Viable Centrist Third Party?

oh you like to discuss specifics now after years of running away from me? Eat a dick.

if you go back and answer the dozens of questions you’ve ignored then I might respond.

Maybe if someone respectable asks me the same question, I might do some googling.
We're still waiting to her about his self announced white privilege and who is doing the killing in Chicago.
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I think the responses in this thread answer your question pretty clearly.

There isn’t a chance in hell of it happening on our lifetimes.

Nevertheless, the Republic will survive.
If anything does kill it, it will be the elites at the top of the two parties. It won’t be the regular people that pay the bills that cause the downfall
@Red Phoenix maybe you support blm because you don’t get all the information.

I disagree with those comments. I understand also the place from where those comments are coming from. As was stated, "Being Black in DC is more dangerous than any job." That sadly, is true.

I don't think the comments help BLM and insteads, provides opportunity for their political opponents to attack them and score political points. Their important message is lost when they go too far with these types of comments.

You aren't going to see me defend everything BLM, or any other group for that matter, does. I've already stated that I don't always agree with every action by BLM.
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Already have one and it is the GOP. Well over half of the party in office is made up of what would be considered moderate democrats 10-20 years ago. There are very few moderate democrats in the democratic party. The democratic party has gone beyond left while the GOP is far less conservative than portrayed. Look at the leadership of each party. George W was a Rino, McConnell is a Rino, Ryan was a Rino, Kevin McCarthy (iffy), Boehner (enough said)...The list goes on and on. Democratic leadership speaks for itself. They cave to the progressives to the point that it is out of control with little hope of getting back to the middle anytime soon.
The Republican Party is not a third-party or a centrist party. It appeases the extremes in the party just as Democrats do.

Both parties have centrists, I don't disagree with you on that. But very often, those centrists are attacked by the extremes as not "pure" enough. Like you did by calling some Republicans RINOs. You don't even think they are real Republicans. Democrats do the same thing.
Can you provide examples and counterexamples to your assertion that the ACLU is anti-Christian?
The bottom line on this issue is this: there is no prayer in public schools today because of Supreme Court ruling in a case where the ACLU provided the legal support for someone trying to end school sponsored prayer. That’s the reality. Public schools now have a “moment of silence“ that most students have no clue for the reason that they are silent. There is even a case from Seattle that a school district ORDERED a coach NOT to pray on the field after games. When he refused, he was fired. What played a large part for this type of push back against prayer in relation to use of it is school? The ACLU.

It used to be people who did NOT take part in school who may have been “pressured” to do so. Now it’s the people who DO pray that are being discriminated against. I’ll be waiting to see if the ACLU comes to defend those, but I won’t hold my breath.

By the way, it was also the ACLU who supported a case to make a judge remove the Ten Commandments from his chambers because someone said it state sponsored religion. It was also the ACLU that gave legal assistance to a case that forced government buildings - including schools - to stop putting up nativity scenes and other Christmas “decorations” because they say it favored one religion over others. And while it might be a case-by-case thing, it certainly intimated many places to not put those things up out of fear of being sued.

All of those things have led to no longer saying things like “Christmas Break” but instead saying “Winter Break” to the holidays.

But I’m sure your response will be that we have to have “equity” and be “inclusive” - the typical woke crowd buzz words.
The bottom line on this issue is this: there is no prayer in public schools today because of Supreme Court ruling in a case where the ACLU provided the legal support for someone trying to end school sponsored prayer. That’s the reality. Public schools now have a “moment of silence“ that most students have no clue for the reason that they are silent. There is even a case from Seattle that a school district ORDERED a coach NOT to pray on the field after games. When he refused, he was fired. What played a large part for this type of push back against prayer in relation to use of it is school? The ACLU.

It used to be people who did NOT take part in school who may have been “pressured” to do so. Now it’s the people who DO pray that are being discriminated against. I’ll be waiting to see if the ACLU comes to defend those, but I won’t hold my breath.

By the way, it was also the ACLU who supported a case to make a judge remove the Ten Commandments from his chambers because someone said it state sponsored religion. It was also the ACLU that gave legal assistance to a case that forced government buildings - including schools - to stop putting up nativity scenes and other Christmas “decorations” because they say it favored one religion over others. And while it might be a case-by-case thing, it certainly intimated many places to not put those things up out of fear of being sued.

All of those things have led to no longer saying things like “Christmas Break” but instead saying “Winter Break” to the holidays.

But I’m sure your response will be that we have to have “equity” and be “inclusive” - the typical woke crowd buzz words.
There is still pray in public schools, just not forced prayer. And a moment of silence honors the religions beliefs of all and allows people to pray according to their faith.

We should not be forcing anyone in schools to pray to a God they don't believe in. We believe in religious freedom and separation of church and state in this country. We don't have a state religion that all most pay homage to.
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The bottom line on this issue is this: there is no prayer in public schools today because of Supreme Court ruling in a case where the ACLU provided the legal support for someone trying to end school sponsored prayer. That’s the reality. Public schools now have a “moment of silence“ that most students have no clue for the reason that they are silent. There is even a case from Seattle that a school district ORDERED a coach NOT to pray on the field after games. When he refused, he was fired. What played a large part for this type of push back against prayer in relation to use of it is school? The ACLU.

It used to be people who did NOT take part in school who may have been “pressured” to do so. Now it’s the people who DO pray that are being discriminated against. I’ll be waiting to see if the ACLU comes to defend those, but I won’t hold my breath.

By the way, it was also the ACLU who supported a case to make a judge remove the Ten Commandments from his chambers because someone said it state sponsored religion. It was also the ACLU that gave legal assistance to a case that forced government buildings - including schools - to stop putting up nativity scenes and other Christmas “decorations” because they say it favored one religion over others. And while it might be a case-by-case thing, it certainly intimated many places to not put those things up out of fear of being sued.

All of those things have led to no longer saying things like “Christmas Break” but instead saying “Winter Break” to the holidays.

But I’m sure your response will be that we have to have “equity” and be “inclusive” - the typical woke crowd buzz words.

"They won't let me force kids to pray to my God how I think they should, so I'm the victim."
That’s the reality. Public schools now have a “moment of silence“ that most students have no clue for the reason that they are silent.
Do you have children?

If so, when they were in school (of if they are now), would you support the local school forcing them to stop their schoolwork and pray facing Mecca?
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There is still pray in public schools, just not forced prayer. And a moment of silence honors the religions beliefs of all and allows people to pray according to their faith.

We should not be forcing anyone in schools to pray to a God they don't believe in. We believe in religious freedom and separation of church and state in this country. We don't have a state religion that all most pay homage to.
Dude, I’ve taught for nearly 30 years. I think I’d know. Do you teach or work in schools? Are you in the classroom when they do this? If not, just how do you come to your conclusion that “there is still prayer in public schools,” because in my experience - 10 schools in those nearly 30 years - the only time i see kids praying is right before they take one of my tests (last part is in blue).

And, by the way, this “moment of silence” we give students? It usually lasts about 10 seconds. Not much time to even get in a full sentence in that little time.
Do you have children?

If so, when they were in school (of if they are now), would you support the local school forcing them to stop their schoolwork and pray facing Mecca?
You need to go back and check out Engel v. Vital, the case were the very liberal Warren Court issued the decision in this case. The students were not forced to take part in the prayer, the plantiffs just disagreed with the prayer. The prayer in question began with “Almighty God.” Last i checked, Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe that there is a God.
Dude, I’ve taught for nearly 30 years. I think I’d know. Do you teach or work in schools? Are you in the classroom when they do this? If not, just how do you come to your conclusion that “there is still prayer in public schools,” because in my experience - 10 schools in those nearly 30 years - the only time i see kids praying is right before they take one of my tests (last part is in blue).

And, by the way, this “moment of silence” we give students? It usually lasts about 10 seconds. Not much time to even get in a full sentence in that little time.
Yes, I am currently an elementary school teacher. Have also taught high school and middle school. And I've seen students praying silently during moment of silences and I've also seen groups of students gathering to pray at school. I pray too at school and I've never had anyone ask me to stop. If I was forcing students to pray with me though, I would fully expect to be told to stop. Rightfully so.

I will admit that in elementary schools, especially with the younger grades, the moment of silence is just a great moment of peace for us teachers haha!
I disagree with those comments. I understand also the place from where those comments are coming from. As was stated, "Being Black in DC is more dangerous than any job." That sadly, is true.

I don't think the comments help BLM and insteads, provides opportunity for their political opponents to attack them and score political points. Their important message is lost when they go too far with these types of comments.

You aren't going to see me defend everything BLM, or any other group for that matter, does. I've already stated that I don't always agree with every action by BLM.

being black in dc is dangerous? It’s literally a gigantic concentration of liberals. Why would blacks have anything to fear when surrounded by liberals?
If anything does kill it, it will be the elites at the top of the two parties. It won’t be the regular people that pay the bills that cause the downfall

No, it’ll be the regular people that don’t see through and reject the messaging of the extremes from both sides of the two parties (including their own party) that will be responsible.

But I have faith in the common man and women....despite shit shows like this board. Ha.
You need to go back and check out Engel v. Vital, the case were the very liberal Warren Court issued the decision in this case. The students were not forced to take part in the prayer, the plantiffs just disagreed with the prayer. The prayer in question began with “Almighty God.” Last i checked, Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe that there is a God.
What about those Americans who don't believe in any God?

Again though, would you support your children in a local school being forced to pray facing Mecca? Simple yes or no is all that is needed.
No, it’ll be the regular people that don’t see through and reject the messaging of the extremes from both sides of the two parties (including their own party) that will be responsible.

But I have faith in the common man and women....despite shit shows like this board. Ha.
I've seriously considered starting a party called "The Common Sensers." The platform will be what makes the most sense. No more lobbyists or grifters.
What about those Americans who don't believe in any God?

Again though, would you support your children in a local school being forced to pray facing Mecca? Simple yes or no is all that is needed.
They didn’t have to participate. That’s the thing. You said they were being forced to pray, but that’s not what the plaintiffs argued. They said that just having their children hear the prayer made them feel pressured to take part. So perception became reality.

But that wasn't good enough for the ACLU and the atheists to just not have to take part. These people who brought up this lawsuit in Engel v. Vitale were not okay with just not participating in the prayer; they wanted those who were praying to be forced to have to stop.

That’s the typical liberal MO: don’t just be happy getting to do what you want, stop the other side from getting to do what it wants to do.

Oh, and my the way, Engel was the founding member of the New York ACLU, which gets us back to the original thought in the thread, that the ACLU has ledthe way in attacking Christians / Christianity.
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They didn’t have to participate.
But it was a prescribed government written prayer. It violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. That is why the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional, in a 6-1 decision.

What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" and the "separation of state and church" do you struggle with?

Again too, would you support your children in a local school being forced to pray facing Mecca?
But it was a prescribed government written prayer. It violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. That is why the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional, in a 6-1 decision.

What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" and the "separation of state and church" do you struggle with?

Again too, would you support your children in a local school being forced to pray facing Mecca?
Did you miss the part where i said that these students were NOT FORCED to pray the school prayer. Which answers your question about my children. I would not want them to be forced to pray an Islamic prayer, but these students whose parents brought the lawsuit against the state were not being forced to pray, which makes your question moot.

Also, the prayer that was said was about as generic a prayer as you could get. It could apply to any monotheistic religion. AND IT WAS NOT FORCED UPON ANYONE WHO DIDN’T WANT TO SAY IT. No one was disciplined if they did not say it. The lawsuit came about because they plaintiffs wanted to get rid of the prayer, not because they were penalized/disciplined for not saying it.
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I've seriously considered starting a party called "The Common Sensers." The platform will be what makes the most sense. No more lobbyists or grifters.

Modern Whig Party.

Short on particular platform positions beyond “let us cooperate and reason together in good faith”.

It’s went nowhere as a party, but I do like the idea. It’s now a moderate think tank, policy consultant non-profit.
Which answers your question about my children. I would not want them to be forced to pray an Islamic prayer,
Thank you.

but these students whose parents brought the lawsuit against the state were not being forced to pray, which makes your question moot.

Also, the prayer that was said was about as generic a prayer as you could get. It could apply to any monotheistic religion. AND IT WAS NOT FORCED UPON ANYONE WHO DIDN’T WANT TO SAY IT. No one was disciplined if they did not say it.
And again, read carefully . . .

But it was a prescribed government written prayer. It violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Modern Whig Party.

Short on particular platform positions beyond “let us cooperate and reason together in good faith”.

It’s went nowhere as a party, but I do like the idea. It’s now a moderate think tank, policy consultant non-profit.
I could give a ton of input into the platform. That said, I know you'd have plenty of disagreements and concerns. That's where we say, "what's the best thing for the most people (hint... eff off extremists from both sides)" and that's how we do policy. Govern for the 90% and the extremists can starve.

Yeah, complete fantasy, but the concept shouldn't be that foreign. But that's where this political polarization BS has gotten us.

Thanks for your reply. I hope you're doing well.
Dude, I’ve taught for nearly 30 years. I think I’d know. Do you teach or work in schools? Are you in the classroom when they do this? If not, just how do you come to your conclusion that “there is still prayer in public schools,” because in my experience - 10 schools in those nearly 30 years - the only time i see kids praying is right before they take one of my tests (last part is in blue).

And, by the way, this “moment of silence” we give students? It usually lasts about 10 seconds. Not much time to even get in a full sentence in that little time.
There absolutely is prayer in schools. Before every test and any time Suzie is late.
Did you miss the part where i said that these students were NOT FORCED to pray the school prayer. Which answers your question about my children. I would not want them to be forced to pray an Islamic prayer, but these students whose parents brought the lawsuit against the state were not being forced to pray, which makes your question moot.

Also, the prayer that was said was about as generic a prayer as you could get. It could apply to any monotheistic religion. AND IT WAS NOT FORCED UPON ANYONE WHO DIDN’T WANT TO SAY IT. No one was disciplined if they did not say it. The lawsuit came about because they plaintiffs wanted to get rid of the prayer, not because they were penalized/disciplined for not saying it.
Is your beef more with the Constitution than the ACLU? Seems like it might be.
oh you like to discuss specifics now after years of running away from me? Eat a dick.

if you go back and answer the dozens of questions you’ve ignored then I might respond.

Maybe if someone respectable asks me the same question, I might do some googling.
That's what I thought. You got nothing. As usual.
Have you actually looked at the public opinion numbers on abortion yourself or did you let Maddow tell you?
Have you?

Have you?

Chuckle. You're so fragile. I see why your kids cried about a presidential election.

Let's break this graph down, shall we?

Which line is higher, davie? And which of those lines represents the position of people on the left?
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Chuckle. You're so fragile. I see why your kids cried about a presidential election.

Let's break this graph down, shall we?

Which line is higher, davie? And which of those lines represents the position of people on the left?
Umm, the two lines that start with the word "legal"? Anything else I can interpret for you?
Umm, the two lines that start with the word "legal"? Anything else I can interpret for you?
Which line is higher, davie? This one is very easy. You just have to type it out. Don't bitch out on such a simple question.

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