Trump is going to win going away in 2020

Are suggesting that DJT offered Ukraine a bribe, with government funds, to launch a phony investigation to benefit his campaign?
You are dense, but not this dense. Or maybe you are...

Imagine if Trump's DOJ used a phony dossier paid for by Trump's campaign to seek an "investigation" and spy on Joe Biden...

We both know you'd shit yourself.
Do you need assistance? Should we call someone? Snark is expected, but incoherence is unusual...
Lol. As usual, you've got nothing. If you answered the question honestly, you'd look like a partisan idiot. Rest assured, you don't need to answer the question to look like a partisan idiot.
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You are dense, but not this dense. Or maybe you are...

Imagine if Trump's DOJ used a phony dossier paid for by Trump's campaign to seek an "investigation" and spy on Joe Biden...

We both know you'd shit yourself.
How many hypotheticals does it require for you to maintain your sense of injury daily?

If Katie Hill were a man...
If Hillary was a Republican...
If the dossier were paid for by Trump...
If Don Jr was inept and got sweet deals... (Sorry, not a hypothetical)
Lol. As usual, you've got nothing. If you answered the question honestly, you'd look like a partisan idiot. Rest assured, you don't need to answer the question to look like a partisan idiot.
Not even close. If you can't carry your own water, that's on you bub.
If indeed this is a whole lotta nothing then I expect a price to paid at the ballot box.

Certainly is enough to justify hearings. Just like there was enough to justify Mueller. Just like there was enough to have the IG look into FISA processes. It all will wash out in the end...

Do you not hold Trump accountable for any part of his current predicament? Piss poor communicator. Paranoid about his communications. Rudy out running a shadow foreign policy. What if anything would you critique DJT on?

No, man. I hold the #resistance 100% responsible. It’s not compelling. It’s not believable. It’s played out and it’s absurd. It’s transparently an impeachment in search of a crime. Just like Russia. It’s bullshit and I’ve called it bullshit since day 1. That’s 100% on the establishment swamp R’s and D’s alike - and anyone goofy enough to believe them.

Do you honestly not see this endless stream of insipid moronic propaganda is exactly what keeps even the most lukewarm Trump voter from criticizing him? It’s pretty simple.
If you want to share we are here for you.

Otherwise quit yer bitching and offer something of value.
Lol. Desperate now?

The scenario is simple, dave. Trump's campaign pays Fusion GPS money who pays a foreign agent to gather dirt on Joe Biden from foreign governments. The foreign agent writes a dossier full of bullshit and then passes that dossier on to individuals in Trump's DOJ. Trump's DOJ uses that dossier as the basis to spy on Joe Biden's campaign.

You good with that scenario?
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No, man. I hold the #resistance 100% responsible. It’s not compelling. It’s not believable. It’s played out and it’s absurd. It’s transparently an impeachment in search of a crime. Just like Russia. It’s bullshit and I’ve called it bullshit since day 1. That’s 100% on the establishment swamp R’s and D’s alike - and anyone goofy enough to believe them.

Do you honestly not see this endless stream of insipid moronic propaganda is exactly what keeps even the most lukewarm Trump voter from criticizing him? It’s pretty simple.
I am surprised you let the other side dictate how/what you can say. You are open to many explanations on topics friendly to Trump (Seth Rich for instance) but simply can not find any possibility of Trump exhibiting bad judgement.
I am surprised you let the other side dictate how/what you can say. You are open to many explanations on topics friendly to Trump (Seth Rich for instance) but simply can not find any possibility of Trump exhibiting bad judgement.

Not true, my friend. He is quite capable of it and I’ve mentioned it. This impeachment game however is utter nonsense.
Lol. Desperate now?

The scenario is simple, dave. Trump's campaign pays Fusion GPS money who pays a foreign agent to gather dirt on Joe Biden from foreign governments. The foreign agent writes a dossier full of bullshit and then passes that dossier on to individuals in Trump's DOJ. Trump's DOJ uses that dossier as the basis to spy on Joe Biden's campaign.

You good with that scenario?
Did that happen? You conveniently omit some elements and draw some pretty striking conclusions toward the end. In the end it will all get sorted.

If the IG finds wrong doing by Obama, Clapper, Comey, whoever, then by all means prosecute. I insist they prosecute.

Will you accept the judgement if no improper conduct was found?
Joe Biden was the Democratic frontrunner on the day of the call.

Ukraine had previously investigated the allegations and not found anything to prosecute.

Read the call summary.

Sigh Dan... You are smarter than this. Which investigation do you allege Joe Biden stopped? That is such a turd talking point... The request to relieve the lead prosecutor was not related to Burisma - in fact the successor DID review the allegations.

Was Hunter qualified? No. Was it illegal, apparently not. Does that justify Trump withholding military assistance? No.
The fact that you and the MSM had tabbed Biden as a front runner is immaterial . Until he formally announced as a candidate he was not a political rival in the sense you are trying to pretend.

As far as the rest of it goes I’ll bow to your greater interest. Like I said it’s just bread and circus entertainment designed to hide the increasing assault by the state (meaning both parties) on our liberty. Keep us distracted with nonsense partisanship. It’s remarkable how well the tactic works on us.
Lol. Desperate now?
Straight up. Nothing on this board even rustles me these days let alone makes me feel "desperate".

There was one event that truly caused me grief a couple of years ago - travel ban related banter here. I let some personal complications/concerns shape my reactions here. Won't let that happen again.
The fact that you and the MSM had tabbed Biden as a front runner is immaterial . Until he formally announced as a candidate he was not a political rival in the sense you are trying to pretend.

As far as the rest of it goes I’ll bow to your greater interest. Like I said it’s just bread and circus entertainment designed to hide the increasing assault by the state (meaning both parties) on our liberty. Keep us distracted with nonsense partisanship. It’s remarkable how well the tactic works on us.
Look at a calendar Dan.
Did that happen?
Not from Trump...

You conveniently omit some elements and draw some pretty striking conclusions toward the end.
Please elaborate. What striking conclusions did I draw and what elements did I omit?

In the end it will all get sorted.
Sounds like that is currently happening.

If the IG finds wrong doing by Obama, Clapper, Comey, whoever, then by all means prosecute. I insist they prosecute.
Sure, sure.

Will you accept the judgement if no improper conduct was found?
Of course, just as I accepted the results of Mueller's report. The real question is will you accept the judgment if improper conduct was found? Would grievous improper conduct like that change the way you see your party?
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Largest % win since Bill Clinton in 1996

@my_2cents @davidallen @Syskatine @Been Jammin
Back to the OP - straight up bet up to $1k aggregate that DJT does not win reelection. Any winnings I receive go to charity. We have to find someone to hold as @CowboyJD is professionally conflicted.
There was one event that truly caused me grief a couple of years ago - travel ban related banter here. I let some personal complications/concerns shape my reactions here. Won't let that happen again.
Truly sorry to hear that. Despite our banter, I know I'd enjoy having a beer or glass of wine or five with you. Politics is no subject to dislike someone over. College sports teams however...
Not from Trump...

Please elaborate. What striking conclusions did I draw and what elements did I omit?

Sounds like that is currently happening.

Sure, sure.

Of course, just as I accepted the results of Mueller's report. The real question is will you accept the judgment if improper conduct was found? Would grievous improper conduct like that change the way you see your party?
First rendition of the dossier - who funded it?

Which governments are implicated in providing false information?

You conclude that the dossier was improperly used to justify "spying" - still being investigated, no?

You state DOJ authorized spying on the campaign vs. individuals of interest. Weren't at least some of these approved prior to and exclusive to allegations in the dossier?

Those omissions and premature conclusions...
Truly sorry to hear that. Despite our banter, I know I'd enjoy having a beer or glass of wine or five with you. Politics is no subject to dislike someone over. College sports teams however...
We had dear friends near complete break down over that shit show. Family split up for days, no comms until we got legal involved. Kids are still very wary over it all. All for show, just a Trump flex move.
We had dear friends near complete break down over that shit show. Family split up for days, no comms until we got legal involved. Kids are still very wary over it all. All for show, just a Trump flex move.
THC is the cure for DJT?
Look at a calendar Dan.

You mean Hunter Biden, the object of the investigation, announced his candidacy before the phone call? I hadn’t realized he was running. Is he running against his dad for the Democratic nomination?

How is bullying the Ukrainian government to investigate Hunter Biden a crime or an impeachable offense? Would it be if it was David Allen instead of Hunter Biden? Because he’s Joe’s son? What if he was a nephew instead of a son? Or a third cousin? Where is the line drawn? Where in David Allen’s mind is the line drawn? Is it in the law that all relatives of politicians or former politicians are protected from investigation? Is there a statute of limitations, and then relatives become subject to the same investigative functions as the rest of us? How about in-laws? Step children of ex-spouses? Can you clarify where the law applies, and where the line is drawn?

You know waaaay more about this than me. In the phone call did DJT threaten or imply he would withhold the money until there was a conviction? Or did he just demand to have the case reopened? That strikes me as a pivotal point, doesn’t It you? I mean, isn’t the object of investigation considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers? Asking for the case to be reopened seems perfectly proper to me. That doesn’t seem to be a quid pro quo. Now if he had demanded a conviction you might have a point.

The way this is playing out it looks like the Biden family and its political allies are trying everything in their power to cover up wrongdoing. The best defense is a strong offense. I don’t know if Hunter is guilty or not, but he and his dad are acting like he is, and acting as if they have something to hide. What do you think? Should Ukraine have reopened the investigation whether DJT bullied them or not?
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We had dear friends near complete break down over that shit show. Family split up for days, no comms until we got legal involved. Kids are still very wary over it all. All for show, just a Trump flex move.
The travel ban wasn’t a flex; it’s to protect the US!
Cry you big ass baby

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