The Trumpster Phenomenon

You are more clueless than what you accuse Trump supporters of being.

You totally don't get why he happened and why his supporters don't give a rat's ass about is flaws.

What on earth makes you think I don’t understand why people voted for Trump? Hell, I’ve said on this board a dozen times that Trump is better than Hillary. You voted for Trump because you were on Sean Hannity’s “Stop the Hillary Express,” anybody but Hillary campaign. With which I merrily agreed, by the way. You voted for Trump for his judicial appointments, which have been good for the country. That’s one of the primary reasons I preferred him to Ms. Clinton. You also voted for him because he promised to drain the swamp, of which, if you’ll be honest with yourself, you’ll admit he has done precious little.

I keep repeating, and will continue to do so, that Trump is a middling president that has had the misfortune of being in the reactionary crosshairs of Progressives, including Democrats, the MSM and opinion writers, comedians and Hollywood. (Of course, on the other side of that coin Trump has played up his “victimhood” to his base with great success.)

I don’t know the right word to describe much of the reaction from some of the Trumpsters in this thread. In many ways the comments are living proof of the accuracy of the original article. It’s surprising to me how difficult it is for some of you to see yourselves in the article, especially considering the angry reaction it has engendered.
Because you can’t. You literally can’t back up what you say. That’s why.

It’s amazing how much energy and time you have until someone wants some substance from you and then you fold like a pair of 2’s.

Drink a Red Bull and tell us how George Bush caused the recession. You can’t.

I'll pay to see the Flop with a pair of 2s.
PD Ford was the only one to not take the dough, not sure why though. What is going to be interesting is that if they start folding what will the governments stance be? Just can't see them bailing out Ford at this point in time. I suspect Ford will get this figured out in the near future, if they don't well it was a good run let them fold and be gobbled up by some other company.
If I remember correctly Ford refused the money because they didn’t think they needed it, and they recognized it was primarily a payoff to the unions, giving the unions a new degree of control over operations.
I'll pay to see the Flop with a pair of 2s.

I once fell in love with a Romanian poker dealer on a cruise ship. She was funny, kind of hot and had the Melania vampire accent. I hate poker, but I had to play with her. (it was one of those gimicky poker games) She made fun of me for betting with "pel of toos."

Moral of the story? I'll ride a pair of 2's if there's someone pretty dealing.

Wharri ain't pretty though. He's... wharri.

Hey Wharri, why do YOU think republicans keep causing recessions?
I once fell in love with a Romanian poker dealer on a cruise ship. She was funny, kind of hot and had the Melania vampire accent. I hate poker, but I had to play with her. (it was one of those gimicky poker games) She made fun of me for betting with "pel of toos."

Moral of the story? I'll ride a pair of 2's if there's someone pretty dealing.

Wharri ain't pretty though. He's... wharri.

Hey Wharri, why do YOU think republicans keep causing recessions?

You want me to explain your baseless opinion? Have you no rock bottom?
Because of your ridiculous insistence that Trump supporters are mindless hero worshippers. It's stupid and a lazy way to look at people who disagree with you.

It puts you into the Sys and C-Up category.
I’m neither stupid nor lazy, and I agree with Trump supporters about as often as disagree, Trumpsters, as described in the article, have removed their blinders and completely covered their eyes.

Let me ask you: since Trump was elected have you, Headhunter, ever started a thread criticizing anything he has said or done? I don’t mean the generic “I’m not crazy about his tweets.” I mean have you found a single policy he has announced that led you to publicly disavow it, to come on this board and say he’s stupid or lazy, prepared to defend your criticism against the furious reaction you know you will generate? Maybe you have. But I don’t remember. My thought about you is you react with emotional fury at any criticism of anything anybody might voice about the man or any policy he implements. always assuming they are left wing haters or establishment types terrified they’ll be part of the swamp you think he is draining. I’m not saying this in anger. It’s just what I have observed. I will be happy to be corrected.
I’m neither stupid nor lazy, and I agree with Trump supporters about as often as disagree, Trumpsters, as described in the article, have removed their blinders and completely covered their eyes.

Let me ask you: since Trump was elected have you, Headhunter, ever started a thread criticizing anything he has said or done? I don’t mean the generic “I’m not crazy about his tweets.” I mean have you found a single policy he has announced that led you to publicly disavow it, to come on this board and say he’s stupid or lazy, prepared to defend your criticism against the furious reaction you know you will generate? Maybe you have. But I don’t remember. My thought about you is you react with emotional fury at any criticism of anything anybody might voice about the man or any policy he implements. always assuming they are left wing haters or establishment types terrified they’ll be part of the swamp you think he is draining. I’m not saying this in anger. It’s just what I have observed. I will be happy to be corrected.
I have expressed numerous times total disgust with his spending decisions and total disregard of the deficit. I have expessed my displease with many personel decisions. Way to many swamp creatures for me. Especially in the beginning.

You think Trump supporters wear blinders, but I believe that it is the never Trumpers who have let their dislike of Trump blind them on many things.
I don’t know the right word to describe much of the reaction from some of the Trumpsters in this thread. In many ways the comments are living proof of the accuracy of the original article. It’s surprising to me how difficult it is for some of you to see yourselves in the article, especially considering the angry reaction it has engendered.

I refuted the two major points of the article and you totally avoided my refutation, while continuing to vomit back the same, wrong premise of the article. You seem to be caught up in the Jacob Hornberger cult far worse than any "Trumpster" is in the so-called "Trump Cult." Classic psychological projection.
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I refuted the two major points of the article and you totally avoided my refutation, while continuing to vomit back the same, wrong premise of the article. You seem to be caught up in the Jacob Hornberger cult far worse than any "Trumpster" is in the so-called "Trump Cult." Classic psychological projection.

Yeah, I’m not a constitutional lawyer like Hornberger is. No offense, but I’ll take his interpretation over yours. If I understand your argument correctly you think it is OK for a president to assume a responsibility granted only to the legislative branch as long as the legislative branch abdicates its constitutional responsibility and hands it over to the executive branch. That makes it all neat and tidy, and the fact the constitution specifically grants taxing power to the legislative branch only can be ignored because our legislators said it is OK. One more power handed over to a Great Leader. This time it’s your guy. I wonder if you will consistently argue the same point once it’s someone else’s Great Leader?
I have expressed numerous times total disgust with his spending decisions and total disregard of the deficit. I have expessed my displease with many personel decisions. Way to many swamp creatures for me. Especially in the beginning.

You think Trump supporters wear blinders, but I believe that it is the never Trumpers who have let their dislike of Trump blind them on many things.

Please save me the time and trouble to find an example of you voicing “total disgust” rather than a tepid complaint. Do it again, right now! Show me an example of your “total disgust!” Get into it with a true-believing Trump loyalist who takes umbrage with your disgust, and calls you stupid and lazy and an obvious leftist or never-Trumper! Explain to him how you mostly like Trump but this time he is worthy of total disgust! This ought to be good!
Please save me the time and trouble to find an example of you voicing “total disgust” rather than a tepid complaint. Do it again, right now! Show me an example of your “total disgust!” Get into it with a true-believing Trump loyalist who takes umbrage with your disgust, and calls you stupid and lazy and an obvious leftist or never-Trumper! Explain to him how you mostly like Trump but this time he is worthy of total disgust! This ought to be good!
Obviously my criticism has triggered you. Your being obtuse so I bow out now.

It's time to polish my Trump shrine anyways and it takes a while because it is huge.
Obviously my criticism has triggered you. Your being obtuse so I bow out now.

It's time to polish my Trump shrine anyways and it takes a while because it is huge.
In spite of myself I admit that made me laugh!
Yeah, I’m not a constitutional lawyer like Hornberger is. No offense, but I’ll take his interpretation over yours. If I understand your argument correctly you think it is OK for a president to assume a responsibility granted only to the legislative branch as long as the legislative branch abdicates its constitutional responsibility and hands it over to the executive branch. That makes it all neat and tidy, and the fact the constitution specifically grants taxing power to the legislative branch only can be ignored because our legislators said it is OK. One more power handed over to a Great Leader. This time it’s your guy. I wonder if you will consistently argue the same point once it’s someone else’s Great Leader?
This has nothing to do with any "Great Leader" and everything to do with the constitution. Again, you are either too stupid to see the point, or too dishonest to address it. It is perfectly constitutional for congress to delegate that power. It's been that way for about 100 years, and has yet to be declared unconstitutional. Congress can change the law and remove that power if it wants to, so to say that this is "dictatorial" is complete nonsense. Same with the strategy of "finding the money" within an already enacted law. That is a hallmark of the executive branch since the constitution was enacted (and among the various legislative bodies that existed before then). I would also note that Congress has the sole power to declare war, and yet we have the War Powers Act. Also, every federal department and agency has been created by Congress, and yet virtually all of them are under control of the executive branch, again through similar "abdication."

Hornberger is actually sort of engaging in the "Great Leader" concept, but in reverse. He only has a problem with the delegation of Congressional power that's been happening for over 200 years when a president he doesn't like takes office. Looks like maybe Hornberger was under pressure to meet a deadline and "phoned this one in."
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This has nothing to do with any "Great Leader" and everything to do with the constitution. Again, you are either too stupid to see the point, or too dishonest to address it. It is perfectly constitutional for congress to delegate that power. It's been that way for about 100 years, and has yet to be declared unconstitutional. Congress can change the law and remove that power if it wants to, so to say that this is "dictatorial" is complete nonsense. Same with the strategy of "finding the money" within an already enacted law. That is a hallmark of the executive branch since the constitution was enacted (and among the various legislative bodies that existed before then). I would also note that Congress has the sole power to declare war, and yet we have the War Powers Act. Also, every federal department and agency has been created by Congress, and yet virtually all of them are under control of the executive branch, again through similar "abdication."

Hornberger is actually sort of engaging in the "Great Leader" concept, but in reverse. He only has a problem with the delegation of Congressional power that's been happening for over 200 years when a president he doesn't like takes office. Looks like maybe Hornberger was under pressure to meet a deadline and "phoned this one in."
You obviously know nothing about Hornberger. I doubt he’s liked any president since Washington.

Your argument is the same one our leftist/liberal friends use. The constitution can be interpreted as the team in power chooses. Disregard the obvious intent of our founders, disregard the words that are written. Just spin it the way you want it and voila! It’s constitutional!
What you don't get is we get to have a say in things because when the defecation hits the rotary oscillator who does the world call? How many Pakistani's died on Omaha Beach, how about Belleau Woods, New Guinea, Okinawa, Battle for the Atlantic? How about how much money does Pakistan spend to keep the losers at the UN afloat? Who hid OBL? Unfortunately for you and the world we sometimes get to project our will because nations that are sovereign are too weak or cowardly to do their own bidding and while I don't particularly mind if Pakistani's are blowing up Pakistani's I do mind when the tertiary overflow (money, material support or literal support) cause the US to suffer.
I am sorry you are clueless how US works.During cols war we were used as pawn against Soviet and India.
After cold war we were dumped and sanctioned for having nuclear weapons.But 9/11
happened and we were told you are with us or you are against us and was forced to go against taliban.
Yes osama was hiding in Pakistan,but I can assure you the govt was not aware.We all knew he was hiding in Pakistan just didn't kinow where.
US has been interfering in other countries affairs for ever they have the right because of their muscle and money.
Omaha beach landing had nothing to do with Pakistan since it did not exist at that time.
The war was basically a European war the world part comes in because Europe had colonized most of asia and africa.
Otherwise it was just a european war.
Omaha beach landing had nothing to do with Pakistan since it did not exist at that time.
The war was basically a European war the world part comes in because Europe had colonized most of asia and africa.
Otherwise it was just a european war.
Seems like the people who where invaded and brutalized by Japan might take issue with your characterization of WWII being just a European war.

The boys landing and dying on all those beaches in the Pacific would also take issue.
Japan yes I forgot but basically a European war. Japan was after british colonies.
Every war has brutality read up on vietnam war and what US did.
Japan yes I forgot but basically a European war. Japan was after british colonies.
Every war has brutality read up on vietnam war and what US did.
You think what the US did in Vietnam is comparable to what the Japanese did in China and many other Asian countries?

You are totally uneducated on the rise of the Japanese Empire and the millions of people who were slaughted and raped.

WWII was much more than a "European" war.
Yes may be in different manner. Read about effects of orange agent which was used extensively in vietnam war. I am not saying japanese were not brutal but every war has brutality element. Don't look at history through hollywood movies.
Yes may be in different manner. Read about effects of orange agent which was used extensively in vietnam war. I am not saying japanese were not brutal but every war has brutality element. Don't look at history through hollywood movies.

You're surly not equivocating the Vietnam war to the Japanese in WWII? I've read plenty on Vietnam and there is simply no comparison agent orange or no agent orange. Pick up Vietnam-An Epic Tragedy (Max Hastings) for a very even look at the seeds of the conflict and what happened. I can't even believe you said "don't look at history through Hollywood movies," that might be the most ignorant thing you have said here. In fact any true historian or history student would never look to Hollywood for anything except a distortion of almost anything that needs a historic perspective. On the other hand I know many liberals who take movies like Platoon, Full Metal Jacket or The Boys in Company C as historic gospel when they are almost entirely BS (except for R Lee Ermey as the DI in boot camp, which is spot on).

I'm starting to think you aren't Pakistani at all, but one of CS or Cups alter ego using some kind of redneck language translator to commit grammatical errors from normal test to give the impression you are what you say you are. If by some chance you are Pakistani, you really need to stay in your lane for US Military History, because based on this and a few other things you have said you don't know crapola. BTW you totally missed the 30,000 foot view I was trying to illustrate by getting in the wasn't about specific examples of this or that war/battle, it was about how/when the world needs help they don't call the UN or EU, they call the US. Doesn't matter which conflict or which battle, it matters where help and often times immense loss of US life and treasure comes from.
You obviously know nothing about Hornberger. I doubt he’s liked any president since Washington.

In other words, he's an arrogant pr!ck who likes to sit back and tell everyone why they're wrong, but never offers any ideas as to what is "right." Good at pointing out problems, never offers solutions, most likely because he'd have to defend them. I can see why you like him so much.
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You obviously know nothing about Hornberger. I doubt he’s liked any president since Washington.

Your argument is the same one our leftist/liberal friends use. The constitution can be interpreted as the team in power chooses. Disregard the obvious intent of our founders, disregard the words that are written. Just spin it the way you want it and voila! It’s constitutional!
When's the last time anyone asked the founders about their intent? (rhetorical question) Interpreting words on paper is all we have. It's why we have a judicial branch. It's also exactly what you and your great leader Hornberger do when you talk about "obvious intent." If you take the Hornberger blog at face value, he doesn't know WTF he's talking about. If you look at the "plain language" of Hornberger's blog, without knowing the history of tariffs in the USA, you would think that Trump just suddenly came along and seized the power to raise tariffs. Like I said, either a dishonest post, or a fundamentally incompetent "constitutional scholar."
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I am sorry you are clueless how US works.During cols war we were used as pawn against Soviet and India.
After cold war we were dumped and sanctioned for having nuclear weapons.But 9/11
happened and we were told you are with us or you are against us and was forced to go against taliban.
Yes osama was hiding in Pakistan,but I can assure you the govt was not aware.We all knew he was hiding in Pakistan just didn't kinow where.
US has been interfering in other countries affairs for ever they have the right because of their muscle and money.

Okie dokie kemo sabe.....I actually do know how the government works and have never claimed they/we/USA is pure as the wind driven snow. Working in the national interest of world super power often is a dirty business, but it is infinitely more integral than working in the national interest of some piss ant country like say Pakistan. What has the US offered the world vs Pakistan? What vacuum could Pakistan fill that the US could fill a million times over? There are winners and losers on the chessboard of world politics and world security. What the US has sacrificed in the 20th century to ensure world peace and stability will never be replicated, so please don't lecture me about US Politics, US Military or US History. My whole life all I have read about is all three, with a heavy lean on history so am certain your knowledge gaps are much wider than mine.

If Pakistan is such an abused little boy, quit taking our money, using our educational system, working for our companies and buying our military hardware (and yes before you decide to remind me I know there has been gaps to the money and hardware as well).

As far as you "assuring me that the government in Pakistan didn't know OBL was there" GTFOOH! Maybe the whole government didn't know, as in to RSVP his invites for coffee and young boys, but it defies common sense that the worlds most wanted guy, living in a compound in Abbottabad down the street from a military compound wasn't know to be in town.

Again, you missed the 30,000 ft view by pointing out that no Pakistani's landed on Omaha Beach because Pakistan wasn't a country yet.....
When's the last time anyone asked the founders about their intent? (rhetorical question) Interpreting words on paper is all we have. It's why we have a judicial branch. It's also exactly what you and your great leader Hornberger do when you talk about "obvious intent." If you take the Hornberger blog at face value, he doesn't know WTF he's talking about. If you look at the "plain language" of Hornberger's blog, without knowing the history of tariffs in the USA, you would think that Trump just suddenly came along and seized the power to raise tariffs. Like I said, either a dishonest post, or a fundamentally incompetent "constitutional scholar."
Yeah, you’re probably right. There’s almost no evidence explaining the Founders’ intent, just things like the Federalist Papers, not to mention the extensive explanations in the writings of James Madison. We should just sit back and let the federal government tell us what the constitution says. Government agents can always be trusted to do the right thing, to be looking out for our best interests, little things like liberty. No, it’s completely contrary for a government - any government in history - to grab as much power as the people will meekly relinquish. All we have to do is accept what government agents tell us the constitution says. How foolish of me to think otherwise! I concede!
Yeah, you’re probably right. There’s almost no evidence explaining the Founders’ intent, just things like the Federalist Papers, not to mention the extensive explanations in the writings of James Madison. We should just sit back and let the federal government tell us what the constitution says. Government agents can always be trusted to do the right thing, to be looking out for our best interests, little things like liberty. No, it’s completely contrary for a government - any government in history - to grab as much power as the people will meekly relinquish. All we have to do is accept what government agents tell us the constitution says. How foolish of me to think otherwise! I concede!
Or even better. Maybe have Congress enact a different law, instead of spewing unsupported gibberish on a blog, and countering straw arguments.
Government agents can always be trusted to do the right thing, to be looking out for our best interests, little things like liberty. No, it’s completely contrary for a government - any government in history - to grab as much power as the people will meekly relinquish. All we have to do is accept what government agents tell us the constitution says.

Which is why we have three co-equal branches of government. You think you've come up with something brilliant, but you've actually turned your own argument on yourself, dumbass.
In summation, this whole "Trumpster Phenomenon" was manufactured by leftists, leftists hiding behind the libertarian label, and limp-wristed milquetoasts hiding in "conservative" think tanks, because they possess no solutions (or lack the testicles to attempt implementation), but they sure as hell don't want Trump to succeed. Therefore, they create a label to avoid having to support the criticism they throw out, much like the tired old racist-sexist-homophobic-bigot labels they've been using for decades. Intellectual laziness, and intellectual dishonesty.
Yes may be in different manner. Read about effects of orange agent which was used extensively in vietnam war. I am not saying japanese were not brutal but every war has brutality element. Don't look at history through hollywood movies.
By definition war is brutality and cruelty. But there is a difference unleashing that on an enemy and unleashing it on innocents.

The US was fighting side by side with the South Vietnamese and provided massive humanitarian aid to that country during the time we were there. We accepted as many as could escape after the government collapsed. Many of them wound up in Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Most of the third world would be enslaved and be speaking German and Japanese if it wasn't for the USA.
Which is why we have three co-equal branches of government. You think you've come up with something brilliant, but you've actually turned your own argument on yourself, dumbass.
Here's a little tip they may not have taught you at OU. When having a disagreement with someone insulting and name-calling is considered a sign of rampant immaturity, deep-seated insecurity and fails to bolster your argument. Civility is the word for the day.
In summation, this whole "Trumpster Phenomenon" was manufactured by leftists, leftists hiding behind the libertarian label, and limp-wristed milquetoasts hiding in "conservative" think tanks, because they possess no solutions (or lack the testicles to attempt implementation), but they sure as hell don't want Trump to succeed. Therefore, they create a label to avoid having to support the criticism they throw out, much like the tired old racist-sexist-homophobic-bigot labels they've been using for decades. Intellectual laziness, and intellectual dishonesty.
If ever there could be a reply one could make to prove the point made in the OP, this is it.

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