Trump rally [Tulsa, OK - Saturday]

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And this is in conservative Oklahoma too! Oklahoma!

Bad night for the Trump campaign, not at all what they were building this up to be.

Then why are you here posting about it. Yeah you and Syskastool are nervous.
Who gets fired for this fiasco? Brad Parscale has to be squirming in his seat on AF1 - getting a bit warm I suspect.
I agree. He should be fired. Things that went wrong...

Tulsa was the wrong venue. Tulsa barely filled a 6000+ Oral Roberts arena in 2015 during the primary season. That should have been the first major hint.

Oklahoma is\was Cruz country and we were one of the few states Trump lost in the primaries. He should have realized that.

It should have kicked off in Dallas with a million or so many Republicans that might have attended.

Bynam, the Tulsa mayor is no friend. He shut all the major entrances into downtown Tulsa from all directions. The dumb shit put out a curfew and cleared the area around BOK, and then rescinded, like that would help. It confused people.

I knew this would be a bust when I saw so few people gathering in the streets several hours before it opened. It just wasn't that many. One thing I haven't noticed from any MSM, is the fact that very few people over 60 years old even showed up for the rally. Many of us knew we were in the at-risk age and stayed at home.

The million or so that signed up hurt the turn-out, Many people, including my daughter, decided not to go because they figured 100,000 or so would be there in line before she could get in.

The fact is it wasn't a great turn-out, but it will get better...Just watch.
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When the economy starts its major recovery, Biden having to go toe to toe with Trump, and the major cash advantage Trump has with left over funds from the last election going heavy digital media... Good luck David

You think the economy is going to recover before November? You realize that millions of people are getting an extra $600 a week for unemployment. How do you think the economy will look when that runs out on July 31st?

Many companies are still retaining employees and just furloughing them a few days a week so they can write off the salary as "Covid" related. How does that look when those funds dry up?

Millions of mortgages are currently in forbearance for 6 months or more. What happens when that period is over and the home owner has to come up with 7 payments at one time?

Look I hope I am wrong but we are in for a long and probably slow recovery. The only way this doesn't get really bad by years end is if we keep handing out money, which in turn has consequences.
LOLZ. I am embarrassed for you all tonight.

I’d be embarrassed about the attempts by the mainstream media to try to use that against Trump! CNN actually had a segment about it on one of its shows today and it was on the CNN scroll asking whether trump was “hiding” health problems! This is the definition of fake news that you are obviously buying into! This is why trump hates most of the media! They lie to the people in any way they can to discredit him! I can’t believe you’re fool enough to not see this. You seem like an intelligent person.
Loved that and the ramp story.

I actually watched the ramp story. And watched it, and watched it, and watched it... not one normally given to drink, but we were having a few and every 5 minutes someone would go, "He's STILL on the ramp!"

It's the longest I've heard him speak since the debates of '16. He's so senile and narcissistic and pitiful. Just rambled and defended himself against internet jibes all night.
not bad for the first one. Too many issues right now along with the back and forth crap from the city of tulsa...or the mayor. Not sure why they picked Tulsa...even okc would have been better.
You think the economy is going to recover before November? You realize that millions of people are getting an extra $600 a week for unemployment. How do you think the economy will look when that runs out on July 31st?

Many companies are still retaining employees and just furloughing them a few days a week so they can write off the salary as "Covid" related. How does that look when those funds dry up?

Millions of mortgages are currently in forbearance for 6 months or more. What happens when that period is over and the home owner has to come up with 7 payments at one time?

Look I hope I am wrong but we are in for a long and probably slow recovery. The only way this doesn't get really bad by years end is if we keep handing out money, which in turn has consequences.
Does the economy get back to where it was pre pandemic in the matter of months? No, that’s unrealistic. I’m talking trending back which there are several indicators it’s moving positively. Stock market trending back, reopening across the country means more people going back to work, and yes... testing continues to be high. More and more people under 40 are saying screw this I need to work which is a major major positive for our country.

My point to this piece is that IF the economy especially the jobless numbers continues to trend down, the case for re-election of Trump will be pretty compelling even you think he’s a goon.

You’re also speaking anecdotally on the mortgage front with the forbearance. Individuals are able to work with their mortgage companies on plans that best fit and can be paid either in lumps sums or added onto their loan on the backside depending on the type of loan they have (FHA, VA, etc). Most aren’t expected to have 7 months worth of rent to pay.
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I agree. He should be fired. Things that went wrong...

Tulsa was the wrong venue. Tulsa barely filled a 6000+ Oral Roberts arena in 2015 during the primary season. That should have been the first major hint.

Oklahoma is\was Cruz country and we were one of the few states Trump lost in the primaries. He should have realized that.

It should have kicked off in Dallas with a million or so many Republicans that might have attended.

Bynam, the Tulsa mayor is no friend. He shut all the major entrances into downtown Tulsa from all directions. The dumb shit put out a curfew and cleared the area around BOK, and then rescinded, like that would help. It confused people.

I knew this would be a bust when I saw so few people gathering in the streets several hours before it opened. It just wasn't that many. One thing I haven't noticed from any MSM, is the fact that very few people over 60 years old even showed up for the rally. Many of us knew we were in the at-risk age and stayed at home.

The million or so that signed up hurt the turn-out, Many people, including my daughter, decided not to go because they figured 100,000 or so would be there in line before she could get in.

The fact is it wasn't a great turn-out, but it will get better...Just watch.

not bad for the first one. Too many issues right now along with the back and forth crap from the city of tulsa...or the mayor. Not sure why they picked Tulsa...even okc would have been better.


verb (used without object), ra·tion·al·ized, ra·tion·al·iz·ing.
to invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes: He tried to prove that he was not at fault, but he was obviously rationalizing.

verb (used without object), ra·tion·al·ized, ra·tion·al·iz·ing.
to invent plausible explanations for acts, opinions, etc., that are actually based on other causes: He tried to prove that he was not at fault, but he was obviously rationalizing.
By your measure of success - Biden and all his campaign and staffers should just kill themselves after only a few hundred watch his rally from his basement. I mean they only had to launch youtube in a browser window to attend.
By your measure of success - Biden and all his campaign and staffers should just kill themselves after only a few hundred watch his rally from his basement. I mean they only had to launch youtube in a browser window to attend.
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By your measure of success - Biden and all his campaign and staffers should just kill themselves after only a few hundred watch his rally from his basement. I mean they only had to launch youtube in a browser window to attend.

When Biden brags about his Nuremberg white yeah rallies, makes it his focus, and has an unemployed demographic that will go huddle up indoors in a spiraling pandemic maybe you're onto something. That's a talking point you maybe should've questioned before passing it along.
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Haha! Democrats won't go stand around indoors with total strangers and worship a cult leader!
When Biden brags about his Nuremberg white yeah rallies, makes it his focus, and has an unemployed demographic that will go huddle up indoors in a spiraling pandemic maybe you're onto something. That's a talking point you maybe should've questioned before passing it along.

You cool with BLM riots though. Even though your “friend” died of Kung Flu?
By your measure of success - Biden and all his campaign and staffers should just kill themselves after only a few hundred watch his rally from his basement. I mean they only had to launch youtube in a browser window to attend.

I dare you to find one post of mine praising or supporting, or defending Biden. He sucks.

Now it’s your turn. Admit that Trump’s rally was weak sauce and disappointing.

His sycophants will believe any excuse they read for the fraction of expected attendance, but I know you have the critical thinking skills to see through that BS.
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I dare you to find one post of mine praising or supporting, or defending Biden. He sucks.

Now it’s your turn. Admit that Trump’s rally was weak sauce and disappointing.

His sycophants will believe any excuse they read for the fraction of expected attendance, but I know you have the critical thinking skills to see through that BS.
It looked weak and disappointing. That was easy.

I was kind of curious to go but didn't want the hassle I thought would come with going downtown. I knew I wouldn't be able to arm myself if I was going inside. So I didn't want to put myself in a situation where violence breaks out and I'm not prepared. So I avoided it. I might have attended otherwise.

But yeah, from what I can tell the attendance wasn't what the Trump campaign would have hoped for.
You think the economy is going to recover before November? You realize that millions of people are getting an extra $600 a week for unemployment. How do you think the economy will look when that runs out on July 31st?

Many companies are still retaining employees and just furloughing them a few days a week so they can write off the salary as "Covid" related. How does that look when those funds dry up?

Millions of mortgages are currently in forbearance for 6 months or more. What happens when that period is over and the home owner has to come up with 7 payments at one time?

Look I hope I am wrong but we are in for a long and probably slow recovery. The only way this doesn't get really bad by years end is if we keep handing out money, which in turn has consequences.

My stock broker said personal income rose 10% in the month of April. I know you know people made more money with stimulus money and unemployment than their real job? They have been dropping cash out of helicopters. Retails sales increased 18% in May which is an all time record. There has never been this much stimulus money in the economy combined with low interest rates. Nothing even close. As long as the economy does not get shut down again the economy is going to come back. As for the stock market? Depends on the election, market will not react well to Biden winning and higher taxes and more regulations. The DOW was down to 19,000 as result of COVID, unbelievable come back, the market imputes what it believes will happen in the future with the available information we have now and prices accordingly. This is why it sky rocketed up when people who do not follow the market could not understand why it went up so quick.

Unlike the last financial crisis banks are strong and the feds have promised to do whatever it takes to keep the banks and the economy liquid.

Banks IMO would be stupid to force borrowers in to default, they would literally make their own situation worse. As long as the economy is recovering and people are getting back their jobs they would be smart to restructure those loans, just take those unpaid payments and extend the length of the amortization schedule so they can get all their money. Much better than banks foreclosing and taking over all of these properties and flooding the market with homes which will drive their value down in a recovering economy. It would be suicide for banks to force all these defaults because it would result in huge losses, if they force defaults in order to negotiate a new amortization schedule that would be smart. But most mortgage holders probably would not need to be forced in to default to negotiate.

Many businesses are restructuring their leases thru negotiation. Companies have down sized or realized their staff can work from home (or both) so they no longer need as much space and leased
space has become less valuable and this will be a permanent trend in a post COVID world.

I was able to renegotiate our lease with my company and save $600K over the life of the lease. We have had to do all kinds of restructuring. Smart people know we are in this together and the better path is to mutually negotiate a path out for everyone.

If lessors can do it, banks sure can.

This may hurt those that lease buildings, but it will help businesses on a net basis and lead to a more profitable and more efficient businesses long term. COVID has accelerated the modernization of how we work.
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Now it’s your turn. Admit that Trump’s rally was weak sauce and disappointing.

any statues toppled?
businesses looted and burned?
rioters killed?

that’s the barr benny

i didn’t go with my 12yrold son because i didn’t want his mother screaming to DHS that i put him in harms way

so do your fortnite floss and declare yourself the winner

how you feeling about november 4?

sweeping house senate and presidency?
When the economy starts its major recovery, Biden having to go toe to toe with Trump, and the major cash advantage Trump has with left over funds from the last election going heavy digital media... Good luck David
Gonna be a fun one no doubt. The loser loses bigly, just a question of which one...
... you are obviously buying into!
The irony. The crap that Trumpsters buy into:
  • "It's groupies and they like being grabbed by the pussy."
  • "It was just a joke, I know he said it 5 times, but each time it was just a joke."
  • "Protecting my heritage is not thinly described racism."
  • "Those statues are about preserving history."
  • "Why wouldn't we want to honor Confederate luminaries, it's not like they were traitorous murderous bastards set out to ruin America. Oh, BLM is a bunch a terrorists."
  • "Trump is not unhealthy, I have WWE gifs that show he is a real man."
  • ....
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not bad for the first one. Too many issues right now along with the back and forth crap from the city of tulsa...or the mayor. Not sure why they picked Tulsa...even okc would have been better.
Gotta wonder who is making these choices. It is almost like an inside job to set him up to look the fool.
The irony. The crap that Trumpsters buy into:
  • "It's groupies and they like being grabbed by the pussy."
  • "It was just a joke, I know he said it 5 times, but each time it was just a joke."
  • "Protecting my heritage is not thinly described racism."
  • "Those statues are about preserving history."
  • "Why wouldn't we want to honor Confederate luminaries, it's not like they were traitorous murderous bastards set out to ruin America. Oh, BLM is a bunch a terrorists."
  • "Trump is not unhealthy, I have WWE gifs that show he is a real man."
  • ....

a couple good pints in there surrounded by a bunch of bs. Congrats on improving your batting average.

Telling people that the way they feel about their heritage is racist is just typical liberal brain. You don’t get to assign your feelings to other people. I don’t know why you people can’t understand that. It’s chronic arrogance and your opinion is dismissed. I really have no words for how anyone would get to this point in their intellectual development.

Is it that way for some? Yes.

Is it that way for all? No

It’s amazing how skin color dictates who you generalize and who you don’t (outloud).
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