US Report Finds No Direct Foreign Interference in 2018 Vote

Duh, you think? Lol. One of the biggest fake news stories of the last decade by the Corporate Media and people actually lap it up.

Coats said the intelligence community did find a continuation of previously disclosed "influence activities" and "messaging campaigns" by countries such as Russia, China and Iran ahead of the election.

“influence activities” notwithstanding

who the eff actually owns the alphabet news?
who runs the alphabet news?

impartial journalists who tell the story?

upon this report

why does no scope mueller have a job?

we still in gather the facts and let truth reign mode?

like the kavanaugh situation?

ya my boy is right on the verge of getting popped

muellers up to what 40M?

wonder what freakin socialist groupthink apparatchik ocasio corteztard thinks we could do with that money?

america should be so proud

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