Still TV. Do I need to come meet you at George's to discuss this?Network TV.
Still TV. Do I need to come meet you at George's to discuss this?
You name it and Joel Olsteen will claim it!Deer Lowered not George's.
There are much better options than that!
Have to agree. Maybe they set the bar too high but I expected a little more as far as answers. Didn't really advance the narrative at all. Felt like last weeks episode was just a big old pump fake. One of the weaker episodes of the season to me.
I feel like what they did was change the narrative (at least from what we've been expecting), and yes they did pull a fast one on us with the end of episode 17.
They did advance it, just in a different direction, and one that was not pleasing.
We got a big advance of the present day narrative, but it happened really fast with very little room to process.