Yeah, don't know. Really just yanking your chain.
Although I'm not convinced that the apocalypse will come from man-made climate change, I've endeavored to reduce my contribution mostly from the viewpoint that at a minimum, a smaller carbon footprint is more beneficial to our environment. I like clean water, air, and land. I got rid of my gas guzzling M3 in favor of a fuel efficient Hyundai (I don't miss the $12 a quart oil). My wife got rid of her Ford Flex and bought a Honda. My oldest daughter drives a Honda. I try to stay on top of energy efficiency in the house. We aren't big travelers outside of what's required for the sport of gymnastics.
So how much should a "true believer" sacrifice to be credible? I firmly believe that a "true believer" probably knows that answer better than I do. I don't expect people to walk or ride horses to work but owning fuel efficient vehicles seems like a no brainer. I'm not sure anyone needs the carbon footprint of a 15,000 square foot house unless it's a family of 20. Flights on private jets are always more harmful to the environment than commercial air on a per person basis. If I'm being honest, I don't see any of these as "sacrifices." They seem like good old common sense things for anyone that believes that man is driving the climate and planet off the cliff.