I watched pretty much the whole thing and the only thing that gave me pause was that he took it too easy on the Dims but they pretty much did a number on themselves. That said, their tarded base has eaten up everything they have said and done the past 9 years and there is no swaying them to look and see what the Dims really are, they are just like them in every way.
Recently I had a conversation with a friend of about 40 yrs, I knew she was a liberal but had no idea she had been brainwashed until we talked recently.
Trumps name came up by me and it was like you turned a switch on. Voice got louder, "Disgusting man, racist, rapist, nazi, abortions, deporting innocent people, Elon Musk needs to get his ass out of the WH and leave the money alone" blah blah blah reeeeeee, reeeeeeeee, reeeeeeeeeeeeee. I couldn't even get a word in, all I did was laugh.
In those almost 40 yrs we had never had a cross word to say to each other yet I was called a Nazi and a Racist too. You are never going to get through to people like that, they won't even let you talk let alone listen to what you are saying.