Trump & Elon Musk interview on X

I thought he was already back?
Elon reinstated his account many months ago, but I think the only thing hes tweeted since then was telling everyone to check him out on Truth Social lol

I doubt he comes back. From a business-perspective, it makes more sense for him to stay on Truth Social.

But being on Twitter again would absolutely help his support for the 2024 election. How much is debatable.
Can one of the leftist tell us which of those 20 core promises they disagree with?

How can we when most of those are just statements with no actual explanation and/or useless talking points.

For example, number three, "End Inflation and make America affordable again."

Ok, how does Trump plan on doing this?

Those are just useless words Bearcat because not one bit of explanation is given to back up those words.
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For example, number three, "End Inflation and make America affordable again."

Ok, how does Trump plan on doing this?
The better question is, why are we now in a position of dealing with inflation and America being unaffordable?

Because of Biden and Harris' policies.
The better question is, why are we now in a position of dealing with inflation and America being unaffordable?

Because of Biden and Harris' policies.

In case you forgot, we went through a pandemic. A pandemic, btw, that Trump made worse. Inflation rose after we came out of the pandemic. The pandemic, and factors associated with it, caused the rise in inflation.

However, since 2022 (inflation hit its peak in June 2022), inflation has fallen. This is thanks, in part, to economic policies enacted by the Biden/Harris administration (along with other factors outside the control of any presidential administration).

There is still work to be done, but for the last two years, we have seen improvement. The Biden/Harris administration has led us out of the pandemic and our economy is moving forward. An economy, btw, that is one of the strongest in the world right now.

In case you forgot, we went through a pandemic.
Oh that's right! The same pandemic that we forget when we talk about the economy tanking in 2020, but then we remember it happened when we need it to try to excuse the shitty economy 4 years later.

I forgot! LOL
Oh that's right! The same pandemic that we forget when we talk about the economy tanking in 2020, but then we remember it happened when we need it to try to excuse the shitty economy 4 years later.

I forgot! LOL
No, now you are just confused.

Our economy is not "shitty" right now. Our economy is strong and it is one of the strongest economies in the world right now. Our economy has greatly improved since the end of Trump's term.

Sure, there is still improvements needed and we of course must be prepared to meet the economic challenges that lay ahead. But I trust Harris much more than I ever would trust Trump on this issue.

Trump created and left a mess. We don't need four more years of his junk.
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How can we when most of those are just statements with no actual explanation and/or useless talking points.

For example, number three, "End Inflation and make America affordable again."

Ok, how does Trump plan on doing this?

Those are just useless words Bearcat because not one bit of explanation is given to back up those words.
Stop with your attempt to deflect. The question was "Can one of the leftist tell us which of those 20 core promises they disagree with?" Do you disagree with any of the promises or do you agree with them? Fairly simple.

In case you forgot, we went through a pandemic. A pandemic, btw, that Trump made worse. Inflation rose after we came out of the pandemic. The pandemic, and factors associated with it, caused the rise in inflation.

However, since 2022 (inflation hit its peak in June 2022), inflation has fallen. This is thanks, in part, to economic policies enacted by the Biden/Harris administration (along with other factors outside the control of any presidential administration).

There is still work to be done, but for the last two years, we have seen improvement. The Biden/Harris administration has led us out of the pandemic and our economy is moving forward. An economy, btw, that is one of the strongest in the world right now.
What economic policies of Biden? The two trillion dollar inflation reduction Act that didn't have anything to do with reducing inflation and effectively raised inflation? LMAO
Fact when Biden took over inflation was next to nothing. Over the last 3 1/2 years inflation has risen a verifiable 20%. You leftist blame Trump for Covid, you leftist blame Bush for the 2008 mortgage crisis because the crisis hit during their administrations, now you want to blame Trump for the inflation that has taken place under his administration. LMAO what a hack. And that doesn't mention all the wars going on around the world.
Stop with your attempt to deflect. The question was "Can one of the leftist tell us which of those 20 core promises they disagree with?" Do you disagree with any of the promises or do you agree with them? Fairly simple.
There is no deflection. Anyone can claim they are going to "end inflation." I'm asking, how does Trump propose ending Inflation?

That document you shared is a bunch of statements and talking points that mean nothing. They are not backed up with explanations of how any of them will be accomplished.

So, when you provide an answer to my first question, I'll let you know if I agree with number three. And we can then go one by one through each one, doing the same thing.

Once again, how does Trump propose "ending Inflation and making America affordable again"?
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There is no deflection. Anyone can claim they are going to "end inflation." I'm asking, how does Trump propose ending Inflation?

That document you shared is a bunch of statements and talking points that mean nothing. They are not backed up with explanations of how any of them will be accomplished.

So, when you provide an answer to my first question, I'll let you know if I agree with number three. And we can then go one by one through each one, doing the same thing.

Once again, how does Trump propose "ending Inflation and making America affordable again"?
LMAO. Of course it is a bunch of statements without detail, the question is do you agree with them or not.
What economic policies of Biden?
The Inflation Reduction Act definitely played a role. Also, the Biden/Harris administration's interaction with the Federal Reserve has helped. The administration's efforts to stabilize gas prices, improvements to supply chains, etc. The impressive job growth under the Biden/Harris administration has also helped. Those are just a few that come to mind, I'm sure there is more.

btw, I find it hilarious that you are attacking the Inflation Reduction Act, something Republicans across the country are now trying to take or get credit for. After most of them opposed and voted against the Act!🤣🤣

Fact when Biden took over inflation was next to nothing. Over the last 3 1/2 years inflation has risen a verifiable 20%.
This is not a fact but a spin attempt.

Biden took over in the midst of a pandemic that Trump made worse. The pandemic, and factors associated with it, caused the rise in inflation. Since June 2022, inflation has declined. This is due, in part, to policies enacted under the Biden/Harris administration, along with other factors outside the control of any presidential administration

Those are the facts.

See Bearcat, even when you cultists try to talk policies, you still lose. Even if Trump could become a disciplined candidate and do what some Republicans want him to do, it still isn't going to work in his favor.
Do you even agree with us that we should want to end inflation and make America affordable again?
Yes, of course I do.

This is one reason I support Harris. Since 2022, under the Biden/Harris administration, inflation has been decreasing. You can't deny this. It is a fact.

So tell me, what is Trump going to do that Harris won't do to end inflation and make America affordable again? Details please.
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LMAO. Of course it is a bunch of statements without detail, the question is do you agree with them or not.
Again, tell he has plans on doing any of that and I'll tell you if I agree or not.

Start with number three.

How does Trump propose "ending Inflation and making America affordable again"?
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Yes, of course I do.

This is one reason I support Harris. Since 2022, under the Biden/Harris administration, inflation has been decreasing. You can't deny this. It is a fact.
That's correct.

But it's been decreasing off 9 percent. Biden was handed 1.4% inflation, he ran it up to 9 percent, and your takeaway from this is "Biden's decreased inflation for the last 2 years, that's a fact and you cannot deny it!"

Biden doesn't get credit for digging us a third of the way out of a massive crater that he created.

So tell me, what is Trump going to do that Harris won't do to end inflation and make America affordable again? Details please.

Here you go:

16 pages, it's all there. All the details you need.

Now can we see the same thing for Kamala? The only policy position I've heard from her so far is to steal Trump's idea for no tax on tips.
That's correct.
Thank you for acknowledging the truth.

But it's been decreasing off 9 percent. Biden was handed 1.4% inflation, he ran it up to 9 percent, and your takeaway from this is "Biden's decreased inflation for the last 2 years, that's a fact and you cannot deny it!"

Biden doesn't get credit for digging us a third of the way out of a massive crater that he created.
Biden inherited a country that was in a mess due to a pandemic that Trump made worse. Inflation rose because we were coming out of a pandemic and other factors associated with that pandemic. This would have occurred regardless of who was President in 2021. Inflation was always going to be a problem.

However, since 2022, inflation has decreased, as you acknowledged. And yes, the Biden/Harris administration does get credit for this. They responded to the crisis, led, and the problem is being fixed. That is leadership. That is what a President is supposed to do.

Not to mention that since it is improving, there is no reason to go backwards and put back into office the man who contributed to the original problem. We aren't going back.
Sorry but I can't open and view that link.

Just provide the highlights. What is Trump going to do that Harris won't do to end inflation and make America affordable again?
Again, tell he has plans on doing any of that and I'll tell you if I agree or not.

Start with number three.

How does Trump propose "ending Inflation and making America affordable again"?
LMAO again. Here is what you just posted.

Do you even agree with us that we should want to end inflation and make America affordable again?
Yes, of course I do.

This is one reason I support Harris. Since 2022, under the Biden/Harris administration, inflation has been decreasing. You can't deny this. It is a fact.

So tell me, what is Trump going to do that Harris won't do to end inflation and make America affordable again? Details please.

How do you know what Harris is going to do? She was part of the Administration that gave us 20% inflation, hasn't posted anything even saying she would reduce inflation, details on how she would reduce inflation and has flip flopped in the limit speeches she has given, yet here you are supporting Kamala without a shred of detail. Strange how you demand to know details before you can simple say whether you agree with simple statements. LMAO
Sorry but I can't open and view that link.

Just provide the highlights. What is Trump going to do that Harris won't do to end inflation and make America affordable again?
I can copy and paste what's on the link so you can read it for yourself. Would that help you?
How do you know what Harris is going to do?
Again, I don't know specifics yet because she hasn't released her platform. But again, I know what her principals and values are. I know what she has done and voted for in the past. I know what President Biden was proposing before he dropped out and I'm sure Harris' proposals will be similar.

This isn't rocket science Bearcat.

She was part of the Administration that gave us 20% inflation
And part of the administration that has seen inflation now decrease since June of 2022 partly because of the policies that administration put in place to combat inflation resulting from the pandemic.

You always ignore this for some reason lol!

btw, do you have an answer yet? . . .

In your own words, how does Trump propose "ending Inflation and making America affordable again"?
I can copy and paste what's on the link so you can read it for yourself. Would that help you?
I am not asking you to cope and past.

I am asking for your own words. Summarize it. Explain it. What are the specific policy proposals?

I don't understand what is so hard about this lol.

Just provide the highlights. What is Trump going to do that Harris won't do to end inflation and make America affordable again?
I am not asking you to cope and past.

I am asking for your own words. Summarize it. Explain it. What are the specific policy proposals?

I don't understand what is so hard about this lol.

Just provide the highlights. What is Trump going to do that Harris won't do to end inflation and make America affordable again?
Here's the copy and paste:

Our Commitment:
The Republican Party will reverse the worst Inflation crisis in four decades that has crushed the middle class, devastated
family budgets, and pushed the dream of homeownership out of reach for millions. We will defeat Inflation, tackle the costof-living crisis, improve fiscal sanity, restore price stability, and quickly bring down prices.
Inflation is a crushing tax on American families. History shows that Inflation will not magically disappear while policies
remain the same. We commit to unleashing American Energy, reining in wasteful spending, cutting excessive Regulations,
securing our Borders, and restoring Peace through Strength. Together, we will restore Prosperity, ensure Economic Security,
and build a brighter future for American Workers and their families. Our dedication to these Policies will make America
stronger, more resilient, and more prosperous than ever before.
1. Unleash American Energy
Under President Trump, the U.S. became the Number One Producer of Oil and Natural Gas in the World — and we will soon
be again by lifting restrictions on American Energy Production and terminating the Socialist Green New Deal. Republicans
will unleash Energy Production from all sources, including nuclear, to immediately slash Inflation and power American
homes, cars, and factories with reliable, abundant, and affordable Energy.
2. Rein in Wasteful Federal Spending
Republicans will immediately stabilize the Economy by slashing wasteful Government spending and promoting Economic
3. Cut Costly and Burdensome Regulations
Republicans will reinstate President Trump's Deregulation Policies, which saved Americans $11,000 per household, and
end Democrats’ regulatory onslaught that disproportionately harms low- and middle-income households.
4. Stop Illegal Immigration
Republicans will secure the Border, deport Illegal Aliens, and reverse the Democrats’ Open Borders Policies that have
driven up the cost of Housing, Education, and Healthcare for American families.
5. Restore Peace through Strength
War breeds Inflation while geopolitical stability brings price stability. Republicans will end the global chaos and restore
Peace through Strength, reducing geopolitical risks and lowering commodity prices."

You said you wanted to know Trump's plan for addressing the high inflation Biden/Kamala created and undoing the damage Biden/Kamala had done in making America unaffordable, well there it is.

You're welcome.
Usually the same place you do… Twitter.

And it’s a ridiculous leading question and you know it.
No it wasn't. He was asking a question. Yes, he gave his opinion at the start, but he was still asking a question. There was nothing there about him trying to get the White House to do something. He was asking about the White House's position and stance.

That was a inaccurate and lame tweet.
No it wasn't. He was asking a question. Yes, he gave his opinion at the start, but he was still asking a question. There was nothing there about him trying to get the White House to do something. He was asking about the White House's position and stance.

That was an inaccurate and lame tweet.
Your opinion but thanks for sharing.