Virginia leadership scandal

Yearbook should not be used to take someone down. Didn’t like it with Kavanaugh. Judge him for who he is now and he’s a person okay with killing a baby in third trimester and beyond. That’s enough for me.
Agree, but too late. The left created this bullshit, deal with it.

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This is a HOF, all-timer:

I personally don’t give a shit what anyone did in high school but these assholes set the standard and they need to feel the consequences.

To hell with what anyone did in high school, I/DBros are having bad flashbacks from the Fox, Forty North and The Village in Dallas. Thank gawd for anonymity back then!:eek:
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Except this wasn't even high school. Medical school yearbook. He was 25 years old and no longer some kid.
The irony is rich on these types of deals, but it’s a slippery slope when you start to expect perfection from people their entire lives. I doubt there is anyone on this board that hasn’t made a cringeworthy decision in his or her youth.

Also doesn’t seem to be any room for redemption or mind change. I mean no one ever holds a value, or opinion, at a point in time that gets changed due to further study or enlightenment - do they? We’re all fully formed from the womb.