I was talking just yesterday to my coworker about this very thing. He's from communist Yugoslavia. He's a Croat. He was also a war refugee from the Bosnian war. Escaped to Germany and became a German citizen. Eventually migrated to America and is now an American citizen. He said why the rest of the world hates America and he said it pretty eloquently.
Americans are taught that we can be anything we want to be. As such, we think we can do anything. That comes across as arrogant to others who aren't taught that. They are what they are allowed to become, and that's all they'll ever be. So they don't strive to be more.
Consequently we have more pride. Pride in ourselves, our country, and well... pretty much anything we do. It's America's pride that they hate. So when we have a parade and show the world what all we've accomplished they see it as arrogant and bullying. It isn't. But that's the world's perception of it.
But then again, he followed that up to point out what major invention has happened in the past 50 years that didn't come from America? It's this thought that we have as Americans that allows us to do all the things we do. If the rest of the world doesn't appreciate it, that's on them.