I'm not trying to provoke an argument with you, really I'm not. I don't understand why our government chose to shed blood and expend treasure over there. What were they thinking? Nation building? Empire building? Are we supposed to force western social values on them? Protect the interests of big oil? Why are we spending trillions of dollars on this enterprise? Why is our government willing to let thousands of our young men die or get mutilated? Not to mention that it has killed or mutilated or displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent people! What the hell are we doing over there?
I am sure the past has been heavily debated over here although I was not around for it. I do think past history can teach us a lot. We know fanaticism, extremism, whatever you want to call it, usually takes a bunch of bloodshed to stop. When your enemy is committed to dying for cause...those who stop them have to commit to that as well.
Americans absolutely are willing to pick up their arms and die protecting their freedoms, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 show when we feel our way of life is being challenged politics and high nosed morality is thrown aside very quickly and we take up arms to kill our enemies.
America fought its civil war, the middle east to contain the death toll within their own house and countries so to speak need to fight their civil war once and for all and good needs to conquer evil. IF that was to happen, I could see the US and other allies jumping on board to assist that population to root out that evil. It is hard right now to see the population in the middle eastern countries rising up as one to fight the good fight and for those that left their home lands to return and fight, they would be fighting amongst their own blood lines, but IMO they are that screwed up and prayers and talks is not going to solve the problem.
I think if the US and all the other democratic countries would totally isolate these middle eastern countries and force them to clean their own house this would be a way to exert pressure. Allowing the civilian masses there to leave only leaves a void in which the bad guys remain and have a place to live and thrive. Hard for me to support a culture, civilization, etc..when they see no value in dying for their own country, and our enemies are counting on the fact America is getting weaker and the civilian population as time goes on becomes more compliant to globalism and not protecting and dying for American values.
So, we either have a ton of blood shed on middle eastern soil in a civil war or a combined civil war / world action, or terrorism continues to spread like a cancer slowly consuming cell after cell, and I am convinced at some point if we do not seriously protect our borders and our home land that things will get so bad in our own country it will reach a critical mass and all Americans will demand to go over to the middle east and to wipe them all out, perhaps even drop a nuke, this is the whiplash I can see coming way down the road for not keeping our home soil safe. Problem is, it will be hard to root out the roaches hiding in our country while taking the war to the middle east.
I believe these are forces that are moving forward and can not be stopped, it is a matter of trying to push this problem in a certain direction and trying to dictate the terms of where the massive blood shed occurs that will be required to stop the innocent murdering of civilians in democratic societies. I read today that 130 Imams agreed to not pray for the muslims that carried out the attack in the UK as has been normal tradition, this condemns their souls. These Imams are pushing for more Imams to agree to this. This is a drop in the bucket, but it is a start. Now, if they would just take up arms and for some to even go back to their home land and fight for their country and eliminate this evil we would be really getting somewhere.