WALK AWAY movement


MegaPoke is insane
Jul 31, 2014
Parts Unknown
That first photo is me the night the DNC committed treason and handed their primary to someone who didn't win. They stole my money and my vote (my only voice ingovernment.) They stole my time.. lots of it.. that I spent going door to door in the first election I ever cared about.


I believed in Bernie so much that I painted his portrait and sent it to him. I had considered myself a democrat since I was in the 8th grade. (I'm now 42.)


When Bernie got screwed, I made all kinds of memes calling out HRC and Trump and begging people (particularly hateful liberals) to vote for Jill. Maybe if we got a strong third party...?

The night before the election, I called up the Trump campaign and wished them luck. I told them I wasn't voting for him, but I was watching the MSM lie about him in the same way they had lied about Bernie.

That next photo is of me in the legal zone outside the polling place. So many people didn't want to vote for the two main candidates. I urged them to vote for Jill.


Trump won, I laughed at bawling Hillary supporters and told them "I'd cry with you, but I'm all out of tears," and I shared the first photo of me crying when the DNC stole my vote.

Then I watched the DNC go on a total McCarthy esque witch hunt. They jumped the shark with their nonsense. And the more lies they told, the clearer it became to me.

One night my boyfriend was listening to a YouTube channel I had always strongly disagreed with and got really angry about. He said he wanted to listen to the arguments from "the other side." I started giving "the other side" a listen to on a handful of YouTube channels. I unfollowed the Young Turks and became a witness to more MSM lies, this time about the independent media I had begun listening to. It was about a year in the process, but I came to realize I'm actually not liberal. I'm Libertarian - Conservative.


It's crazy how much my stress level has dropped now that I'm not lying to myself every day. I can look at all these liberal trolls and laugh because I used to be one. I was so full of hate and nastiness, as much as I claimed to be open minded and loving.

In Trump's economy, business is booming. I have a savings. We are watching our money grow.

I'm a Trump supporter. I'm very excited to vote for him in 2020. On top of that, I'm a Christian Vegan. When I'm exercising my freedom of speech with a liberal, I love adding the hashtag #ChristianVegansForTrump at the end of my comments and waiting for the response. It always takes awhile before they reply in a total meltdown. They don't know which part of me to hate most!

The last photo is of me and my boyfriend on the fourth. He's actually had a similar political experience to mine.


I'm so glad I finally woke the hell up.

Sarah Elaineto#WalkAway Campaign
That first photo is me the night the DNC committed treason and handed their primary to someone who didn't win. They stole my money and my vote (my only voice ingovernment.) They stole my time.. lots of it.. that I spent going door to door in the first election I ever cared about.


I believed in Bernie so much that I painted his portrait and sent it to him. I had considered myself a democrat since I was in the 8th grade. (I'm now 42.)


When Bernie got screwed, I made all kinds of memes calling out HRC and Trump and begging people (particularly hateful liberals) to vote for Jill. Maybe if we got a strong third party...?

The night before the election, I called up the Trump campaign and wished them luck. I told them I wasn't voting for him, but I was watching the MSM lie about him in the same way they had lied about Bernie.

That next photo is of me in the legal zone outside the polling place. So many people didn't want to vote for the two main candidates. I urged them to vote for Jill.


Trump won, I laughed at bawling Hillary supporters and told them "I'd cry with you, but I'm all out of tears," and I shared the first photo of me crying when the DNC stole my vote.

Then I watched the DNC go on a total McCarthy esque witch hunt. They jumped the shark with their nonsense. And the more lies they told, the clearer it became to me.

One night my boyfriend was listening to a YouTube channel I had always strongly disagreed with and got really angry about. He said he wanted to listen to the arguments from "the other side." I started giving "the other side" a listen to on a handful of YouTube channels. I unfollowed the Young Turks and became a witness to more MSM lies, this time about the independent media I had begun listening to. It was about a year in the process, but I came to realize I'm actually not liberal. I'm Libertarian - Conservative.


It's crazy how much my stress level has dropped now that I'm not lying to myself every day. I can look at all these liberal trolls and laugh because I used to be one. I was so full of hate and nastiness, as much as I claimed to be open minded and loving.

In Trump's economy, business is booming. I have a savings. We are watching our money grow.

I'm a Trump supporter. I'm very excited to vote for him in 2020. On top of that, I'm a Christian Vegan. When I'm exercising my freedom of speech with a liberal, I love adding the hashtag #ChristianVegansForTrump at the end of my comments and waiting for the response. It always takes awhile before they reply in a total meltdown. They don't know which part of me to hate most!

The last photo is of me and my boyfriend on the fourth. He's actually had a similar political experience to mine.


I'm so glad I finally woke the hell up.

Sarah Elaineto#WalkAway Campaign
Oh yeah.
That's beautiful.
Smart lady. It's amazing what the country actually looks like through your own lens instead of using the one the Democrats try to force on people by Alinsky fear, smear, sneer and jeer tactics.

Trump using the left's tactics on them is one of best political moves in modern history.
Pamela McCoyto#WalkAway Campaign


I am a proud Trump supporter but I admit I wasn't always. In fact, I voted for Johnson last election because I wasn't happy with either of the other two options. I've always considered myself a moderate and vote for whichever candidate I believed would either do the best or the least harm for our country. I was afraid Trump would put our country at war with N. Korea, Russia, China or Iran.

I was so wrong about Trump. Thankfully Trump won. I can't imagine the state of where our country would be now if Hillary had been elected. We would no doubt be squarely falling down the Globalist worm hole, the Constitution would have been dismantled and our great country would be invaded by marauding hordes from every third world country available.

Thank God cooler heads prevailed and that our founding fathers developed a Constitution that was strong enough to withstand the left's continuous attempts at converting us to socialism.

That first photo is me the night the DNC committed treason and handed their primary to someone who didn't win. They stole my money and my vote (my only voice ingovernment.) They stole my time.. lots of it.. that I spent going door to door in the first election I ever cared about.


I believed in Bernie so much that I painted his portrait and sent it to him. I had considered myself a democrat since I was in the 8th grade. (I'm now 42.)


When Bernie got screwed, I made all kinds of memes calling out HRC and Trump and begging people (particularly hateful liberals) to vote for Jill. Maybe if we got a strong third party...?

The night before the election, I called up the Trump campaign and wished them luck. I told them I wasn't voting for him, but I was watching the MSM lie about him in the same way they had lied about Bernie.

That next photo is of me in the legal zone outside the polling place. So many people didn't want to vote for the two main candidates. I urged them to vote for Jill.


Trump won, I laughed at bawling Hillary supporters and told them "I'd cry with you, but I'm all out of tears," and I shared the first photo of me crying when the DNC stole my vote.

Then I watched the DNC go on a total McCarthy esque witch hunt. They jumped the shark with their nonsense. And the more lies they told, the clearer it became to me.

One night my boyfriend was listening to a YouTube channel I had always strongly disagreed with and got really angry about. He said he wanted to listen to the arguments from "the other side." I started giving "the other side" a listen to on a handful of YouTube channels. I unfollowed the Young Turks and became a witness to more MSM lies, this time about the independent media I had begun listening to. It was about a year in the process, but I came to realize I'm actually not liberal. I'm Libertarian - Conservative.


It's crazy how much my stress level has dropped now that I'm not lying to myself every day. I can look at all these liberal trolls and laugh because I used to be one. I was so full of hate and nastiness, as much as I claimed to be open minded and loving.

In Trump's economy, business is booming. I have a savings. We are watching our money grow.

I'm a Trump supporter. I'm very excited to vote for him in 2020. On top of that, I'm a Christian Vegan. When I'm exercising my freedom of speech with a liberal, I love adding the hashtag #ChristianVegansForTrump at the end of my comments and waiting for the response. It always takes awhile before they reply in a total meltdown. They don't know which part of me to hate most!

The last photo is of me and my boyfriend on the fourth. He's actually had a similar political experience to mine.


I'm so glad I finally woke the hell up.

Sarah Elaineto#WalkAway Campaign


I admit, I started that first paragraph thinking "And for this reason, I'm out...."
Waiting for certain posters to show up to explain that these people are all Nazis, Russian Agents, KKK White Nationalists, possibly secret reverse vampires, or an elaborate hoax. Maybe all of the above.

They read the many threads like this, weep, wipe their snot and tears, sniffle, take a deep breath, and post some sort of unintelligible reply.