Trump is going to win going away in 2020

third hand?
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Eh, undoubtedly at its daily volume, many understand it as a lotto.

***Edit: or a potential high percentage mover for scalping. <--- Likelier scenario given aforementioned volume.

But, to your point, smart money, afraid of debt, got out a while ago. Hence where CHK is today.
Lots of explaining for situation that is purported to have no evidence of high crimes
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Eh, undoubtedly at its daily volume, many understand it as a lotto.

***Edit: or a potential high percentage mover for scalping. <--- Likelier scenario given aforementioned volume.

But, to your point, smart money, afraid of debt, got out a while ago. Hence where CHK is today.
Lots of "smart money" in companies that have more debt than Chesapeake
5. That even though quid pro quo clearly didn't happen, I'm not at all sure how if it did it would be a crime. Foreign policy negotiations are virtually always quid pro quo and investigating the evident corruption from the 2016 election is well within POTUS' responsibility and purview.
Worth reading again pilt
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1. (and most importantly) That he's part of the coordinated whistleblower project. Uses the same language and everything.
2. That everyone he talked to told him he was barking up the wrong tree as he tried to create an electronic trail of being super duper concerned about quid pro quo.
3. That Ratliffe destroys him in testimony we aren't allowed to see (red flag to the least bit intellectually curious)
4. That we already have the transcript of the phone call - I know you think it's a summary, but you are a retard..
5. That even though quid pro quo clearly didn't happen, I'm not at all sure how if it did it would be a crime. Foreign policy negotiations are virtually always quid pro quo and investigating the evident corruption from the 2016 election is well within POTUS' responsibility and purview.

You know damn well it's a political stunt. You dropped the mask and even admitted that to some degree recently. If you want to convince yourself this is FINALLY FINALLY what is going get him and he won't even be the nominee, knock yourself out.

How does a Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation that says "not a transcript, just a summary" become a verbatim transcript? More Trump magic?

Yes his opening statement was a little too good if you ask me

Really or is that how it’s being portrayed by Democrats? Since you were not in the room, you didn’t see video and you do not have access to the transcripts you know nothing but what Democrats want you to know. Do you enjoy being manipulated?
Really or is that how it’s being portrayed by Democrats? Since you were not in the room, you didn’t see video and you do not have access to the transcripts you know nothing but what Democrats want you to know. Do you enjoy being manipulated?
Lol follow along
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In any case, DJT is on super thin ice today. So many things have to go to his advantage for fundamentals to turn to his favor that I think the OP is expressing his desire, not a dispassionate analysis.

Having said that, no one misplays a good hand better than the Democrats.
There you have it folks
Then you have to explain how quid pro quo is a crime. Is it because it is a "wink wink, nod nod" agreement rather than one in written form with the consideration expressly specified? I'm just a simple transactional attorney, so you'll need to help me with this criminal law stuff.
No need, I already know I'm dealing with the shoot someone on 5th avenue crowd
We all know that Hunter Biden being hired to that board right after Biden was named to be the point person on Ukraine is purely coincidental. There's a big demand for the sons of US Vice Presidents US crackheads to fill board foreign board positions.

I agree that the US should not demand that any corruption involving the Vice President and his son US crackhead board members be investigated. No past administration has ever tied any kind of aid to demands for the investigation of corruption.
Then you have to explain how quid pro quo is a crime. Is it because it is a "wink wink, nod nod" agreement rather than one in written form with the consideration expressly specified? I'm just a simple transactional attorney, so you'll need to help me with this criminal law stuff.
Is it your position that trading release of funding for investigation of a political rival is not impeachable?

Hypothetically if direct evidence supports that claim, would you support impeachment?
If Dems were sooooo confident in the evident, they wouldn't be doing a preliminary closed door investigation.

They would take a vote and actually do it the right way. This is garbage... similar to Russia investigation.
Is it your position that trading release of funding for investigation of a political rival is not impeachable?

Hypothetically if direct evidence supports that claim, would you support impeachment?
Don't know. That's why I'm trying to understand if there is a crime under pilt's hypothetical since there has to be a crime for impeachment.

(Also, wondering if every politician is off limits from investigation. Isn't every politician a political rival to any other politician?)
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Is it your position that trading release of funding for investigation of a political rival is not impeachable?

Hypothetically if direct evidence supports that claim, would you support impeachment?

My position is that the crime in question, even if it occurred to the degree specified by Dems, which I don't believe occurred, does not warrant impeachment proceedings. If it did, then no president of either party would last 6 months.

One could argue that Obama committed equivalent quid pro quo deals in secretly returning the billions up Iran or in the funding of anti-nethanyu parties in Israel's elections. Also, just because it is a personal benefit for Trump to have Biden investigated does not preclude it from also being a US benefit which is the criteria for an allowed conversation.
My position is that the crime in question, even if it occurred to the degree specified by Dems, which I don't believe occurred, does not warrant impeachment proceedings. If it did, then no president of either party would last 6 months.

One could argue that Obama committed equivalent quid pro quo deals in secretly returning the billions up Iran or in the funding of anti-nethanyu parties in Israel's elections. Also, just because it is a personal benefit for Trump to have Biden investigated does not preclude it from also being a US benefit which is the criteria for an allowed conversation.
how are those equivalent?
Don't know. That's why I'm trying to understand if there is a crime under pilt's hypothetical since there has to be a crime for impeachment.

(Also, wondering if every politician is off limits from investigation. Isn't every politician a political rival to any other politician?)
I think even Joe Biden is with in limits if it follows proper DOJ procedures.

How many non political rivals has DJT conditioned foreign aid appropriated by congress upon?

Is DJT leading the charge on the Epstein investigation with this much zeal and gusto?
Do those companies have concerns about bringing in sufficient revenue to service the debt?
So you are saying debt concerns require context?

Debt didn't kill CHK, piss poor capital allocation did.
I think even Joe Biden is with in limits if it follows proper DOJ procedures.

How many non political rivals has DJT conditioned foreign aid appropriated by congress upon?

Is DJT leading the charge on the Epstein investigation with this much zeal and gusto?
No idea. Will you be replying with the relevant crime? Just want to know if I should check back in this thread tonight.
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So you are saying debt concerns require context?

Debt didn't kill CHK, piss poor capital allocation did.

You're gonna need to lend your fortune telling abilities to the rest of humanity.

But, slight of hand noted.
In any case, DJT is on super thin ice today. So many things have to go to his advantage for fundamentals to turn to his favor that I think the OP is expressing his desire, not a dispassionate analysis.

Having said that, no one misplays a good hand better than the Democrats.

Are the walls closing in?
Don't know. That's why I'm trying to understand if there is a crime under pilt's hypothetical since there has to be a crime for impeachment.

(Also, wondering if every politician is off limits from investigation. Isn't every politician a political rival to any other politician?)
Soliciting foreign assistance with a political campaign is a crime. Foreign entities providing anything of value to a campaign is a crime.

If the dots connect, "Trump will release funds" if "Ukraine publicly announces a Biden investigation", would you believe the president has committed a crime?

BTW: High crimes and misdemeanors is the criteria - that means just about anything. Doesn't necessarily have to be an actual crime. As well, the Senate can choose to find an impeached official innocent without regard to the actual facts of the case - there is no appeal process. The Senates decision is final.

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