Ted Cruz is appointed to the SC

No one on this board would be whining about it. None. Trump would've likely bloviated about it for 3-5 days but would not have embarrassed himself like the Demicrats and Hillary.

A good barometer would be to see who bitches about the 2nd Amendment on this board when there is a shooter or terrorist attack vs. who defends the Constitution. The EC would be no different.

Truth is Hillary had every advantage and was a heavy favorite. One of the posters in this thread bet a self ban on it because he saw it as statistically impossible to lose the bet. They were all set for what they had been told would be an easy Hillary win.

It didn't happen and so, something had to be wrong with the system.

When your only tool is victimization by "the right", the argument that the EC system is unfair to states with disproportionately massive population centers is attractive (and hilarious.)

I really don't want them to stop.
Hell The Hildabeast isn't even crying about the EC now.

For the record, had Trump won the PV & not the EC, I would have said he ran a campaign focused on the wrong metric and got complacent. For the life of me I can't see how this is an issue.

The Hildabeast supports know exactly how many felt when the establishment R's trotted out Dole, McCain & Romney as well.

For the losers....get use to 8 years of having your ideology muted, well except by the 80+% of the lying media that shills for every liberal idea, talking point and worthless candidate there is.
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It's hard for me to imagine that there would be any complaining about the electoral college if the tables were turned. Most of the posters on this board are constitutional fans who complain when we see the constitution violated.

That's not to say we wouldn't point out the obvious "our guy got more votes than yours". But complaints about the constitution? No way.
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I've been an EC supporter and would continue to be if the results were reversed.

Regardless of who won this election, I can't see myself ever arguing a point that would make Oklahoma weaker and disenfranchise my state's voters - which is exactly what a popular vote general election would do. Liberals from this state HATE that their votes never move the needle here, so of course they are against the EC - especially now. Pretty simple. Crybaby arguments will not change it. Just imagine what Justice Cruz will have to say about it.

The national popular vote is an irrelevant curiosity. Nothing more. It represents a meaningless number - resulting from unrelated political election strategies.

Quit being sheep. Not the Russians, not fake news, not the electoral college vote, not the KKK, not the nazis - none of that cost the Queen of Californistan the election. She got her ass absolutely destroyed in this election in the only metric that mattered and the only one in which either candidate spent any time or money pursuing. Her resources dwarfed his and she still lost. An artificial bubble from California voters is the only thing giving this idiotic popular vote myth any fuel. And yes, illegal immigrants voted and were encouraged to vote by POTUS, so the vote totals as a whole, are more than a little suspect. I would absolutely support a recount in California and some kind of audit on exactly who voted there.

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