We do not want Canada

Strange how Dan hasn't mentioned anything on this.
What should I mention? How brilliant it was for our government to cobble together a coalition of Israel, Turkey and ISIS to overthrow Assad so Israel could swallow what portion of Syria it wanted and let ISIS have the rest, the people of Syria be damned, Israel wants their land. What did you think would happen? Have you mentioned how Israel is also slaughtering Syrians?
What should I mention? How brilliant it was for our government to cobble together a coalition of Israel, Turkey and ISIS to overthrow Assad so Israel could swallow what portion of Syria it wanted and let ISIS have the rest, the people of Syria be damned, Israel wants their land. What did you think would happen? Have you mentioned how Israel is also slaughtering Syrians?
Good grief Dan you are being eaten alive by your anti-Semitism. The topic discussed was Muslims killing Christian families and you somehow turn that into another anti Semite rant. Seek help before it eats you alive.
Good grief Dan you are being eaten alive by your anti-Semitism. The topic discussed was Muslims killing Christian families and you somehow turn that into another anti Semite rant. Seek help before it eats you alive.
Good grief, Bearcat, your overindulgence of accusing anyone who disagrees with you about anything Israeli-government related of anti-Semitism has worn as thin as leftists accusing people of racism. The tweet about which we are talking makes no mention of Christians and even if it did it would not absolve the Israelis of their own sins. That’s a topic of Jews murdering Muslims, so I guess that makes it okay in your world, something not to be noticed by polite society.
Good grief, Bearcat, your overindulgence of accusing anyone who disagrees with you about anything Israeli-government related of anti-Semitism has worn as thin as leftists accusing people of racism. The tweet about which we are talking makes no mention of Christians and even if it did it would not absolve the Israelis of their own sins. That’s a topic of Jews murdering Muslims, so I guess that makes it okay in your world, something not to be noticed by polite society.
LMAO, you are the one that brought Israel into the discussion. Strange how Israel is your first thought when Muslims are killing Christian families or those that are not the right kind of Muslim. It's not like these families perpetrated a cowardly attack against innocent unsuspecting people, they were the innocent people.
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LMAO, you are the one that brought Israel into the discussion. Strange how Israel is your first thought when Muslims are killing Christian families or those that are not the right kind of Muslim. It's not like these families perpetrated a cowardly attack against innocent unsuspecting people, they were the innocent people.
As are the ones Israel is murdering. I condemn both murderers. It seems you do not.
I will say as far as protests go, taking up some spots in a parking lot and praying is a pretty tame method. Reminds me a lot of the lunch counter sit ins.
Good grief Dan you are being eaten alive by your anti-Semitism. The topic discussed was Muslims killing Christian families and you somehow turn that into another anti Semite rant. Seek help before it eats you alive.
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What should I mention? How brilliant it was for our government to cobble together a coalition of Israel, Turkey and ISIS to overthrow Assad so Israel could swallow what portion of Syria it wanted and let ISIS have the rest, the people of Syria be damned, Israel wants their land. What did you think would happen? Have you mentioned how Israel is also slaughtering Syrians?
So it’s Israel’s fault that moslems are psychopathic homicidal savages? Are you one of these people who gets a late-in-life spectrum diagnosis?
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What should I mention? How brilliant it was for our government to cobble together a coalition of Israel, Turkey and ISIS to overthrow Assad so Israel could swallow what portion of Syria it wanted and let ISIS have the rest, the people of Syria be damned, Israel wants their land. What did you think would happen? Have you mentioned how Israel is also slaughtering Syrians?
Wow you type out of your ass...a lot.
Sorry Dan, calling me a racist will not work on me. Now would you provide your definition of what innocent people are.
Racist is exactly what you are. Only an unabashed racist would advocate for the extermination of an entire race of people as you have done repeatedly over the last year and a half. I don’t care if my calling you a racist “works” on you. You are a racist.
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Racist is exactly what you are. Only an unabashed racist would advocate for the extermination of an entire race of people as you have done repeatedly over the last year and a half. I don’t care if my calling you a racist “works” on you. You are a racist.
LMAO. My advocation is and always has been peace. Unfortunately the Palestinians refuse to live in peace and choose to commit and celebrate terrorist acts on innocent unsuspecting people. The choice for peace is and always has been on the table for the Palestinians, they have chosen poorly and continue to choose poorly. Those choices have consequences.
LMAO. My advocation is and always has been peace. Unfortunately the Palestinians refuse to live in peace and choose to commit and celebrate terrorist acts on innocent unsuspecting people. The choice for peace is and always has been on the table for the Palestinians, they have chosen poorly and continue to choose poorly. Those choices have consequences.
Brother, from Oct 7th you have wanted Israel to kill "as many Palestinians as it takes, even if it means killing every one of them." In your mind every Palestinian alive wants to have sex with goats and/or their cousins, and without exception every single Palestinian on the planet wakes up in the morning regretting that he/she can't murder Jews. You're a flat out racist. If you tuned your attitude toward American blacks you'd be a leader in the KKK.
Racist is exactly what you are. Only an unabashed racist would advocate for the extermination of an entire race of people as you have done repeatedly over the last year and a half. I don’t care if my calling you a racist “works” on you. You are a racist.
You have gone totally batshit crazy woke. When you are unable to debate based on facts, just call your political opponent racist.

Evidence exists in multiple countries who pushes intimidation, riots, and death across the globe with the invasion of countries via illegal and legal immigration, refusing to assimilate and pushing their religion hard on “nonbelievers”. It is not the Jews.

You are morally and politically bankrupt. Your Palestinian narrative has been destroyed and you so lack introspection you revert to racism. Not surprised, most of us knew you have several screws loose, you are officially a part of the extremist military left.

Back on ignore you go. Each time I check you out you get more radical. Eventually I see you strapping a bomb to yourself for Allah.

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