Trump's July 4th extravaganza is a waste of money---tribute to himself

Thank you. But if a democrat had done this parade you would be screaming the loudest.
Bullshit. No Democrat would do it because they hate the US just like you third world fart sniffers do. The apology tour was over on January 20, 2017. Tough shit.

Most of us would love for the Democrats to express any sentiment of pride in their country and America first. As it stands, we have Democratic Party retards campaigning in Mexico and for illegal aliens.
US or no other country including India and Pakistan would want war between these rivals. That war would destroy S Asia,
I could name five on fbi 10 most wanted list who were caught years after even though they never left the US.
Pakistan's prime minister is meeting Trump in July,we are playing a major role in helping you to bring your boys back home.
Being a thirld world country we would take help from any major country to get us back on track.
But so is the continued pursuit of the Russia investigation and his tax returns.

I dont think I ever said that I was here to learn about american culture I was in america for 10 years and my first wife was american I have two children who are american.
That is why I am so concerned about the US.
Military parades are for countries who dont have anything else to show to their masses.
You are the worlds strongest country and what are you showing the world abrams tanks which went out of production in 1957.
Ostated you are smarter than that.
So the whole "explain to me the differences in conservatives and liberals so I can better understand" stuff either didn't happen or was a ruse (troll)?

If you are an example of an honest Pakistani then it's no wonder your country is a shit hole.
Thank you. But if a democrat had done this parade you would be screaming the loudest.
If President Obama would have done this I would have given him the biggest high five this planet has ever seen. It's Independence Day, we shoot off fireworks, eat hot dogs, and get a sunburn by the pool/lake/river.

May I ask what you think the difference is between a fly over by a B52 or F16s at a College Football Game and including tanks in a celebratory parade? That celebratory parade commemorating winning your independence through force by the way...

Also, if you asked my opinion on fly-overs and parades, do I think the US goes overboard sometimes? Yea, probably. Is it a waste of money? In some occasions. But you cannot argue it isn't really freaking cool.
I was talking just yesterday to my coworker about this very thing. He's from communist Yugoslavia. He's a Croat. He was also a war refugee from the Bosnian war. Escaped to Germany and became a German citizen. Eventually migrated to America and is now an American citizen. He said why the rest of the world hates America and he said it pretty eloquently.

Americans are taught that we can be anything we want to be. As such, we think we can do anything. That comes across as arrogant to others who aren't taught that. They are what they are allowed to become, and that's all they'll ever be. So they don't strive to be more.

Consequently we have more pride. Pride in ourselves, our country, and well... pretty much anything we do. It's America's pride that they hate. So when we have a parade and show the world what all we've accomplished they see it as arrogant and bullying. It isn't. But that's the world's perception of it.

But then again, he followed that up to point out what major invention has happened in the past 50 years that didn't come from America? It's this thought that we have as Americans that allows us to do all the things we do. If the rest of the world doesn't appreciate it, that's on them.
I think Trump is doing this parade because of his comments about " shit hole countries"
he was so embarrassed that he wants to show us that US is one of them.

credibility shot

you came to this board bearing
good intentions of political conversation from a different viewpoint

and have now arrived to the point of pissing on us and telling us it’s raining

who reads your self expose and thinks more people of your ilk need to infiltrate our nation?

who reads illhan omar’s un-american vitriol and thinks we need more people of your ilk in our congress?

trump sees you for what you are and has the guts to call a spade a spade

stick to making pakistan great again
she needs the help
I was talking just yesterday to my coworker about this very thing. He's from communist Yugoslavia. He's a Croat. He was also a war refugee from the Bosnian war. Escaped to Germany and became a German citizen. Eventually migrated to America and is now an American citizen. He said why the rest of the world hates America and he said it pretty eloquently.

Americans are taught that we can be anything we want to be. As such, we think we can do anything. That comes across as arrogant to others who aren't taught that. They are what they are allowed to become, and that's all they'll ever be. So they don't strive to be more.

Consequently we have more pride. Pride in ourselves, our country, and well... pretty much anything we do. It's America's pride that they hate. So when we have a parade and show the world what all we've accomplished they see it as arrogant and bullying. It isn't. But that's the world's perception of it.

But then again, he followed that up to point out what major invention has happened in the past 50 years that didn't come from America? It's this thought that we have as Americans that allows us to do all the things we do. If the rest of the world doesn't appreciate it, that's on them.
Nailed it!
Y’all have any idea how stupid it is to bitch about a 4th of July parade and fireworks show? There are probably 10,000 or more of these things happening on a smaller scale in little towns across America. Just like every year.

You are directly insulting people who like America, 4th of July parades and fireworks. And you know who positioned you to do that?

Y’all have any idea how stupid it is to bitch about a 4th of July parade and fireworks show? There are probably 10,000 or more of these things happening on a smaller scale in little towns across America. Just like every year.

You are directly insulting people who like America, 4th of July parades and fireworks. And you know who positioned you to do that?

I can multitask.
US or no other country including India and Pakistan would want war between these rivals. That war would destroy S Asia,
I could name five on fbi 10 most wanted list who were caught years after even though they never left the US.
Pakistan's prime minister is meeting Trump in July,we are playing a major role in helping you to bring your boys back home.
Being a thirld world country we would take help from any major country to get us back on track.

Can promise you kemo sabe if an American had masterminded a plan and executed said plan killing nearly 2,000 US citizens, he wouldn't have lasted 15 minutes on the most wanted list living in America. Not really a great argument on your part especially given that OBL was a Saudi living in Pakistan.

I'll say again, this is a brilliant move by DJT and had the ex-rodent in chief done this I would have been thrilled about his move as well. But he couldn't and wouldn't have ever done anything like this because he surrounded himself with a bunch of anti-American, socialist, sniveling apologist who would never want to paint the US in anything but a bad light. The liberals would do the same thing if they had the chance and weren't so busy trying to create a latino voting block. Do you think if Biden were offered a spot on one of the tanks he would turn it down? Of course not.
Pretty good speech if you wanted a history lesson. Actually pointed out America was great before he showed up.
Politicizing the military...not good. At least he did not attack anyone or talk about himself.
Thought the music was great though.