The Truth About Socialism

To me Facism is the ideology that the state and it's chief characteristic (culture, color, language, creed) is considered more important the individual. But, typically it's of the people and the culture and the je ne sais quoi of the nation. The Nazi's made that quality one of racial characteristics. Fascism is not inherently racist. Nazism is.

As far as Communism I think it's the abolition of class and in theory large scale public ownership of production. In reality, state owned. But, wouldn't the ideal Communist world would be one without borders and one government, one language, no religion, etc.... Led by the proletariat, the belief that a steel worker in Cleveland is the same as a steel worker in Shanghai and both are being exploited. I don't think that is the same, perfect world for a Fascist.

I have always thought of fascism and socialism as economic terms, whereas Naziism and Communism would be thought of in political terms. The Nazi's practiced fascism as their economic model, and the Communists (Lenin, Mao, et al) instituted socialism as their economic means. Both political philosophies, Naziism and Communism connote many sinister things beyond their economic policies.

This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but I find it interesting. Hitler and his political group were far, far more influenced by Hegel than any other philosopher. Hegel went so far as to maintain it is the duty of the individual to adhere to whatever the state mandated. Hegel's was the primary philosophy of German education for a couple of generations before the Nazis rose to power. Thus they had a populace that had been pre-indoctrinated to obey the state.
People who have read and studied Trotsky’s iconic 1932 book: History of the Russian Revolution.

There’s a passage in the book about racism, that’s believed to be to be the first time the word was ever used in print form.

The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902.

“Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.”
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The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902.

I always wondered how Prattville got its name; somebody better fire up the SJW/gerbil crowd
and get it changed.
The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902.

“Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.”

Don’t just like it @NZ Poke....maybe think a little bit about the truth and accuracy of the people from whom you got that Trotsky invented the word racism your own research instead of parroting a narrative.
Don’t just like it @NZ Poke....maybe think a little bit about the truth and accuracy of the people from whom you got that Trotsky invented the word racism your own research instead of parroting a narrative.

There are quotes from Frida Kahlo (pictured with Trotsky, in Mexico — where they later become lovers) where she sounds like a 2018 college campus intersectional feminist — except the quotes are from 70 years ago.

(Long before feminism and intersectionality was introduced into the mainstream west)



I cant figure out when this quote was, or where it was sourced — but doesn’t it sound like a quote from today?


And this sounds exactly like Trotsky (incidentally, Kahlo’s husband, Diego Rivera was a big time communist)


Whether Trotsky truly invented the word racism — his ideas on race, and everything else Marxism (he was the intellectual architect of the Bolshevik Revolution) are incredibly influential — all the way into today.
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There are quotes from Frida Kahlo (pictured with Trotsky, in Mexico — where they later become lovers) where she sounds like a 2018 college campus intersectional feminist — except the quotes are from 70 years ago.

(Long before feminism and intersectionality was introduced into the mainstream west)



I cant figure out when this quote was, or where it was sourced — but doesn’t it sound like a quote from today?


And this sounds exactly like Trotsky (incidentally, Kahlo’s husband, Diego Rivera was a big time communist)


Whether Trotsky truly invented the word racism — his ideas on race, and everything else Marxism (he was the intellectual architect of the Bolshevik Revolution) are incredibly influential — all the way into today.

Don’t just like it @NZ Poke....maybe think a little bit about the truth and accuracy of the people from whom you got that Trotsky invented the word racism your own research instead of parroting a narrative.

So you’re never gonna do this.

You’re just gonna like a post that factually blows your cut and paste narratives clean out of the water. You’re never gonna acknowledge when the narrative you are repeated is dead to rights, undeniably, laughable, factually wrong and maybe question it a little harder before mindlessly cutting and pasting the next BS meme or claim you run across.


You’re just gonna furiously cut and paste three more memes, double and triple down, and hope everyone forgets. You’re just gonna try to pivot, change the subject, and take the quantity of quality if you say it often enough, it’ll become true.


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