The Trumpster Phenomenon

You are out of y
Can you explain which of Obama’s policies brought us out of the recession?

Also can you post the approval numbers of our allies’ leaders in their home countries?

Really looking forward to these responses. I’ll be refreshing the page all day.
You are out of recession which was the biggest after great depression.Obama was the president during these hard times do I need to say more.all were his policies.
Allied leaders approval ratings are better than Trumps in the US.
Trumps approval of foreign affair policies is at 38% while disapproval is at 56%
He is taking US back not making great again. America has been great for last 60 years and should remain there after Trump is gone.
After reading this response and several others of yours over the last months, it's apparent that you didn't get all you could out of an Oklahoma State education.

Just plain ignorant on a number of things.
I got a lot from my oklahoma state education. I learned to do lateral thinking. I learned
to analyze and I learned to read about different opinions.
I think you did not get much from your oklahoma state education.
I got a lot from my oklahoma state education. I learned to do lateral thinking. I learned
to analyze and I learned to read about different opinions.
I think you did not get much from your oklahoma state education.

Ali, do not ever, ever engage Wharri in a good faith dialogue on politics. He will not engage in good faith. Never. If you want to know what's it like engaging a true believer trolls, go down to a mosque and reason with the poorest, dirtiest, most wild-eyed guy in the joint and that's the same dynamic you'll get.
You are out of y

You are out of recession which was the biggest after great depression.Obama was the president during these hard times do I need to say more.all were his policies.
Allied leaders approval ratings are better than Trumps in the US.
Trumps approval of foreign affair policies is at 38% while disapproval is at 56%
He is taking US back not making great again. America has been great for last 60 years and should remain there after Trump is gone.

Yes you need to say more. Tell me how Obama brought us out of the recession. What did he do? You have no idea.

75% of this country has no clue what is going on in the field of foreign policy, good or bad.

Do you mind giving some links for your claim our allies have higher approval numbers? Canada? France? Germany? Britain? Let’s see your info. You aren’t just popping off at you?
Ali, do not ever, ever engage Wharri in a good faith dialogue on politics. He will not engage in good faith. Never. If you want to know what's it like engaging a true believer trolls, go down to a mosque and reason with the poorest, dirtiest, most wild-eyed guy in the joint and that's the same dynamic you'll get.

He is just like you. All mouth, zero information.
Dude has enough common sense not to piss in the wind by attmpting a good faith dialogue with you.

Is that what you call running scared when confronted asking for facts? You do the same thing, such cowards.

Got that Bush recession lecture for us? How about your John stossel sell out info?

Both typical leftists flapping their gums with no basis. Everyone sees it, you know that right?
Is that what you call running scared when confronted asking for facts? You do the same thing, such cowards.

Got that Bush recession lecture for us? How about your John stossel sell out info?

Both typical leftists flapping their gums with no basis. Everyone sees it, you know that right?

Oh I've tried to gt into "facts" with you guys but it's like drinking from a firehose of dipshit right wing media, national enquirer-style facts, conspiracies...
Oh I've tried to gt into "facts" with you guys but it's like drinking from a firehose of dipshit right wing media, national enquirer-style facts, conspiracies...

Oh yeah, try it one more time. You and Ali just bring it right now. Just drop that recession knowledge on me.

You’ve got nothing. It’s pathetic. You and Ali can just stick your thumbs up the others butt because that is the only satisfaction you are getting out of this discussion.

Did you see he pulled a Sarah Palin? It was ALL of Obama’s policies. Lol dipshits the both of you.
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He is just like you. All mouth, zero information.
I cannot give you detail of all his policies but I would give you two which if he hadn't done there would have been world wide depression.
1) He saved the largest banks in the US.
2) He saved the auto industry which if he hadn't done few million people would have lost their jobs.
When Obama took over dow jones was at 7500 points when he left it was at 19500
points that is increase of 130%. While Trump is bragging about the stock market it has gone up by only26% since Obama left.
More over the auto industry and the banks have paid back the loan that the govt provided.
He also gave affordable care act which when Trump tried to remove he lost or the republican party lost the 2018 elections.
While Trump has promised over and over again about replacing the ACA with a better option he has not been able to do.
I cannot give you detail of all his policies but I would give you two which if he hadn't done there would have been world wide depression.
1) He saved the largest banks in the US.
2) He saved the auto industry which if he hadn't done few million people would have lost their jobs.
When Obama took over dow jones was at 7500 points when he left it was at 19500
points that is increase of 130%. While Trump is bragging about the stock market it has gone up by only26% since Obama left.

Yea so both of those things were initiated by George w Bush.

@Syskatine tried to save you by giving you his camouflage tactic.
But he was unable to do it before he left his presidency. Infact there was a lot of opposition by the republicans. There are 20 million americans are insured through ACA.
But he was unable to do it before he left his presidency. Infact there was a lot of opposition by the republicans. There are 20 million americans are insured through ACA.

Lol good lord. Bush initiated it and the community organizer just watched it play out. And like a little kid he tried to add to it with his ground breaking cash for clunkers giveaway.

How many of those in your numbers were kicked off their insurance after Obama lied? How many still remain uninsured today after Obama lied?
This what the article that this post is based on said.
You will change the story instead of agreeing to what happened.
No political party has a right on good ideas. Good ideas come from both the political parties question is who is able to implement it.
1) He saved the largest banks in the US.
2) He saved the auto industry which if he hadn't done few million people would have lost their jobs.

He bailed a few large corporations out of the results of their own poor decision making.

Interestingly, the total aggregate number of banks declined during his presidency. Some were failures, but there was a lot of “this isn’t worth it any more” closures where smaller banks just left the industry because they couldn’t operative under the new regulations and regulatory pressure. If the problem was that there were a few companies that were “too big to fail”, making them even larger and reducing the number of competitors doesn’t seem like good policy.

A lot of people lost their jobs in the auto industry as it reorganized. The bailouts just delayed what was going to happen anyway....but he “saved” the industry.
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But unemployment came to around 4% when Obama left.More people got jobs during Obamas tenure and took America out of its worst recession since the depression.
You don't want to believe that it is upto you that is what the article said.
Not ironic that the ChiCom government, Antifa and the US Democrat party are on the same side.

Never thought I would see a day
More over the auto industry and the banks have paid back the loan that the govt provided.
He also gave affordable care act which when Trump tried to remove he lost or the republican party lost the 2018 elections.
While Trump has promised over and over again about replacing the ACA with a better option he has not been able to do.

Bull crap. GM didn't pay the money back, the American tax payer lost 11.2 billion dollars on the GM deal. On top of that bailing out GM didn't save the auto industry. GM should have gone through bankruptcy, shed the bad debt and come out of it healthier.
It has been paid you are quoting a very old story.
US steel laid off people just recently with all the tariff help from Trump.
It has been paid you are quoting a very old story.
US steel laid off people just recently with all the tariff help from Trump.

There in lies the problem with liberals. When confronted with the facts they make up there own truth. The fact of the matter is the government lost 11.2 billion dollars bailing out GM when they sold the stock the government took. While the bailout maybe considered paid the fact is the tax payers lost 11.2 billion.
The govt still holds 113 million shares of gm stock.It may never recover the total amount but 18700 people are employed because of that bail out what is the price of that.You don't add the tax collected because of gm bail out,you add that up and actually govt will come out ahead.
The govt still holds 113 million shares of gm stock.It may never recover the total amount but 18700 people are employed because of that bail out what is the price of that.You don't add the tax collected because of gm bail out,you add that up and actually govt will come out ahead.

Government shouldn’t pick winners and losers, these institutions should have failed period! Funny you worry about all the auto workers that could have lost their jobs but not a word on all the coal miners and loggers who have lost their jobs.

More like the government needed to bail big auto out so they could keep the union backing and funds flowing to their ilk.
Coal mining has been going down since 1900. Since use of coal is reducing so are coal mining jobs.It had nothing to do with Bush's recession please check.
In fact recently one of Trumps supporter who owned a coal mine and was paraded
on tv during 2016 elections,declared bankruptcy just recently and closed the mines.this news was on tv while the miners cursing Trump who had promised clean coal.
America depends on its large corporations. Please read about your economics.
Coal mining has been going down since 1900. Since use of coal is reducing so are coal mining jobs.It had nothing to do with Bush's recession please check.
In fact recently one of Trumps supporter who owned a coal mine and was paraded
on tv during 2016 elections,declared bankruptcy just recently and closed the mines.this news was on tv while the miners cursing Trump who had promised clean coal.
America depends on its large corporations. Please read about your economics.

So because coal has been going downhill since 1900 that is justification for killing off a whole industry? Please spare your economic advice for someone that is like a baby bird waiting for regurgitated food. I never said America "doesn't depend on big corporation" I said failing institutions should fail, economically what is wrong with that? Knew coal miners had unions as well bet they hadn't been donating to liberals/dems near the clip that the UAW has, if at all. Your such a smart dude, can you see the difference? Coal little if any donations so who cares if they survive vs auto unions who donate yugge amount of money, time and endorsements to the leftos so keep them alive even if tax payers are on the hook. Also genius, don't forget a huge number of stock holders got hoses on the auto company bailout.

As far as miners cursing Trump I'm okay with that, their right and you have to blame someone. Funny but I didn't see or hear about it though. What you and many others don't seem to get is that one of the reasons some of the WY coal mines have closed recently is because west coast ports refuse to allow coal to be shipped through the ports as exports. So not only are they killing off an export revenue stream they are also killing off general fund taxes for small states like WY.
So because coal has been going downhill since 1900 that is justification for killing off a whole industry? Please spare your economic advice for someone that is like a baby bird waiting for regurgitated food. I never said America "doesn't depend on big corporation" I said failing institutions should fail, economically what is wrong with that? Knew coal miners had unions as well bet they hadn't been donating to liberals/dems near the clip that the UAW has, if at all. Your such a smart dude, can you see the difference? Coal little if any donations so who cares if they survive vs auto unions who donate yugge amount of money, time and endorsements to the leftos so keep them alive even if tax payers are on the hook. Also genius, don't forget a huge number of stock holders got hoses on the auto company bailout.

As far as miners cursing Trump I'm okay with that, their right and you have to blame someone. Funny but I didn't see or hear about it though. What you and many others don't seem to get is that one of the reasons some of the WY coal mines have closed recently is because west coast ports refuse to allow coal to be shipped through the ports as exports. So not only are they killing off an export revenue stream they are also killing off general fund taxes for small states like WY.
Coal industry is dying because the demand is going down,around the world. World bank
would not give loans to industries based on coal..
Yes ponca dan ford was the only auto manufacturer to refuse the bail out from tarp.
but they did recieve govt assistance.
yeah because you guys are hero worshipers not voters who analyze policies to decide which is the right direction the country should take.I dont give a hoot about what Trump does if it was limited to the US unfortunately that is not the case.
By the way the article is spot on as far as trumpsters are concerned.
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yeah because you guys are hero worshipers not voters who analyze policies to decide which is the right direction the country should take.I dont give a hoot about what Trump does if it was limited to the US unfortunately that is not the case.
By the way the article is spot on as far as trumpsters are concerned.
Wasn’t Ford the only car manufacturer that refused the bailout money?

PD Ford was the only one to not take the dough, not sure why though. What is going to be interesting is that if they start folding what will the governments stance be? Just can't see them bailing out Ford at this point in time. I suspect Ford will get this figured out in the near future, if they don't well it was a good run let them fold and be gobbled up by some other company.
yeah because you guys are hero worshipers not voters who analyze policies to decide which is the right direction the country should take.I dont give a hoot about what Trump does if it was limited to the US unfortunately that is not the case.
By the way the article is spot on as far as trumpsters are concerned.

What you don't get is we get to have a say in things because when the defecation hits the rotary oscillator who does the world call? How many Pakistani's died on Omaha Beach, how about Belleau Woods, New Guinea, Okinawa, Battle for the Atlantic? How about how much money does Pakistan spend to keep the losers at the UN afloat? Who hid OBL? Unfortunately for you and the world we sometimes get to project our will because nations that are sovereign are too weak or cowardly to do their own bidding and while I don't particularly mind if Pakistani's are blowing up Pakistani's I do mind when the tertiary overflow (money, material support or literal support) cause the US to suffer.
You are out of y

You are out of recession which was the biggest after great depression.Obama was the president during these hard times do I need to say more.all were his policies.

No, you don't need to say anymore. You've just essentially said that you can not name one single policy initiative implemented by Odumbass that lead to the booming economy we have today.
Huh. It's almost as if nobody takes you seriously or will spend any time or effort when you're involved. Wonder why?

Because you can’t. You literally can’t back up what you say. That’s why.

It’s amazing how much energy and time you have until someone wants some substance from you and then you fold like a pair of 2’s.

Drink a Red Bull and tell us how George Bush caused the recession. You can’t.

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