Things that make me smile on this cold wet winter day

City lawyers conceded Thursday that Chicago would pay an estimated $175 million to reconfigure roads to manage traffic around the center.

City lawyers said it would bring a major economic boost to poor local minority communities. Backers estimate it would create 5,000 jobs during construction and over 2,500 permanent jobs.

Good gawd, whotf did any math to compute that jobs would never pay for the welfare? No wonder Ill. is going broke........:rolleyes:
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City lawyers conceded Thursday that Chicago would pay an estimated $175 million to reconfigure roads to manage traffic around the center.

City lawyers said it would bring a major economic boost to poor local minority communities. Backers estimate it would create 5,000 jobs during construction and over 2,500 permanent jobs.

Good gawd, whotf did any math to compute that jobs would never pay for the welfare? No wonder Ill. is going broke........:rolleyes:

First question would be why would anyone believe a Chicago City lawyer on an economic evaluation/suggestion and or what they think is best for the "local minority communities"? The same city that has allowed gun toting gang members free reign in parts of the city, allowed public schools to fail and allowed inner city blight to become prevalent. Yea, I'd really want their input and promises to lift my community up.

Second question, when has 5,000 temporary jobs ever equated to a downstream total of 2,500?