Virginia leadership scandal

I think he is just an incredible dumbass that wants to take a really strong pro abortion stance and isn’t quite smart enough to know when to stop. This same dumbassary is responsible for his not knowing how to answer questions about his past (that shouldn’t really even be asked).
I agree with you, but don’t think that’s necessarily mutually exclusive from what I posited above.
Trump is going to feast on this on Tuesday most likely.

All 17,388 of his supporters will surely be turned in.

I found part of this interview with Robert Byrd WVA Democratic Senator (retired) the hell did he get away with that?

He turned away from it. Said he was wrong, asked forgiveness. He then quit voting like a bigot and tried to help blacks with his legislation. Hell he wasn't just forgiven, he was loved! Most of his counterparts just flipped their tag around to "Republican."

Most on the right want him out because he wants to butcher babies.

I hope if someone's gonna kill me and you know it you do something besides wait for the next election cycle to vote for someone that agrees with you.
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All 17,388 of his supporters will surely be turned in.

He turned away from it. Said he was wrong, asked forgiveness. He then quit voting like a bigot and tried to help blacks with his legislation. Hell he wasn't just forgiven, he was loved! Most of his counterparts just flipped their tag around to "Republican."

I hope if someone's gonna kill me and you know it you do something besides wait for the next election cycle to vote for someone that agrees with you.
Yeh. Sounds like that’s happening, doesn’t it smart guy? You literally just proved my point.
Hip-O-Crits ;)

You don't get it at all. It wasn't Republican's who enacted today's PC standard. I speak for many who would gladly look past 30 year old actions. However, Dems have previously applied the standard blackface=resignation. Hypocrisy would be walking back that standard now that one of your own (in a very purple state) got caught in the same vice.
You don't get it at all. It wasn't Republican's who enacted today's PC standard. I speak for many who would gladly look past 30 year old actions. However, Dems have previously applied the standard blackface=resignation. Hypocrisy would be walking back that standard now that one of your own (in a very purple state) got caught in the same vice.

It's just impolite to complain about their stupid game and yet make them play by their own rules. I guess.
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Gov - infanticide controversy and then blackface photo
Lt Gov - sexual assault allegations
AG - admits to blackface

Yikes at the chain of command in VA right now.
Disgusting racists and sexual abusers the left loves to prop up in their party.