We lost a giant today.


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
RIP Boone. Made it big from lil ol' Holdenville. You'll be missed.

I appreciated the sports donations, but his medical donations got my respect. Huge humanitarian, compassionate donation. I disagreed with his politics but those health care donations of his pretty much immunized him from any criticism from me.

Also appreciated the chance to catch a peacock bass... in Pampa, TX. Don't know many people that import peacock bass to west texas.
You know you’ve made your mark when, as an 80-something year old, you walk in front of the student section to standing applause from people 60 years younger than you on your way to your seat on the mid court line in GIA.

LOL I noticed it too! I've never seen those kids blow up on someone like that. He's as close as "revered" as you'll find among Okies. The guy was an okie to his bones, so relatable, and always did his own thinking.

One of his gifts was he was such a great communicator. I've known a lot of wealthy, self-made people, and he had a knack for communicating that few people have, including really financially successful people. His ranch was preposterous and awesome and shameful. Just a middle finger to any idea of conservation -- he was pissing away so much scarce water to feed his chain of fishing ponds it was offensive even to the rock rib republicans that accompanied me. But my gawd, what he did with it... It was amazing.

Guy went broke and back many times, multiple wives, hell he tore down a building at the ranch that his ex designed the instant they were divorced and rebuilt. He was such a character.
Inventor of Rustoleum ?

This one's for you, douche-bag:

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My dad met him in the early 80s when he spoke to our local chamber. Never really heard much about him when I was at OU in the later 80s. The Bartlesville people were not terribly fond of him for going after Phillips. Sounds like he was the Donald Trump of Oklahoma. In fact, when I was reading "Art of the Deal" in 1988, a "Bartian" friend of mine (and a Dukakis supporter) lambasted me for paying royalties to "that Boone Pickens type character."
He deserves a statue right infront of the library
May deserve it but won't get it unless they erect a person of color, sys/transgendered creature of some sort. Otherwise it would have to be torn down almost immediately