I agree Hamiti was not the favorite but with O'toole's injuries it was an even match. However, with Dean up by 3 points with 25 or 30 seconds left he was a real favorite and it was very disappointing for him to give up his legs and lose the takedown and then just miss the escape which would have won the match. Hamiti did not wrestle his match and seemed to wrestle very conservative the whole match. Spratley was the big favorite at the end of the match he takes a great shot I'm thinking that all he has to do is grab the body but he misses, gets a leg and he is still in control but loses the leg and loses the match by giving up the takedown. Tagen should have broken away his 1st escape attempt in overtime but did not turn in with strength to escape like he did on the 2nd attempt. He still could win with 15 seconds of riding time but only rode for 11 seconds. Surber got in a scramble situation and got out scrambled by a non-scrambler. He made a bad decision in the scramble and lost. Now my memory of these moves is vague because I did not get replays but I thought we were going to win each of these matches at the end but lost every one of these matches. Any one of these losses would be understandable but all 4. Next day it is not the end of the world but I really want us to catch Penn. St and after last night we are a world away from catching them. 1985 predicted we would continue to grow from mid season and jump levels. After Saturday I thought maybe but yesterday it was clear we have regressed. We have better wrestlers coming in time will tell. Last night did tell us something we are not ready to win consistently big matches neither our wrestlers or coaches. Maybe I will feel different after Nationals or years in the future. I know I felt last night that this is not what I was hoping for, not even close.