Want to know why Global elitists....


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Hate Russia? Yes that's the elite DC from the good ole trusted USA also. Russia isn't trying to invade Ukraine- watch this interview in the SGT report with Mr Harley Schlanger from Germany- this guys is AMAZING on his knowledge- most on here will get some head spin age from it- it's a must watch for understanding why our news keeps throwing Russia at us
BlinKen is a total twit- the fact he's doing anything on our behalf is scary.

Don't buy into the "Russia is bad" hoax-
The central banking system that makes so much money off of wars and the west borrowing from them is scared Russia (and China) will end involvement with them and ruin the corrupt central banking system.

NATO is being the aggressor wanting to make Russia out to be bad. People need to learn the bad apples are the central bankers,
Rich global elite - they fund both sides of wars and make trillions off the interest.

Don't fall for these war mongers And their media- if we go to war with Russia its game over with the Nukes- F Pedo Joe and the global rich dummies who think we're all subjects to them

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