Given that Trump and his team (and possibly Rand and other R candidates) were spied on by the previous administration..
Given that Trump and his team (and possibly Rand and other R candidates) were spied on by the previous administration, you don't think something about Russian collusion would've been released prior to 11/08/16? Our intelligence community leaks like a sieve, but we're to believe there is a pot of impeachment gold at the end of the rainbow. They just wanted Trump to be elected first and nominate Gorsuch before they dropped the hammer. I don't see how anyone can simultaneously believe Trump is a bumbling fool but somehow managed to not get caught by Obama's spying while he was taking secret meetings with Putin.
Given that Trump and his team (and possibly Rand and other R candidates) were spied on by the previous administration, you don't think something about Russian collusion would've been released prior to 11/08/16
Were they?
Rand is still waiting for his answer and it fits the Obama administration's M.O. so I'm guessing yes at this point.
You like quoting Clapper now, but were lumping him into the deep state when you didn't like what he said about Russian hacking the DNC.
You've gone from swallowing one conventional narrative wholesale and completely to swallowing a different, but fully formed directionally oppositional narrative wholesale and completely.
What it looks like you missed is critical analysis and actual thinking for yourself.
There is a third way.
Correct. You are guessing.
I'm not completely buying into any narrative, other than the deep state desperately wanted Hillary to win the election -- and did everything it could to help her. (Short of manipulating ballots)
Did these deep state spokespeople not make it crystal clear what the desired outcome was?
I know, that's why I used the word. Call it an educated guess. It's all we have to go on at this point, past behaviors and leaks of Trump names being unmasked.
My hot take, gut level, instinct/impression/feeling re: Trump firing Comey.
Caveat: That's all it is. Not saying it's accurate/true or that it is evidence based or anything else.
Trump didn't fire Comey to impede the Russian investigation.
I don't believe for a second the proffered basis of the AG's office is the actual reason either.
I believe that Trump decided to fire Comey the second Comey testified that there was no evidence supporting Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers. He continues to strike me as the type that takes such contradiction of his statement very personally and feels them very deeply. I think he has carried a grudge from that moment forward and has been lying in wait for any matter how implausible or get rid of an "employee" of his that dared to flatly contradict him.
I don't think he gives a crap about the political ramifications. I'm not even sure he considered them. If he did, the fact that the next FBI Director may be skittish about continuing a full bore investigation because of the allegations and impressions as to why Comey was fired would like be viewed as a positive.
It feel like this was deeply personal and is revenge based. No "employee" of the Donald is going to publicly say the Donald is wrong and get away with it.
it's so petty i would like to call bs
then i think about newts swamp draining/not draining tweets
the way mitt romney was paraded around trump tower post election
hell even his tv show lol
and it does make sense
I know...crazy, huh?
It was no later than 10/7/16you don't think something about Russian collusion would've been released prior to 11/08/16?
My hot take, gut level, instinct/impression/feeling re: Trump firing Comey.
Trump didn't fire Comey to impede the Russian investigation.
I don't believe for a second the proffered basis of the AG's office is the actual reason either.
I believe that Trump decided to fire Comey the second Comey testified that there was no evidence supporting Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers. He continues to strike me as the type that takes such contradiction of his statement very personally and feels them very deeply. I think he has carried a grudge from that moment forward and has been lying in wait for any matter how implausible or get rid of an "employee" of his that dared to flatly contradict him.
I don't think he gives a crap about the political ramifications. I'm not even sure he considered them. If he did, the fact that the next FBI Director may be skittish about continuing a full bore investigation because of the allegations and impressions as to why Comey was fired would like be viewed as a positive.
It feel like this was deeply personal and is revenge based. No "employee" of the Donald is going to publicly say the Donald is wrong and get away with it.
My hot take, gut level, instinct/impression/feeling re: Trump firing Comey.
Caveat: That's all it is. Not saying it's accurate/true or that it is evidence based or anything else.
Trump didn't fire Comey to impede the Russian investigation.
I don't believe for a second the proffered basis of the AG's office is the actual reason either.
I believe that Trump decided to fire Comey the second Comey testified that there was no evidence supporting Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers. He continues to strike me as the type that takes such contradiction of his statement very personally and feels them very deeply. I think he has carried a grudge from that moment forward and has been lying in wait for any matter how implausible or get rid of an "employee" of his that dared to flatly contradict him.
I don't think he gives a crap about the political ramifications. I'm not even sure he considered them. If he did, the fact that the next FBI Director may be skittish about continuing a full bore investigation because of the allegations and impressions as to why Comey was fired would like be viewed as a positive.
It feel like this was deeply personal and is revenge based. No "employee" of the Donald is going to publicly say the Donald is wrong and get away with it.
I think this is probably a primary motivating factor. I know the FBI is a cluster, and has been since Clinton screwed them up during his term of office. They need a major overhaul. The FBIs own incompetence is partly to blame to 9/11, and though there have been attempts to fix them by Bush and Obama they both failed. The next FBI director needs to be less interested in political scandal and more interested in bringing back the FBIs bread and butter. They need to become experts on domestic law enforcement again. They left that behind in the 90s and never looked back. It will be interesting to see which direction Trump takes this prestigious organization. It cannot ill afford another bad leader that has the FBI embroiled in politics as usual. If that happens the organization will need to be completely scrapped and done away with.My hot take, gut level, instinct/impression/feeling re: Trump firing Comey.
Caveat: That's all it is. Not saying it's accurate/true or that it is evidence based or anything else.
Trump didn't fire Comey to impede the Russian investigation.
I don't believe for a second the proffered basis of the AG's office is the actual reason either.
I believe that Trump decided to fire Comey the second Comey testified that there was no evidence supporting Trump tweets that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers. He continues to strike me as the type that takes such contradiction of his statement very personally and feels them very deeply. I think he has carried a grudge from that moment forward and has been lying in wait for any matter how implausible or get rid of an "employee" of his that dared to flatly contradict him.
I don't think he gives a crap about the political ramifications. I'm not even sure he considered them. If he did, the fact that the next FBI Director may be skittish about continuing a full bore investigation because of the allegations and impressions as to why Comey was fired would like be viewed as a positive.
It feel like this was deeply personal and is revenge based. No "employee" of the Donald is going to publicly say the Donald is wrong and get away with it.
Does this mean you are ready for an independent investigation?My initial reaction is pretty close to this, which should be plenty concerning on its own without the silly team hyperbole that has followed - which in my opinion has and continues to give Trump cover to do things exactly like this because wolf has been cried too many times. Scandal fatigue.
Does this mean you are ready for an independent investigation?
Lost in the partsion bickering over who hates Comey more, and when...
An FBI Director with the balls to publically investigate the most powerful member of both parties was fired...
I think it's possible the big loser here is the American public in general, and that would have been true had he been fired in January by a President Clinton also.
Why is it bad?Agreed. Theoretically, the FBI director can hold the job for 10 years to insulate him against political pressure. Now Trump is going to want to replace him with "his guy", and Congress only needs a majority vote to pass the new guy through. If they vote along party lines, it seems very realistic that the new director will be beholden to team Trump. How is that a good thing for our country?
Why is it bad?
I am sorry I missed the FBI as a branch of government. If Trump took out Congress or the SCOTUS then ok. Look I am not some Trump homer. I think the guy is crazy and have for a long time. I voted for Cruz then Trump in the general because I feared Hillary far more then Trump. Now that that is established I don't get all this hoopla about Trump firing Comey. If Trump is in conclusion with Russia then where are the facts? Is Trumps tax's the bible? I just would think with all the whistle blowing in today's age that someone would leak something if there was this big conspiracy. I just don't see how this ensures that Trump's "Russia" what ever will never see the light of day. Comey acted like a total donkey in how he handled the Hillary stuff. I think this is evident not matter what political party you belong to.Definition of checks and balances
: a system that allows each branch of a government to amend or veto acts of another branch so as to prevent any one branch from exerting too much power
Why is it bad?
I guess I just don't buy into Trump hiding some big Russian connection to Russia's government. Does he have dealings with investors most likely. I also don't think even though he might have Russian investors that means they get to tell him how to run things. IMO Trump is way way to head strong to ever let anyone tell him how to do something. That is the point I am trying to make. Its not like he canned the whole FBI.Why is that bad?
Because you don't want investigative bodies beholden to people they might end up investigating. It biases and prejudices the investigation and damages it's credibility.
Would you want the judge in your divorce case to be sleeping with your soon to be ex-wife as he decided the case?
I guess I just don't buy into Trump hiding some big Russian connection to Russia's government. Does he have dealings with investors most likely. I also don't think even though he might have Russian investors that means they get to tell him how to run things. IMO Trump is way way to head strong to ever let anyone tell him how to do something. That is the point I am trying to make. Its not like he canned the whole FBI.
Can we move on from the Russian thing. There is nothing there and saying Russia influenced the election is like saying a fly landed on my sandwich and started an earthquake. The election is over. Trump won.
Every time I hear all of the complaining about Russia all I hear is how it was the refs fault we lost. Look at who is leading this charge: Maxine Waters and what Eliga Cummings? You might as well throw in Pelosi just to bring in some sanity.
I don't care if Russia did do it. Thanks Mr Pooty for no HRC. I would say the same about old Bern as well.
The investor thing is yawnable and nothing compared to the Clinton foundation even if where to be true. It's more than time to move on and give Trump a chance.