This is why so many are wrong


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
To turn away from fighting the 2020
Steal and making it right. People give up and let it be ok and not fight to make 2020 right. Total coup- incumbent DJT wins in a massive landslide and the global left bought the election (Democrat's, China, Soros, big tech et al)then they proceed to invade the US with open borders and jets full of young military age illegals from the Middle East and elsewhere FLOWN DIRECTLY into our country in the middle of the night.

AND BC WE DID NOTHING to stop the prez election- they proceeded to steal the senate- all bc people won't stand. We have to be like Mitch McConnel and say- oh no- don't say anything". Hell this board is what- almost all "well they stole it but nothing we can do" ? Now they will steal the midterms - to think they will stop after they have gotten away with it is so far off. They've been cheating for decades- they won't stop. Yet we stand and accept it and watch our country fall