Try not to be so sensitive.
Hamas attacked innocent civilians who had no idea they were coming. It was savage and inexcusable and unforgivable. But it was also amateur hour compared to what Israel has done to Gaza in the past and what it is doing to Gaza today. Did I say what Hamas did on Oct 7 was savage, inexcusable and unforgivable? Oh, yes, yes I did. Do I need to say it again so you know I don't condone what Hamas did on Oct 7? Okay, let me say it again: what Hamas did on Oct 7 was savage, inexcusable and unforgivable. One more time? Okay: what Hamas did on Oct 7 was savage, inexcusable and unforgivable. Oh, hell, one more time: what Hamas did was savage, inexcusable and unforgivable. I don't forgive them for what they did. Do you? No? Well, we agree! What Hamas did on Oct 7 was savage, inexcusable and unforgivable. I'll say it some more if it will make you feel better. Just let me know.