It's interesting, don't you think (I do) that western Europe was so excited to ship their Jews to a land where they'd be surrounded by people they knew hate them, and as you put it want to kill them via barbaric acts? I do not deny the enmity the Palestinians feel for Israelis, especially after what Israel has done to them. But for some strange reason you can't bring yourself to admit the Israelis hate the Palestinians with equal enmity and have been more than willing to visit vilolence on them 10 times worse than they have received. I recognize the hatred and violence is a two way street. You can only see the vicimhood of the Israelis. In your eyes the Israelis only respond, never instigate. And that's why we go round and round. You think Palestinian violence is unjustified and never provoked. You are dead wrong about that. (Do not interpret that as me justififying Oct 7, there is no justification for Oct 7.) And that's what I mean about your notion that everything began on Oct 7. "But Oct 7!!!" As for your thought that Palestinians as a race lack ambition, self reliance. Maybe you're right, although it is a pretty collectivist/racist notion. I suspect Palestinians are like the rest of humanity, some are lazy and some are hard workers driven by ambition. What I do know is Israel from the time of David Ben-Gurion has had a plan to keep the Palestinian separate, with inferior rights and under control. Under control: under their boot. So it's possible the "lack of Gazan ambition" has a cause. In my youth a long time ago Jim Crow was utilitzed throughout the American South. And the general racist notion about blacks was they were an inferior race, utterly lacking in intelligence and lazy to boot. What you're saying about Palestinians today "sounds familiar," way too familiar for comfort.