UNREAL: Federal Elections Commission Votes to Allow Foreigners to Fund Local US Ballot Initiatives and Congressional Redistricting Efforts


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

I keep waffling when see shit like this….I actually don’t think any money from outside any district that is voting for local, state or national offices should be allowed. Same for ballot initiatives. If your too stupid, lame or lazy to fundraiser from the district you’ll represent then you shouldn’t be representing that district.

are we headed for Balkanization, States Convention or outright civil war……? That unelected bureaucraTVs can make these types of decisigns in the dark of night is a horrible testament as too how utterly corrupt the whole system is. My new motto “Give me local control, or give me death.”
Gillibrand and Cruz have already taken steps to correct it. Should be the easiest thing in the world for both parties to agree on.

But we’ll see…….


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