There is no threshold of violence in which liberals will support action

No offense but you have absolutely no idea if you are right so words like certainly are grossly inappropriate. Believe is more accurate.

Im not saying terrorists have poured across the Mexican border but you can't quantify anything to prove they haven't or won't. It's a big problem that creates cognitive dissonance.

There is more evidence supporting my belief than there is evidence supporting DJT's claim that they are "pouring in".
Your belief is dead wrong. Check out the news sometime. There are reportedly more than 300 active terror investigations involving refugees. There have been arrests of folks who came here as refugees and actual terror attacks by folks who came here as refugees.

I'm not arguing in favor of a travel ban, I'm only explaining why your belief is wrong.

Been Jamin is just dead wrong. I actually get the FBI updates on terror related activity in the US. The ones I get are more watered down and non-specific. But there are active groups in all 50 states. I'm willing to bet that a number of them are refugees or directly related to refugees. Been's beliefs just isn't rooted in factual data.
Both. They certainly aren't "pouring in" as we have been told by our esteemed POTUS. We are hearing about some kind of attack in Europe on almost a weekly basis. I don't believe that there are many (if any) lying in wait for the right time to strike in the U.S.

Trump is still tweeting about his Travel Ban, which makes absolutely no logical sense at this point. I am surprised more of his critics aren't pointing out how illogical the reasoning behind it is.
Head in sand kid.
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I didn't say it would be impossible. Just that it wouldn't be easy.

For Sayid to enter South America, travel all the way through Mexico, cross the border illegally, get a DL, and buy weapons, he would need to speak at least 3-4 languages, and he would need a lot of money and a lot of luck along the way. He would also probably need help from someone sympathetic to his cause...probably at least 1 person in 3 different countries, and he would have to contact his U.S. helper without getting picked up by U.S. intelligence.

Not impossible. But, also not just a matter of being well financed and having a strong desire.
You do realize that Islamic extremist types have already come in through Mexico, right? I'm not sure if you're familiar with human trafficking, but in short they give no shits about anything but money.

Google Mahmoud Kourani, Ahmed Dhakane, and Abdullahi Omar Fidse for starters...
Been Jamin is just dead wrong. I actually get the FBI updates on terror related activity in the US. The ones I get are more watered down and non-specific. But there are active groups in all 50 states. I'm willing to bet that a number of them are refugees or directly related to refugees. Been's beliefs just isn't rooted in factual data.

I get the detailed Terrorist Screening Center reports.

You're not wrong.
Head in sand kid.
The problem has grown exponentially over the last 20 years and the left keeps telling us the world doesn't have an "Islam" problem, we have an "Islamist" problem. Not much distinction in my mind.

Liberal left for the last 20 years.

The problem has grown exponentially over the last 20 years and the left keeps telling us the world doesn't have an "Islam" problem, we have an "Islamist" problem. Not much distinction in my mind.

Liberal left for the last 20 years.


So, what do you see as a viable solution to the "Islam problem"?
It is a security issue, bringing in all the other talk just makes the issue more complicated than it really is. Innocent people are dying at the hands of cold blooded murderers, justice should be blind as should taking common sense steps to protect your kids and families.

The fact the people of the countries who are exporting murderers prefer to run from their own countries or to not stand up for themselves and fight these murderers in their own country says a lot to me, it is ok for Americans to stand up and die for their freedoms but these people do not see enough value in their countries and their own people to stand up and fight to give their kids a better homeland.

No, they rather come here and change our way of life while expecting kids of this country whose families thru multiple generations paid taxes and fought wars go fight for them.

Nationalism? How about some accountability and calling murder what it is?
It is a security issue, bringing in all the other talk just makes the issue more complicated than it really is. Innocent people are dying at the hands of cold blooded murderers, justice should be blind as should taking common sense steps to protect your kids and families.

The fact the people of the countries who are exporting murderers prefer to run from their own countries or to not stand up for themselves and fight these murderers in their own country says a lot to me, it is ok for Americans to stand up and die for their freedoms but these people do not see enough value in their countries and their own people to stand up and fight to give their kids a better homeland.

No, they rather come here and change our way of life while expecting kids of this country whose families thru multiple generations paid taxes and fought wars go fight for them.

Nationalism? How about some accountability and calling murder what it is?

What exactly are you trying to say? I see a lot of words without any clear point or suggestion of a solution or needed changes.
So, what do you see as a viable solution to the "Islam problem"?

Keep our borders super secure and let them all kill each other in their home countries if that is what they want to do. They need to clean their own house, and if they do not want to stand up and fight for what is right? Then you perish, not our problem. If it was happening in our country that is what we would have, no one would come to save us. Either fight for what is right or die, American blood should not be spilled. Nothing that I can see is worth fighting and dying for from an American perspective, I would not want my grand child fighting there when their own population is not willing to admit they have a big problem and it needs to be eradicated.
The problem has grown exponentially over the last 20 years and the left keeps telling us the world doesn't have an "Islam" problem, we have an "Islamist" problem. Not much distinction in my mind.

Liberal left for the last 20 years.


So, what do you see as a viable solution to the "Islam problem"?
Already answered up above.

The world will either get so sick and tired of the violence they will turn on the Muslim world and force them to clean their own house or the Islamists eventually win and the world will be controlled by barbarians imposing sharia on everyone.

Which ever way it goes it will be ugly.
Been, some of the refugees (no idea percentages) are vetted by UN run/sponsored groups. Trusting them to do the right thing would be like trusting Harry Reid to not fall down inebriated and injury his eye....oh sorry fall off his tread mill.
So, what do you see as a viable solution to the "Islam problem"?

Butting in with my opinion but breaking up multicultural enclaves and no go zones are a good place to start. These can keep people from being invested in their host country or it's people.

Assimilation is one key. Controlling the flow is another. And not being afraid to tell the Muslim world to get their shit together and reform themselves for the 21st century is another. How to influence that is the real question.
Why do refugees have a life time pass in this country? When the war is over, they go home. Their children aren't American citizens.

We were a shelter in a storm. Maybe they get a taste of the freedoms we have here and want to take those back with them.
They'll probably be murdered by ISIS for that. Seriously. ISIS has their own religious leaders.

True. ISIS considers them infidels. But, we need more Muslim leaders to denounce the actions of the extremists. Theoretically, it will make a difference with people who are on the fence/quietly supportive of the terrorist actions.
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Keep our borders super secure and let them all kill each other in their home countries if that is what they want to do. They need to clean their own house, and if they do not want to stand up and fight for what is right? Then you perish, not our problem. If it was happening in our country that is what we would have, no one would come to save us. Either fight for what is right or die, American blood should not be spilled. Nothing that I can see is worth fighting and dying for from an American perspective, I would not want my grand child fighting there when their own population is not willing to admit they have a big problem and it needs to be eradicated.

Are you of the opinion that our young people are fighting and dying in the Middle East in order to protect innocent Middle Easterners from Muslim extremist mayhem and violence? Are you thinking that's the main reason the US is involved?
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True. ISIS considers them infidels. But, we need more Muslim leaders to denounce the actions of the extremists. Theoretically, it will make a difference with people who are on the fence/quietly supportive of the terrorist actions.
I don't disagree except those on the fence are usually already influenced by extremist views. The question is how to keep them from blowing people up as part of those views.
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True. ISIS considers them infidels. But, we need more Muslim leaders to denounce the actions of the extremists. Theoretically, it will make a difference with people who are on the fence/quietly supportive of the terrorist actions.

Yup, they are apostates to these people. They move up higher on the kill list than the kafir
Are you of the opinion that our young people are fighting and dying in the Middle East in order to protect innocent Middle Easterners from Muslim extremist mayhem and violence? Are you thinking that's the main reason the US is involved?

The question I responded to was prospective in nature.
The question I responded to was prospective in nature.
I'm not trying to provoke an argument with you, really I'm not. I don't understand why our government chose to shed blood and expend treasure over there. What were they thinking? Nation building? Empire building? Are we supposed to force western social values on them? Protect the interests of big oil? Why are we spending trillions of dollars on this enterprise? Why is our government willing to let thousands of our young men die or get mutilated? Not to mention that it has killed or mutilated or displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent people! What the hell are we doing over there?
I'm not trying to provoke an argument with you, really I'm not. I don't understand why our government chose to shed blood and expend treasure over there. What were they thinking? Nation building? Empire building? Are we supposed to force western social values on them? Protect the interests of big oil? Why are we spending trillions of dollars on this enterprise? Why is our government willing to let thousands of our young men die or get mutilated? Not to mention that it has killed or mutilated or displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent people! What the hell are we doing over there?

I am sure the past has been heavily debated over here although I was not around for it. I do think past history can teach us a lot. We know fanaticism, extremism, whatever you want to call it, usually takes a bunch of bloodshed to stop. When your enemy is committed to dying for cause...those who stop them have to commit to that as well.

Americans absolutely are willing to pick up their arms and die protecting their freedoms, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 show when we feel our way of life is being challenged politics and high nosed morality is thrown aside very quickly and we take up arms to kill our enemies.

America fought its civil war, the middle east to contain the death toll within their own house and countries so to speak need to fight their civil war once and for all and good needs to conquer evil. IF that was to happen, I could see the US and other allies jumping on board to assist that population to root out that evil. It is hard right now to see the population in the middle eastern countries rising up as one to fight the good fight and for those that left their home lands to return and fight, they would be fighting amongst their own blood lines, but IMO they are that screwed up and prayers and talks is not going to solve the problem.

I think if the US and all the other democratic countries would totally isolate these middle eastern countries and force them to clean their own house this would be a way to exert pressure. Allowing the civilian masses there to leave only leaves a void in which the bad guys remain and have a place to live and thrive. Hard for me to support a culture, civilization, etc..when they see no value in dying for their own country, and our enemies are counting on the fact America is getting weaker and the civilian population as time goes on becomes more compliant to globalism and not protecting and dying for American values.

So, we either have a ton of blood shed on middle eastern soil in a civil war or a combined civil war / world action, or terrorism continues to spread like a cancer slowly consuming cell after cell, and I am convinced at some point if we do not seriously protect our borders and our home land that things will get so bad in our own country it will reach a critical mass and all Americans will demand to go over to the middle east and to wipe them all out, perhaps even drop a nuke, this is the whiplash I can see coming way down the road for not keeping our home soil safe. Problem is, it will be hard to root out the roaches hiding in our country while taking the war to the middle east.

I believe these are forces that are moving forward and can not be stopped, it is a matter of trying to push this problem in a certain direction and trying to dictate the terms of where the massive blood shed occurs that will be required to stop the innocent murdering of civilians in democratic societies. I read today that 130 Imams agreed to not pray for the muslims that carried out the attack in the UK as has been normal tradition, this condemns their souls. These Imams are pushing for more Imams to agree to this. This is a drop in the bucket, but it is a start. Now, if they would just take up arms and for some to even go back to their home land and fight for their country and eliminate this evil we would be really getting somewhere.
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I'm not trying to provoke an argument with you, really I'm not. I don't understand why our government chose to shed blood and expend treasure over there. What were they thinking? Nation building? Empire building? Are we supposed to force western social values on them? Protect the interests of big oil? Why are we spending trillions of dollars on this enterprise? Why is our government willing to let thousands of our young men die or get mutilated? Not to mention that it has killed or mutilated or displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent people! What the hell are we doing over there?

And our government LIED to get support to invade Iraq.

I sure appreciate that perspective Dan. Unfortunately most conservatives on this board were very supportive of Dubya and his war until relatively recently. Strangely, their frustration really manifested after Biff publicly ripped the war. I exclude Thor, he's been consistent for years about staying out.
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And our government LIED to get support to invade Iraq.

I sure appreciate that perspective Dan. Unfortunately most conservatives on this board were very supportive of Dubya and his war until relatively recently. Strangely, their frustration really manifested after Biff publicly ripped the war. I exclude Thor, he's been consistent for years about staying out.

I wonder what people will be able to say you supported until you found out it was a bad idea.
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Yup, they are apostates to these people. They move up higher on the kill list than the kafir

I wanted to add to this. In Islam the Quran gives them the right to engage in sacred deception (Taqiyya). If they don't become targets the extremists can always just assume that's what this is and continue on.
I wonder what people will be able to say you supported until you found out it was a bad idea.

If you are talking to me I do not support having a bloody war or nukes. I would prefer to hold hands and sing. I am just telling you how I think it plays out. If they do not stop it themselves and if we do not secure our borders, at some point it will be ugly over here. My opinion is if they do not settle it over there, it will be ugly here eventually and then ugly there. I also know how Americans react.

Only thing I have stated in terms of support, I do not believe putting American lives at risk to fight a war they will not fight themselves. They should solve their own problem and my opinion is that it will take war, that is not what I support but I believe what it will take to defeat these extremists.

You disagree? How do you see this playing out? It looks real ugly to me and BTW I hope I am wrong. Terrorism and these extremists right now are winning and they will continue to win if something does not change, again just my opinion.

Looks bleak to me and why secure borders is really important and until they want to be a truly civilized society they deserve to be isolated just like North Korea.
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I wonder what people will be able to say you supported until you found out it was a bad idea.

There were NY Times articles, the editorial from Wilson, history of incompetence and deception from that admin. What did it take, a divine vision? Words just weren't enough, at least until Biff said it.
There were NY Times articles, the editorial from Wilson, history of incompetence and deception from that admin. What did it take, a divine vision? Words just weren't enough, at least until Biff said it.

When did you decide it had something to do with Biff? Fascinating. I mean it's proveable that you are completely full of shit and yet you claim this as though you aren't.
I am really curious, if nothing changes in terms of the current approach to extremists, how does everyone seeing it playing out abroad and here at home?

Based on that, what do we change today to keep things playing out like you think they will without a change in our current approach?

Tough questions for sure.
Unless we stop with the multiculturalism at all costs, I see it playing out exactly how open border globalist puppet masters expect it to play out. Total war and bigly profits to be reaped from it. Western Europe faces a real challenge, but it's been interesting to see Eastern Bloc countries give the middle finger to EU, Soros, and the rest. That definitely gives me hope. And Gen Z, maybe because of the proliferation of the internet and different viewpoints than CNN propaganda, seems to get it WAY better than Millennials. Things will definitely get worse before they get better though.

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