ISIS defeat is almost a sure thing. Is that enough for him to get a W in 2020 if everything else stays the same (including ACA)?
No. That won't be enough. Has to be a combination of wins.
ISIS defeat is almost a sure thing. Is that enough for him to get a W in 2020 if everything else stays the same (including ACA)?
I don't expect Trump to actually run in 2020. But I'd note that if we continue with the economic optimism and we see real economic growth, his appointed successor will have a strong chance of re-election. The fat cats of the establishment (both sides) seem to forget that its still the economy that drives elections.
I can't believe you slipped that turd into our punchbowl.
He's right pains me to say...
I am of the belief that Democrats went into the GE extremely overconfident. All of the "Trump has no chance" polls and coverage resulted in a significant number of voters staying home rather than fighting the lines/crowds so that they could vote. If Trump is up for reelection, they won't be inclined to do that again.
Any data to support this or is this an assumption?In addition, the younger demographics appear to be leaning significantly more in the liberal direction. 4 years from now, more of them will be old enough to vote and more elderly conservatives will have passed away.
That elderly people pass away more often than young people? Or that young people are more liberal?Any data to support this or is this an assumption?
Any data to support this or is this an assumption?
About me anointing the troll king? False, because that's a gross simplification. He's got a narrow path and a long way to go, but yes I think he's probably the right troll at the right time and I think the mass hysteria is absurd - and I'll continue to say so whether people want to pigeon hole me as a prototypical MAGA hat trump guy or not. I haven't changed.
Or about this not being a defeat of both parties? I guess you should ask Hillary and the 16 GOP candidate corpses back there in the rear view mirror. In particular, the favored establishment neocon knobs who got written out of the script.
That post was not JD's best work and he knows it. Just sayin
Or about this not being a defeat of both parties? I guess you should ask Hillary and the 16 GOP candidate corpses back there in the rear view mirror. In particular, the favored establishment neocon knobs who got written out of the script.
That talks about people of voting age. You stated those younger than voting age were more liberal. That's what I was asking if you have any data to support.
You are so full of shit.
That assumes ones beliefs and votes don't change over time. Take a look at this breakdown.That elderly people pass away more often than young people? Or that young people are more liberal?
This is the latest I could find
That talks about people of voting age. You stated those younger than voting age were more liberal. That's what I was asking if you have any data to support.
Except that the data from the 2016 election doesn't support that prediction. Take a look at the link I posted above.I may not have clearly said what I meant. If Millenials tend to lean left, more and more Millenials will vote in future elections. Obviously more older voters will die/lose interest between now and then. This may help.
The part where you think the correct way to measure a president's economic performance is the number of rate hikes.Exactly which part of my position am I so full of shit on, Mr. Economics professor?
Thats completely plausible.That assumes ones beliefs and votes don't change over time. Take a look at this breakdown.
Except that the data from the 2016 election doesn't support that prediction. Take a look at the link I posted above.
Depending on how you define millennial, they have been voting since 1998 or 20022016 was the first election that allowed any Milennials to vote
The part where you think the correct way to measure a president's economic performance is the number of rate hikes.
Correct. I posted several links to demonstrate several points of view.I would say we don't really have fully reliable data one way or the other.
From the link you posted:
"(And yes, we acknowledge the irony of putting faith in any kind of polling data after the monumental failure of most pre-election polls in predicting the winner this year. More on that in a minute.)"
“No national official count of voters by age is immediately available after an election. Therefore, any statistic on youth voter turnout is an estimate based on survey data. Like any survey, the National Exit Poll uses methods that may introduce sampling bias. In past years, our estimates of youth turnout from the National Exit Poll (shown above) have produced a trend that very closely tracks the turnout trend in the Census Current Population Survey (CPS), which is the other major source for estimating youth turnout once it is released in the Spring. These estimates diverged slightly in 2012, although both showed a decrease.”
I have come to to state that polls are largely irrelevant to anything, because:
-Any poll that disagrees with (the general) your position is easily dismissed in favor of a poll that agrees with your position. The primary benefit and use of polls now is to feed confirmation bias.
-I don't really give a crap what the masses opinion is anyway. Not going be convinced something is right because more people agree with it than disagree with it.
I would say we don't really have fully reliable data one way or the other.
From the link you posted:
"(And yes, we acknowledge the irony of putting faith in any kind of polling data after the monumental failure of most pre-election polls in predicting the winner this year. More on that in a minute.)"
“No national official count of voters by age is immediately available after an election. Therefore, any statistic on youth voter turnout is an estimate based on survey data. Like any survey, the National Exit Poll uses methods that may introduce sampling bias. In past years, our estimates of youth turnout from the National Exit Poll (shown above) have produced a trend that very closely tracks the turnout trend in the Census Current Population Survey (CPS), which is the other major source for estimating youth turnout once it is released in the Spring. These estimates diverged slightly in 2012, although both showed a decrease.”
I have come to to state that polls are largely irrelevant to anything, because:
-Any poll that disagrees with (the general) your position is easily dismissed in favor of a poll that agrees with your position. The primary benefit and use of polls now is to feed confirmation bias.
-I don't really give a crap what the masses opinion is anyway. Not going be convinced something is right because more people agree with it than disagree with it.
No it is not. First it is entirely divorced from context. Second by that measure Jimmy Carter was an amazing president. Third "fiscal conservative's" main bitch about stimulus and deficits is that it will raise interest rates. Would you like to concede Keynesian economics is right?I don't think its the only measure, but I do think its a valid measure.
Here is a perfect example of the divorced from context portion. Any ideas on why the economy would need boosting? Care to take a guess on what the Wickellsian interest rate was at the bottom of the recession?Do you not agree with the premise that real growth (beyond inflation levels) will lead interest rates to go up, and you must agree that the fed deliberately lowered interest rates to boost the economy. Heck even Yellen says that, so is she full of shit too? If this isn't a valid measure, then why did the Fed drop interest rates to nothing and call it STIMULUS? Why do they raise the interest rates to control growth?
Except every other first world country that is stuck with zero or negative interest rates. Again how much would the fed have dropped interest rates had the not been a lower bound at zero? I'll give you a hint, they dropped it it 5.5% when the dot-com bubble burst and unemployment soared to a 6.1%. Unemployment peaked at 9.9% for the great recession and as I am sure you love to point out that doesn't even include people who drop out of the labor force. This tack is just so damn intellectually dishonest I can't believe I have spent this time refuting such a transparently bullshit argument.In the end its you who are full of shit. You are so protective of Obama's legacy and his supposed recovery, that you can't admit that any dimwit could have done what he did in an era where the fed dropped rates by 4%
It is pretty dumb to give Trump credit for the upcoming March hike, but it might be the stupidest shit I have ever heard to give him credit for the December hike that Yellen has been hinting at since before the election.and if he had generated one iota of real non-fed based economic activity, rates would have recovered upwards. To be fair...I shouldn't say he had no growth. He did preside over 1 .25% rate hike (2 if you credit him for the post-election exuberance of the market and overall consumer and business confidence ratings).
but the more you post, the more it seems that you are one.
I realize that's a pretty convenient anecdotal story on my part - but I'll be happy to show you the time stamped text conversation I had with my wife about booking this wedding - literally 15 minutes before the above post.
If you saw the political map thread that Thor posted, I was halfway down from the center to libertarian on the vertical axis and dead center on the left/right one. That's an accurate map of my political leanings.
I have no reason to distrust you, or your story. I apologize if my post offended you.
That's because the only things being discussed are things that line up that way for me. I just booked a lesbian wedding - true story, just got off the phone with them - after their photographer bailed on them because of their conservative issues. How's that? Is that libertarian enough?
Kinda irritating that after this long, I'm having to justify my politics to you guys every other day. Call me what you want to, I guess.
To be fair, you did specifically ask me to monitor your posts for cheerleading tendencies. I may have been paying special attention to your posts, which honestly have seemed to move towards the cheerleading side in evaluations and responses, because of that. I freely concede that it may just be a bit of fighting the fire of hysterical responses with a fire of completely contrarian posting. I'll stop if that is your desire.
I know I did. And it's completely fair that you call me out if you think that I'm being a cheerleader.
Just make sure you are ok with getting it back at you. Your skin seems a bit thin at times. Just sayin
Sure thing, cheerleader.
That made me lol. For that, you get this gif of Jennifer Anniston grabbing Kate Hudson's ass.
Best to you JD... too much to deal with in one go.In all honesty, I likely have been pretty thin skinned the last ten days or so. In that period of time:
1. My father-in law wasn't a surprise, but f$&? Alzheimer's still;
2. Made the decision to leave the Catholic Church for how it has been treating my (likely, but not certainly) Gay daughter and begun looking for a new Chirch Home;
3. Dealt with some major league political wranglings at work (successfully, but still draining).
Best to you JD... too much to deal with in one go.
In all honesty, I likely have been pretty thin skinned the last ten days or so. In that period of time:
1. My father-in law wasn't a surprise, but f$&? Alzheimer's still;
2. Made the decision to leave the Catholic Church for how it has been treating my (likely, but not certainly) Gay daughter and begun looking for a new Chirch Home;
3. Dealt with some major league political wranglings at work (successfully, but still draining).
In all honesty, I likely have been pretty thin skinned the last ten days or so. In that period of time:
1. My father-in law wasn't a surprise, but f$&? Alzheimer's still;
2. Made the decision to leave the Catholic Church for how it has been treating my (likely, but not certainly) Gay daughter and begun looking for a new Church Home;
3. Dealt with some major league political wranglings at work (successfully, but still draining).