Whatcha think dan?

Dan just can't bring himself to condemn the murders of the hostages. Dan really hates Jews.
I hereby formally condemn the murder of all hostages, both those held by Hamas and those held by Israel. I wonder if you do as well.
So can we get 27 consecutive threads condemning Hamas only? Ya know, like you do with Israel?
No, I leave that for you to do.

Or better yet, I’ll make you a deal. You post a thread condemning Israel for its genocide - I mean “really condemning” Israel for its genocide, and I’ll counter with a thread condemning Hamas, “really condemning” Hamas for Oct 7. Can you do it 27 consecutive times? Ready. Set. GO!!!
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No, I leave that for you to do.

Or better yet, I’ll make you a deal. You post a thread condemning Israel for its genocide - I mean “really condemning” Israel for its genocide, and I’ll counter with a thread condemning Hamas, “really condemning” Hamas for Oct 7. Can you do it 27 consecutive times? Ready. Set. GO!!!

Is this poster for real? Only the worst of the worst human beings would defend the Hamas murderers and accuse Israel of genocide after seeing what happened October 7 and seeing the videos. Now they snuff out Israeli hostages, and this Dan guy is STILL defending these murderers.
No, I leave that for you to do.

Or better yet, I’ll make you a deal. You post a thread condemning Israel for its genocide - I mean “really condemning” Israel for its genocide, and I’ll counter with a thread condemning Hamas, “really condemning” Hamas for Oct 7. Can you do it 27 consecutive times? Ready. Set. GO!!!
I can’t condemn something that hasn’t happened.
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I'm pretty sure that this represents your subconscious beliefs. You throw entirely too much ink at everyone trying to convince your conscious mind that you have a position.
It takes almost no convincing. I am opposed to genocide and condemn any people that practice it. It’s a belief that is simple to have.
Not leveled enough.
It can’t get much more level than it is. But I understand what you mean. You mean Israel hasn’t murdered enough Palestinians to satisfy your blood lust. Patience, my friend. The US has Israel’s back. It can keep murdering Palestinians until there aren’t any left alive. Hopefully that will satiate your desire.
It can’t get much more level than it is. But I understand what you mean. You mean Israel hasn’t murdered enough Palestinians to satisfy your blood lust. Patience, my friend. The US has Israel’s back. It can keep murdering Palestinians until there aren’t any left alive. Hopefully that will satiate your desire.
If it would shut your bitch ass up I would level it myself. Think Worlds largest Parking Lot.
Sometimes the lion has to remind everyone who he is.
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This particular lion has no roar without its sugar daddy to back its play.
While you ignore the conflict would never have started without Irans funding of Hamas and other radical Muslim terrorist groups.
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