Wall Street Journal Poll


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Aug 7, 2001
Upper Arlington, OH
Hillary has a comfortable 8-9 point lead over every single Republican candidate except Rand Paul. She only has a 3-point lead over Rand.

Rand will beat her straight-up. He will absolutely destroy her in debates if he gets the nomination. I work with a lot of young, liberal-minded folks and a surprising large number of them love Rand Paul.
Team him up with Fiorina as VP.

Raise your hand if you're excited about the Anti-Libertarian candidate (that comes straight out of is own mouth), Mike Huckabee, announcing!
Hillary has a comfortable 8-9 point lead over every single Republican candidate except Rand Paul. She only has a 3-point lead over Rand.

Rand will beat her straight-up. He will absolutely destroy her in debates if he gets the nomination. I work with a lot of young, liberal-minded folks and a surprising large number of them love Rand Paul.

I saw that poll as well. I just don't see him making it through the primaries. Really hope I'm wrong though.
The GOP, the Democrats, and the media are already working extremely hard to marginalize Rand Paul. I've seen several articles that don't even list him as a candidate. It wouldn't shock me to see him not even be invited to debates. Rand may be polling well but that will change as we get closer and they pin him with the looney tune tag because none of them want anything that isn't the status quo. Reform is a threat and any candidate who discusses real reform needs to be eliminated regardless of if they would actually be able to accomplish it. There are a lot of people that think he is just saying the right things to get elected and once in office he'd start reversing executive orders, aboloshing unconsitutional cabinets, become an "isolationist" etc.

@JonnyVito has just as good a chance at getting elected as Rand Paul
Well I am only 31 so he has a slight advantage over me this election but the next one look out.