Yes, the Nazi battalion that report to a Jew. Makes perfect sense. Jesus, you go down stupid YouTube and Internet rabbit holes and think you’re smarter for it—as opposed to being susceptible to misinformation that renders you a pro-Kremlin sycophant.
It’s really as simple as Putin is a ruthless dictator and he set off a ground war of aggression in Europe. That isn’t good. Our European allies (or former allies before Trump torched the US global reputation) recognize that this cannot stand.
You side with Russia, while the entire post-1945 world order is under siege. I would imagine that leaving NATO is next on the “America First” hit list, which will shrink the US’s global influence and further render us a weaker nation. People like you said the same things in the early days of World War II and sided with Hitler, just as you side with Putin now. You cannot appease ruthless dictators.
Now, get back to suckin that Trump D, you worthless little sycophant.