Trump surging now in battleground states

In my opinion that is extremely rare today that a person who worked hard to climb out of poverty would be totally unable to do so. Maybe the mentally handicapped. Other than that, a lifetime of solid decisions, delayed gratification, and work ethic will allow anyone to slowly improve their lot in life to the point they are no longer impoverished.

Seems like there are others that have no chance. Person X, might have family members who continually screw up and torpedo their chances. Person Y might just have bad luck. Some individuals have a razor thin margin that will determine whether or not he/she can successfully find their way out of the vicious cycle.
That’s a transitional job. I flipped burgers when I was young. It isn’t a career.

So who would flip burgers? Anyone starting out in their work career.
11.4% percent of jobs pay poverty wages
Agree with that. What about a person from harlem with a mother who is an alcoholic
and has no husband. Poor child sees crime all around and the people with money and power are criminals. Yes if he is exceptionally gifted he will get out of there and there are hundreds of stories about such people. But what about the average joe.
What's all this talk driving at?

Left people wanting still bigger government?
How big?

Right people wanting smaller government?
How small?
I dont know what is the average income in the US. Also depends on how many of them are students and how many of them a little less intelligent.
Agree with that. What about a person from harlem with a mother who is an alcoholic
and has no husband. Poor child sees crime all around and the people with money and power are criminals. Yes if he is exceptionally gifted he will get out of there and there are hundreds of stories about such people. But what about the average joe.

Great point and that is sad. Public education doesn’t have the resources to convince an average or below average person how their choices would continue the cycle of poverty and hardship. The best option in my opinion would be the ability to join the military at 14-16 years old in a non combat position. GED training, vocational training and physical training so you are set to join the real military at 18 if you so choose. Offer career counseling and some starter money for a new location away from the circumstances that caused your position to be hopeless in the first place.

That would be a practical and effective federal program and if you did not choose that route we would know if you want to get out of poverty or not.
Great point and that is sad. Public education doesn’t have the resources to convince an average or below average person how their choices would continue the cycle of poverty and hardship. The best option in my opinion would be the ability to join the military at 14-16 years old in a non combat position. GED training, vocational training and physical training so you are set to join the real military at 18 if you so choose. Offer career counseling and some starter money for a new location away from the circumstances that caused your position to be hopeless in the first place.

That would be a practical and effective federal program and if you did not choose that route we would know if you want to get out of poverty or not.
That is a solution for some of them,but every body is not fit for the army some of them may have bone spurs. There should be a civilian program also.
That is a solution for some of them,but every body is not fit for the army some of them may have bone spurs. There should be a civilian program also.

Sorry I didn’t clarify. Anyone is allowed in my non combat teenage army regardless of bone spurs or BMI. A civilian program wouldn’t have the discipline I’m afraid and the demographic you mentioned needs it more than anyone else.
Then the concept should be developed and may be several thousand people would come out of the situation they are at
What do you consider living in poverty? Is it some income number or is it a standard of living?

That's a good and fair question. I have in my mind a subjective standard of living lifestyle, but we should find some objective metric.

A few years ago I got an argument going on this topic on here and it stopped the instant I started looking for a asking for data. I couldn't find what I wanted, and nobody else really could, either.

My thesis is that the people constantly parroting the whole, "Welfare has wrecked ______________________" are illogical because they aren't quantifying the "before' in their "before and after" analysis.
Seems like there are others that have no chance. Person X, might have family members who continually screw up and torpedo their chances. Person Y might just have bad luck. Some individuals have a razor thin margin that will determine whether or not he/she can successfully find their way out of the vicious cycle.
So they have the choice to divorce themselves from those influences in large part.
2). I agree that Trump has been good for Israel. However, the same is true for all POTUS, in my lifetime, save one. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Trump's successor won't be a strong partner to Israel.

that one has a name obama

and you are in denial been
like barry
these dopes
want to be iran’s friend

obamas VP biden

is now running for the dem nom
so yes there’s plenty of reason to believe
he won’t be a strong partner

obama’s sec of state has been running interference for iran

“As President Barack Obama’s secretary of state, Kerry helped craft the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which Trump scrapped.

In a radio interview in September, Kerry said he had met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif “three or four times” since leaving office and that their discussions included the Iran nuclear deal.”

feinstein has been an iranian back channel

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) had dinner with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif amid escalating U.S.-Iranian tensions,
1). Remember that you said "tump is the economy" 4 years from now. IMO, he is borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Short term gains over long term vision

obama’s vision was the jobs are gone
no magic wand

hand the chinese whatever they want

regulate the hell out of
small business

the peter to paul is cash coming back to the states and business investing cash to grow

again absolute denial
There are two things that the Dem candidate can ding Trump on. One is of Trump's own doing, Iran. The other Trump has been vague on as to not disrupt his base, removing Marijuana from the narcotics schedule.

dems can ding trump on iran

because he quit a chamberlain pacification policy?
obama’s vision was the jobs are gone
no magic wand

hand the chinese whatever they want

regulate the hell out of
small business

the peter to paul is cash coming back to the states and business investing cash to grow

again absolute denial

Myyyyy baaaaaaloney has a first name
It's O-S-C-A-R...
Of course.

Are we now back to doing nothing about it, as it is a waste of time/money?
The US does plenty about poverty, from both the public and private sectors. Where are you getting that I'm saying do nothing about it?
I'm eager to see if Blexit is real.

"Racist" Trump dismissed plantation cracker Clinton's "3 Strikes, You're Out", devastating to black America.

Black Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans now see lowest unemployment numbers since records have been kept.

Pastor Scott tells me Trump might be best president for black America in his lifetime.

My black American paternal school teacher auntie once told me the Africans would one day catch on to the Democrats' mountain of empty promises.

"Racist" Trump has hired more minorities than all 24 Marxists running for president combined.
I'm eager to see if Blexit is real.

"Racist" Trump dismissed plantation cracker Clinton's "3 Strikes, You're Out", devastating to black America.

Black Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans now see lowest unemployment numbers since records have been kept.

Pastor Scott tells me Trump might be best president for black America in his lifetime.

My black American paternal school teacher auntie once told me the Africans would one day catch on to the Democrats' mountain of empty promises.

"Racist" Trump has hired more minorities than all 24 Marxists running for president combined.

Central park 5? Whats up w that?
Public education doesn’t have the resources to convince an average or below average person how their choices would continue the cycle of poverty and hardship.

It's not public education's job; it starts at home. Start out in a screwed up home mess, little/no chance that pub ed. will help.
dems can ding trump on iran

because he quit a chamberlain pacification policy?
We had the nuclear deal bin place with Iran and Trump has kept increasing financial sanctions. Those sanctions have crippled Iran's economy and caused the population to call for Tehran to take action. Tehran has responded with violence in the gulf against oil tankers and increasing support for radical groups in the middle East. Trump has hated the nuclear deal but knows he cannot withdrawal without losing allies in Europe. He is using increased sanctions to force Tehran's hand and force them to do stupid things giving him cause to back out of the deal.
We had the nuclear deal bin place with Iran and Trump has kept increasing financial sanctions. Those sanctions have crippled Iran's economy and caused the population to call for Tehran to take action. Tehran has responded with violence in the gulf against oil tankers and increasing support for radical groups in the middle East. Trump has hated the nuclear deal but knows he cannot withdrawal without losing allies in Europe. He is using increased sanctions to force Tehran's hand and force them to do stupid things giving him cause to back out of the deal.
I agree with you.