No. Hillary brought a reset button to negotiate with Russsia. Trump wants to be the strongest armed forces in the history of man and he has a pair, although I am not sure Washington will want to spend on military as much as Trump. ANYONE that thinks Russia wanted Trump in over Hillary is a complete moron and idiot that ignores post WW2 arms race and Russia likes comparing dicks and having the biggest one.
Russia played both sides in the election and had protestors on both sides and was anti Hillary and Trump, Putin’s goal was to create civil unrest in the US and undermine our democracy, not to get Trump elected. Putin has succeeded in what he wanted, the US public now distrusts our politicians and process more then ever, but I am sure to Putin’s surprise there is more finger pointing internally to the US then to Russia. The man has murdered Russians in the UK, he did not care if Russia got caught, he wanted unrest.
Trump now has North Korea wanting to negotiate, Russia does not want the US taking the clear number 1 world power status when it comes to the military, Obama hurt our military, took away its manhood with bowing to every leader and making it clear we were pussies that would talk and value rules of engagement over real security while our enemies cut off our heads.
We did not need a military under Obama nor Hillary because we would never use it. I am glad Trump threatened to nuke NK after we were threatened, I am sure Putin wants a US leader like Reagan, Putin knows he can not keep up with the US when the US is motivated to be the clear military power worldwide. Russia does not have the economy to compete militarily with the US, his best bet is to cause civil unrest.
We have a bunch of dumb phucking Americans actually thinking Putin wants a stronger US military with a commander in chief like Reagan that has a pair like John Wayne to use any and all means to crush his enemy at high noon.
Easy way out? This is such an easy issue to break down it is not event funny.
Only thing NK and Putin understand is who has the biggest dick and who can actually carry out their foreign policy objectives, and who has the ability to force someone to back down. The only reason Trump wants the best military in the world is so that he can keep our enemies from harming us and enforcing US policy when it is clearly in our best interests to do so. Nothing is going to get done asking NK or Russia pretty please. Russia, NK, and China became more aggressive as Obama allowed our military to lose strength and he lost all nerve to man up.
Hillary leading our military? How much cash would she have shipped to him with a re-set button?