Was the fbi involved in January 6 false flag?

Yet another example of his incompetence? You believe him that he now gets it? What else has he learned in the last <checks calendar> 12 months? Has he furthered his work in virology as well? How goes the bleach and bright light therapy project?

I have no doubt a DC outsider would be absolutely shocked with all the corruption and the depths the swamp is willing go to protect their hold on that corruption.
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Not even close to being true
Which of the following best states your hypothesis:
  • DC is hopelessly corrupt because Democrats dominate in elections there and we all know that the secretaries and low-level analysts run the show.
  • Trump was literal lee fighting hand to hand with the DC press every day and could not give fixing the FBI sufficient time and attention to effectuate change.
  • RINOS and Demoncrats used Satanic rituals to confuse Trump and he could never be expected to overcome such institutional resistance in picking a competent Director of the FBI.
They sure whiffed on Russia Russia Russia, no? Pretty sleazy look for the FBI to have been in bed with a presidential campaign. Just sayin.

Name a case the FBI has handled well since they and the intelligence community failed with 9/11? I can't think of a single one. What I have seen is them failing to protect people from school shooters that were on their radar. I've seen the double standard they used with Hillary and her e-mail scandal. I've seen the FBI abuse its power and collude with a political party with the Trump Russia Collusion BS and I've seen how they looked to have entrapped a few idiots in the Whitmer Kidnapping deal. From what I can recall the FBI has had substantially more failure that successes and that is unacceptable.
Which of the following best states your hypothesis:
  • DC is hopelessly corrupt because Democrats dominate in elections there and we all know that the secretaries and low-level analysts run the show.
  • Trump was literal lee fighting hand to hand with the DC press every day and could not give fixing the FBI sufficient time and attention to effectuate change.
  • RINOS and Demoncrats used Satanic rituals to confuse Trump and he could never be expected to overcome such institutional resistance in picking a competent Director of the FBI.

can you pat yourself on the head for me since I’m not there to do it?
Yeah they are. The POTUS is elected to get shit done and has immense authority to do it. A CEO is answerable to the BOD and has a shit ton of restrictions on their ability to make change. Strangely enough, people expect a new POTUS to shake shit up - especially one who ran on a platform of hugely changing things up and draining the swamp.
So Brandon is killing COVID? Or blind eye to that mess? He said he had a plan that he came up with for a whole year before becoming POTUS. I don't think Trump ever had a clue how dirty the FBI has become and how much the dems had let politics infiltrate the department.
Name a case the FBI has handled well since they and the intelligence community failed with 9/11?
How about these:

Greg Allen Henke has been arrested and charged with attempted receipt of child pornography and attempted coercion and enticement of a minor.

Roderick Glenn Houston, Jr., of Oklahoma City, has been sentenced to more than 27 years in federal prison for child sex trafficking.

Roland Cifuentes-Lopez of Oklahoma City has been sentenced to serve more than 24 years in federal prison for child sex trafficking.

Michael Kerry Kendrick and Christa Lynn Glass have been sentenced to serve 15 years in federal prison for conspiring to commit child sex trafficking.

Wilson Gramajo-Maldonado and Eri Leonardo Cifuentes-Lopez of Oklahoma City received 27 years and more than 24 years in prison for child sex trafficking.

Edward Lee Raiburn was sentenced to 30 years in prison, followed by seven years of supervised release, for one count of production of child pornography.

Roderick Glenn Houston, Jr., has been found guilty of child sex trafficking, production of child pornography, and transportation of child pornography.

Mandrell Ray Roberts of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, has been sentenced to 120 months’ imprisonment for two counts of abusive sexual contact in Indian Country.

Carl Ray Smith of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, has been sentenced to 45 months’ imprisonment for abusive sexual contact with a child under 12 years.

Rolando Cifuentes-Lopez and Eri Leonardo Cifuentes-Lopez, both of Oklahoma City, entered guilty pleas to charges of child sex trafficking.

Marvin L. Bishop II of Seminole was sentenced upon his plea of guilty to production of child pornography.

Shelby Summer Brown, a former resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma, pleaded guilty to child sex crimes.

WTF is wrong with you people...
So Brandon is killing COVID? Or blind eye to that mess? He said he had a plan that he came up with for a whole year before becoming POTUS. I don't think Trump ever had a clue how dirty the FBI has become and how much the dems had let politics infiltrate the department.
Brandon is NOT killing it with Covid. Nor with several other things. Brandon has much work to do to earn reelection.
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Thank you. So if 33% doesn't turn it around you cool with Hilldog running again?
Today I am on team Kobuchar as an alternative. I would give Raskin a hard look. Thankfully I have plenty of time to think about that. Oh, and a competent GOP candidate would get a look at as well. Can't really think of one off the top of my head, but I am sure one exists...
How about these:

Greg Allen Henke has been arrested and charged with attempted receipt of child pornography and attempted coercion and enticement of a minor.

Roderick Glenn Houston, Jr., of Oklahoma City, has been sentenced to more than 27 years in federal prison for child sex trafficking.

Roland Cifuentes-Lopez of Oklahoma City has been sentenced to serve more than 24 years in federal prison for child sex trafficking.

Michael Kerry Kendrick and Christa Lynn Glass have been sentenced to serve 15 years in federal prison for conspiring to commit child sex trafficking.

Wilson Gramajo-Maldonado and Eri Leonardo Cifuentes-Lopez of Oklahoma City received 27 years and more than 24 years in prison for child sex trafficking.

Edward Lee Raiburn was sentenced to 30 years in prison, followed by seven years of supervised release, for one count of production of child pornography.

Roderick Glenn Houston, Jr., has been found guilty of child sex trafficking, production of child pornography, and transportation of child pornography.

Mandrell Ray Roberts of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, has been sentenced to 120 months’ imprisonment for two counts of abusive sexual contact in Indian Country.

Carl Ray Smith of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, has been sentenced to 45 months’ imprisonment for abusive sexual contact with a child under 12 years.

Rolando Cifuentes-Lopez and Eri Leonardo Cifuentes-Lopez, both of Oklahoma City, entered guilty pleas to charges of child sex trafficking.

Marvin L. Bishop II of Seminole was sentenced upon his plea of guilty to production of child pornography.

Shelby Summer Brown, a former resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma, pleaded guilty to child sex crimes.

WTF is wrong with you people...
Thank goodness those were handled by real FBI agents in the field and not Barry's Boys.
This is a HIGH energy day for your davey. Testosterone shots?
This is my last working day at Google so there is plenty of time between well wishes calls. That and your inability to articulate a coherent thought have given this board more attention than it deserves.
They sure whiffed on Russia Russia Russia, no? Pretty sleazy look for the FBI to have been in bed with a presidential campaign. Just sayin.
It got him impeached. His campaign manager jailed. Lost the election.

"Whiff" lol. Fox trains the #bornfollowers to pretend inconvenient facts don't exist. They don't cover them, so the BF's think that tactic is legit.
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This is my last working day at Google so there is plenty of time between well wishes calls. That and your inability to articulate a coherent thought have given this board more attention than it deserves.
Whooooooaa.. wut? What's next my man?
It got him impeached. His campaign manager jailed. Lost the election.

"Whiff" lol. Fox trains the #bornfollowers to pretend inconvenient facts don't exist. They don't cover them, so the BF's think that tactic is legit.
It's not surprising that you would white knight the incompetence of Barry's Boys. Losers love losers, shysterkine.
Was January 6th a setup that involved those in the government to create a certain narrative? Lookup the following names (Ray Epps & John Sullivan). Why aren't these people in jail? Here is Marjorie Taylor Greene asking those questions to the press.

Who is Ray Epps?

Why haven't people like Ray Epps (who was very instrumental in getting people to enter the capital) and John Sullivan (who actually went inside the capital with a knife) been prosecuted or jailed for their role on January 6th? Why does the FBI refuse to answer any questions regarding these two characters? Why did Nancy Pelosi tell the National guard to stand down after President Trump requested thousands of troops be at the Capitol on January 6th? Why isn't the mainstream media doing any investigative journalism about what actually happened on January 6th? Here's the video of Ray Epps.

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Who is John Sullivan?

BLM/Antifa Terrorist John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter In D.C. On January 6th 2021

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Who is John Sullivan?

Are you really surprised that troubled loners and fraudsters are drawn to the MAGA movement? @HighStickHarry likely has statistics he could share on how many of his militia members are just there because he represents some kind of daddy figure for them.
How about these:

Greg Allen Henke has been arrested and charged with attempted receipt of child pornography and attempted coercion and enticement of a minor.

Roderick Glenn Houston, Jr., of Oklahoma City, has been sentenced to more than 27 years in federal prison for child sex trafficking.

Roland Cifuentes-Lopez of Oklahoma City has been sentenced to serve more than 24 years in federal prison for child sex trafficking.

Michael Kerry Kendrick and Christa Lynn Glass have been sentenced to serve 15 years in federal prison for conspiring to commit child sex trafficking.

Wilson Gramajo-Maldonado and Eri Leonardo Cifuentes-Lopez of Oklahoma City received 27 years and more than 24 years in prison for child sex trafficking.

Edward Lee Raiburn was sentenced to 30 years in prison, followed by seven years of supervised release, for one count of production of child pornography.

Roderick Glenn Houston, Jr., has been found guilty of child sex trafficking, production of child pornography, and transportation of child pornography.

Mandrell Ray Roberts of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, has been sentenced to 120 months’ imprisonment for two counts of abusive sexual contact in Indian Country.

Carl Ray Smith of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, has been sentenced to 45 months’ imprisonment for abusive sexual contact with a child under 12 years.

Rolando Cifuentes-Lopez and Eri Leonardo Cifuentes-Lopez, both of Oklahoma City, entered guilty pleas to charges of child sex trafficking.

Marvin L. Bishop II of Seminole was sentenced upon his plea of guilty to production of child pornography.

Shelby Summer Brown, a former resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma, pleaded guilty to child sex crimes.

WTF is wrong with you people...
The FBI only works on sex crimes?
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Did you mean senicide?


senilicide (uncountable)
Killing of old people, especially to conserve resources for younger people.​
Did Eskimos put their elderly on ice floes to die?:​
"Where it was practiced, senilicide was rare except during famines."​
Uh huh. And you didn't pay attention to the myriad other interviews where he is all in on Trump.

What on Earth are you talking about? His whole Twitter feed is littered with anti-Trump posts. In the video he laughs about how he bought a Trump hat so he could blend in. Please provide me information where he's a Trump supporter.
Yeah they are. The POTUS is elected to get shit done and has immense authority to do it. A CEO is answerable to the BOD and has a shit ton of restrictions on their ability to make change. Strangely enough, people expect a new POTUS to shake shit up - especially one who ran on a platform of hugely changing things up and draining the swamp.
This is an indictment of our government classes today. No, No, and more no. The POTUS is to execute the laws of congress. That is what he is elected to do. He does not have immense authority to shake things up. He is more limited in his power than congress. Everyone wants a king, and you get a President.
This is an indictment of our government classes today. No, No, and more no. The POTUS is to execute the laws of congress. That is what he is elected to do. He does not have immense authority to shake things up. He is more limited in his power than congress. Everyone wants a king, and you get a President.

today? This clown is over fifty years old.