Three Headlines from todays Karachi newspaper

Crimes Punished by death in the bible.
3)Male to male sexual encounter
4)Practicing witch craft
5)Rape of a virgin
6)Worshiping other Gods
7)Woman not found a virgin at the wedding night

Some others also but I cant think of them.
Please provide passages. Thanks.
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Honest question. If we polled all 1.8 billion Muslims, how many do you think would say Bill Maher should be killed for what he says about islam?

I would say minimum 25%. Could be as high as 75%. Just a guess though.

What if Bill Maher drew a picture of Mohammad? What % would want him Killed?

I think 25% figure definitely
So nearly 500,000,000 people would want Bill Maher dead for saying something negative about Islam or drawing a picture of some guy who lived in the 7th century that claimed he was the messenger of a make believe "god?" That's a bunch of people, more than the population of the US, Mexico, and Canada combined. I have no idea why any non-Muslim would look down on that.
Honest question. If we polled all 1.8 billion Muslims, how many do you think would say Bill Maher should be killed for what he says about islam?

I would say minimum 25%. Could be as high as 75%. Just a guess though.

What if Bill Maher drew a picture of Mohammad? What % would want him Killed?
This was a long time ago but Bill Maher said that 50% muslims would want that cartoonist in france killed.
So I took a survey of 50 people on the street in karachi downtown (I know it is not scientific) but just to give myself an idea.
2 people said that he should be definitely killed 19 people said they should respect
other peoples religion and should be punished. 29 people said that Allah would take care of them at the day of judgement.
So I really dont know but I would definitely go with 25% figure
This was a long time ago but Bill Maher said that 50% muslims would want that cartoonist in france killed.
So I took a survey of 50 people on the street in karachi downtown (I know it is not scientific) but just to give myself an idea.
2 people said that he should be definitely killed 19 people said they should respect
other peoples religion and should be punished. 29 people said that Allah would take care of them at the day of judgement.
So I really dont know but I would definitely go with 25% figure

Ask fifty somali Muslims. Or fifty rural afghanis. The list goes on.
So nearly 500,000,000 people would want Bill Maher dead for saying something negative about Islam or drawing a picture of some guy who lived in the 7th century that claimed he was the messenger of a make believe "god?" That's a bunch of people, more than the population of the US. I have no idea why any non-Muslim would look down on that.
See there is a difference between they should be killed and I would kill them personally.
I think the figure would go down considerably if you asked them if they would kill the person themselves.
I think you have raised an interesting point I think I would take another survey and ask them if they would kill the person themselves.
Make believe god is matter of faith. Allah is as real to us as your god is to you(if you believe in god)
I have known Somalis atleast the ones I knew were not radical.Afghanistan, I have been there several times but never discussed religion.
Afghani's that I know in Pakistan are very anti taliban, but I really have never discussed with them their personal beliefs.
See there is a difference between they should be killed and I would kill them personally.
I think the figure would go down considerably if you asked them if they would kill the person themselves.
I think you have raised an interesting point I think I would take another survey and ask them if they would kill the person themselves.
Make believe god is matter of faith. Allah is as real to us as your god is to you(if you believe in god)
Well, out of 500,000,000, we can probably agree that at least one would be willing to do the killing. That leaves 499,999,999 being perfectly fine with that one person doing the killing. I'm sure you'll find another way to not see the problem though.
Make believe god is matter of faith. Allah is as real to us as your god is to you(if you believe in god)
All gods are make believe. I'm an atheist. I have zero problems with people who believe in god except when they use that belief to violate the actual rights of others. I'm not talking about things like prayer. I'm talking about putting people in prison for blasphemy and killing Bill Maher for saying things about your religion.
Well, out of 500,000,000, we can probably agree that at least one would be willing to do the killing. That leaves 499,999,999 being perfectly fine with that one person doing the killing. I'm sure you'll find another way to not see the problem though.
there is a probem with ther=ese fanatics are in small numbers and would number in less than 1 % these are hard core.brainwashed terrorists yes we akk to be on gourd from them
All gods are make believe. I'm an atheist. I have zero problems with people who believe in god except when they use that belief to violate the actual rights of others. I'm not talking about things like prayer. I'm talking about putting people in prison for blasphemy and killing Bill Maher for saying things about your religion.
I agree with you totally and I definitely dont want Bill Maher killed because I love that guy.He is the most honest and outspoken satirist on American TV.
I saw parts of his shows may be politically incorrect where he made fun of Clinton he was hilarious.
I pray 4 times a day, I think blasphemy laws are outdated even though they are on the books of several European countries (though not practiced). It is just question of time before they are thrown out in Muslim countries also.
Did you see how the sultan of Brunei backed away from the draconian laws he had introduced.
Just matter of time guys take my word for it.
Polio worker shot dead( by a muslim). 13 killed by talibans in Afghanistan (probably muslims)
Resident kills a robber and injured his brother in Karachi( Muslim). If I had said that it happened in Oklahoma you guys would immediately go off on the merits of 2nd amendment.

The reply is the same as it's always been whether it Pakistan, the US, or any other corner of the world. There are bad actors in society and no government on the planet can protect you or your loved ones from harm. Everything governments enact is nothing but security theater.

Take responsibility for you and yours with appropriate tools, which includes weapons.
The reply is the same as it's always been whether it Pakistan, the US, or any other corner of the world. There are bad actors in society and no government on the planet can protect you or your loved ones from harm. Everything governments enact is nothing but security theater.

Take responsibility for you and yours with appropriate tools, which includes weapons.
Agree with you and well put.
The reply is the same as it's always been whether it Pakistan, the US, or any other corner of the world. There are bad actors in society and no government on the planet can protect you or your loved ones from harm. Everything governments enact is nothing but security theater.

Take responsibility for you and yours with appropriate tools, which includes weapons.
Yet, we continuously get treated to mostly liberal politicians wanting to take away our tools all the while they surround themselves with tax paid tool carriers.
See Allabeti, there's another effed up optic I loathe.
Too many Islamists presume to know what Allah wants, and they arbitrarily mete out the punishments themselves.
We're fond of "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord".
See Allabeti, there's another effed up optic I loathe.
Too many Islamists presume to know what Allah wants, and they arbitrarily mete out the punishments themselves.
We're fond of "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord".

I like, "As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!" (Yes. It's really in there.) :)
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I like, "As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!" (Yes. It's really in there.) :)
From the excerpts I've read, it's a vile, how to manual of hate.
To follow its tenets you'd have to be a very miserable soul.

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