The Trumpster Phenomenon

Based on the first two replies I would suggest the author of the article omitted one characteristic common to most Trumpistas: a stubborn refusal to self-reflect, a totally blind unwillingness to consider he might be right, even a little bit right.
Based on the first two replies I would suggest the author of the article omitted one characteristic common to most Trumpistas: a stubborn refusal to self-reflect, a totally blind unwillingness to consider he might be right, even a little bit right.

This is how you win people over to your side? Doing it the Hillary way? Trump was much better at this.
Looks like something written by a spineless little neo-con RINO cvnt (ie. Kristol, Will, Jebby, John & Megan McKeating). Doesn't describe me or any Trump voter that I know. Personally, I voted for Trump because he's the only one willing to fight the pretentious sanctimonious little pricks on the left, as well as the useless limp-dicked invertebrates who purport to be on the right, both of whom seem hell-bent on destroying the beautiful country in which I grew up.
Author is also ignorant of the law:

"For example, consider Trump’s unilateral imposition of tariffs (taxes) on the American people and his arbitrary raising of such taxes whenever he wants. That’s classic dictatorial conduct, given that Congress didn’t enact a law imposing or raising such taxes."

Nope. Long before Trump, Congress began shifting these powers to the executive branch. The author exhibits a fundamental ignorance of constitutional law with this statement.
"Or consider Trump’s decision to use money appropriated to the Pentagon to build his wall along the border. Congress voted to give him only a certain amount, which made him and his supporters terribly angry. After all, the Great Leader should be given whatever he wants. And when Congress says no, the Great Leader should do it anyway."

Wrong again, sporto. Since the beginning of parliamentary/representative government, executives have executed maneuvers to "find the money" when not provided by the legislative branch. Again, fundamental ignorance on behalf of the author. (Who is this guy? Some high school debate student?)
"What the Trumpsters hope to accomplish with these tirades is to intimidate critics of Trump into silence. In their minds, their Great Leader should be given free rein to do whatever he wants to make America great again, and they feel very strongly that criticism of or disagreement with Trump interferes with that aim."

Are you talking about all the Trump supporters who shut down their opponents' campus speeches, or who burn cars, break windows, throw milkshakes, bricks and other debris at police and civilians, while engaging in "peaceful protests" ? Oh wait, my bad, I was wrong (see, I can admit it). That's what the left has been doing since the 1960s.
This is how you win people over to your side? Doing it the Hillary way? Trump was much better at this.
I think the point being made by the author and myself is: it is not possible to persuade Trumpsters to take a step back and consider what they might have become.

From my perspective it is understandable why Trumpsters are the way they are. From the moment Trump was announced the winner he has been maligned for every utterance. The Left/Democrats have made it nearly impossible to discern legitimate criticism from partisan hogwash. Thus the rote reaction from Trumpsters is to go into full defense mode, deny it all.

By the way, the author is a libertarian, about as far away from a spineless neocon as one can get, much further removed from the neocon agenda than even Trumpsters themselves.
I think the point being made by the author and myself is: it is not possible to persuade Trumpsters to take a step back and consider what they might have become.

I've become (actually, I've always been) what my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were. And I'm OK with that. And anyone who isn't can FOAD.
Bullshit. The substance of his post reeks of "never-Trumper."
I know it is impossible to hear the tone of voice when reading what someone else has written, so I may be completely misrepresenting your tone in my head. But I’m hearing fury, which pretty much goes to the author’s description of typical Trumpsters. Am I hearing something that isn’t there?.
I know it is impossible to hear the tone of voice when reading what someone else has written, so I may be completely misrepresenting your tone in my head. But I’m hearing fury, which pretty much goes to the author’s description of typical Trumpsters. Am I hearing something that isn’t there?.
Yes and no. I have little patience for congenital stupidity. Please see my above posts where I have handed the author his ass. Pray tell, what is wrong with getting angry, BTW?
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I think the point being made by the author and myself is: it is not possible to persuade Trumpsters to take a step back and consider what they might have become.

From my perspective it is understandable why Trumpsters are the way they are. From the moment Trump was announced the winner he has been maligned for every utterance. The Left/Democrats have made it nearly impossible to discern legitimate criticism from partisan hogwash. Thus the rote reaction from Trumpsters is to go into full defense mode, deny it all.

By the way, the author is a libertarian, about as far away from a spineless neocon as one can get, much further removed from the neocon agenda than even Trumpsters themselves.

Did you ever take a step back to consider your belief of why people support Trump could be wrong? Of course you haven't you are like all the other leftist and those hiding behind the libertarian label you believe you are smarter than everyone else. Hate to break it to you but you and your kind can't see the trees because of the forest.
There is not a person on the right that likes Trump the person but we are smart enough to know without question Trump is the right person to fight the leftist who in case you are not paying attention are trying to turn this country into a authoritarian style of government.
I didn't support Trump during the primaries, was a Ted Cruz supporter but when the primaries were over and the only real choice was Hillary or Trump, Trump was the only option. After almost three years of Trump I have been pleasantly surprised and highly impressed with his ability to not only lead the country but weather all the ridiculous attacks of the Democrats. With Democrats literally making up lies and abusing the power they have in government to attack Trump have strengthened my support for Trump and created an animosity for liberals that I have never had before.
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Seriously, the author suffers from classic neve
Of course you haven't you are like all the other leftist and those hiding behind the libertarian label you believe you are smarter than everyone else. Hate to break it to you but you and your kind can't see the trees because of the forest.
+1,000. In a similar vein to what bearcat said, the author's criticism of Trump voters is almost identical to the classic criticism of Limbaugh fans. They keep putting the cart before the horse. Lefties love to say that Limbaugh fans are a bunch mindless robots who only think the way they do because Rush tells them to. The reality is the complete opposite. Limbaugh only has a show because his listeners get a perspective that, in 1988 media, was not available anywhere else. Likewise, Trump has not caused his voters to "become" anything. We are what we always were. All Trump did was "let a genie out of the bottle" where non-leftists are no longer intimidated into silence by leftists thugs and bullies. For me, this will be Donald Trump's greatest accomplishment, long after he leaves office in 2025.
Yes and no. I have little patience for congenital stupidity. Please see my above posts where I have handed the author his ass. Pray tell, what is wrong with getting angry?

Nothing wrong with getting angry. I know in my case it is easy to tell I’m having an emotional (not rational) reaction when foul language spills out of my mouth like a sailor. That’s a standard I apply (rightly or wrongly) )when reading comments on this board. I admit it made me laugh that you’ve convinced yourself you handed the author his ass.

One thing Trumpsters can’t seem to understand is there are critics of Trump and his policies that are not left-wing partisans or neocon never-Trumpers. It seems you have ingrained it in your heads that no criticism of the man can come from anyone unless they hate the man or hate our country. You cannot seem to comprehend there are principled people with principled objections to some of his actions or utterances, who pronounce equally principled objections to Left-Wing and NeoCon actions and utterances, people who demand our politicians from both sides of the aisle adhere to the principles that lay the foundation of our republic, and roundly criticize actions and utterances from either side when they defy the intent of our constitution. IMO that is a character flaw I see in Trumpsters.
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Couldn't agree more. Donald Trump has shown the Republican party how to fight back against the leftist tactics they have used to beat Republicans into submission for decades. We finally have someone in the Republican party that will put himself out there without fear of the personal repercussion to fight back against the closet authoritarians on the left. Hell I think Trump likes the fight.
N. I admit it made me laugh that you’ve convinced yourself you handed the author his ass.

The author was simply flat out wrong about the imposition of tariffs and the re-directing of funds for the wall. As I said, it was like refuting an argument in a high school debate match. I doubt that a VMI/UT law grad could make such a fundamental mistake, which is why I conclude that he is trying to piss down the reader's leg and say that it's raining.
The author was simply flat out wrong about the imposition of tariffs and the re-directing of funds for the wall. As I said, it was like refuting an argument in a high school debate match. I doubt that a VMI/UT law grad could make such a fundamental mistake, which is why I conclude that he is trying to piss down the reader's leg and say that it's raining.

The author of the articles wasn't wrong, they purposely lied in order to manipulate the ignorant. Every article written in most any publication has an editor whose job it is to insure the accuracy of the information in the article. To put it into simple terms both the author of the article and whoever the editor was are liars, intent on spreading leftist propaganda in an effort to manipulate the ignorant and the lazy.
I heard it said once, and I agree entirely; "Nobody can separate Donald Trump from his base, except Donald Trump himself".

This is something the left and the Never-Trumpers will never understand.

That and we're confident that Trump will be reelected.
That is also the lefts biggest nightmare.
A great time to be alive.
Here is what Dan and the never Trumpers don't understand. It isn't about Trump. To characterize his supporters as Trumpsters is bass ackwards. Trump is the symptom, not the cause.

Trump was elected because Hillary was a freaking horrible candidate. Given the option between her and him - the choice was easy.
Here is what Dan and the never Trumpers don't understand. It isn't about Trump. To characterize his supporters as Trumpsters is bass ackwards. Trump is the symptom, not the cause.

Trump was elected because Hillary was a freaking horrible candidate. Given the option between her and him - the choice was easy.

As I have said before, I don’t vote. But in 2016 when the choice was between Hillary and Trump, choosing Trump was a no-brainer, you go with Trump.

I don’t speak as a never-Trumper so I won’t quibble with what they understand or not. My argument has always been that Trump is preferable to Hillary, but that doesn’t - and shouldn’t - make him immune to legitimate criticism. That’s what the Trumpsters don’t understand. They are so heavily emotionally invested in the idea he is protecting them from left-wing authoritarianism (which is obviously a very real thing, by the way) they ignore his right-wing authoritarianism, and are infuriated when it is pointed out to them. Twenty or thirty years from now when absolute authoritarianism has overwhelmed our liberty will you really care which side won?
One more thing Dan-O. "Great Leaders" don't get term-limited. Maybe get back to us when DJT is serving a third term.

Your blinders are so totally covering your eyes you can’t comprehend the gist of the argument being made. The emergence of Donald Trump is not the first time one side or the other has latched onto a Great Leader. The Obama faithful, hardly the first in a long line of beggars for a Great Leader, cheered gleefully when he claimed he had the power of Executive Order and a pen to make his dictates law. I suspect today’s Trumosters howled in anger. Now, the tables are turned, Trump is the new emperor, the Trumpsters are overjoyed and the Obama/Hillary sycophants can’t wait to get back in power. In the meantime with each passing administration we the people are watching as our liberty gets whittled away one scrape after another.
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Dan, the ****ing left wants to ban fracking.
I’m not sure what that has to do with the conversation taking place, but to respond: in this instance, as in so many others, the left are a bunch of idiots!
BTW, this is where the so-called "libertarians" lost me. If you break the law to get into the country, you're an illegal alien. Screw your PC euphemisms.

Just FYI, the Libertarian Party lost me loooong ago. I’m a lower- case libertarian. Maybe that will help you in the future as you craft arguments against me.
Reading the response to this article and reading posts for about a year I totally agree with the author about trumpsters.
What I dont understand is you live in one of the richest countries in the world and as much as you hate Obama his policies he took your country out of the deepest recession since the 1920's into prosperity. Even the present government is benefiting from his policies.
As the policies of the present govt start taking affect US is moving again towards recession.
I know in third world countries people are always looking for a great leader but why do you in the US.From where I sit US has lost its respect among its closest allies and the leaders of these allied countries are openly making fun of your leader.
He is a joke and is benefiting his own companies like a third world leader.
Open your eyes and read and watch others who do not totally agree with you. Maybe you will see the other side of the picture,.
Just FYI, the Libertarian Party lost me loooong ago. I’m a lower- case libertarian. Maybe that will help you in the future as you craft arguments against me.
I expected some such post from you. You don't really take a position in favor of anything, but you're against everything.
Reading the response to this article and reading posts for about a year I totally agree with the author about trumpsters.
What I dont understand is you live in one of the richest countries in the world and as much as you hate Obama his policies he took your country out of the deepest recession since the 1920's into prosperity. Even the present government is benefiting from his policies.
As the policies of the present govt start taking affect US is moving again towards recession.
I know in third world countries people are always looking for a great leader but why do you in the US.From where I sit US has lost its respect among its closest allies and the leaders of these allied countries are openly making fun of your leader.
He is a joke and is benefiting his own companies like a third world leader.
Open your eyes and read and watch others who do not totally agree with you. Maybe you will see the other side of the picture,.
And you, like Dan-O and the tea-sipper blogger, come here and try to tell us not only who we are, but what we are thinking. Such hubris/arrogance rightfully earns you all a nice warm cup of "go fvck yourselves." As if you're a bunch of mind-readers.

PS: Obama didn't do jack sh!t for the economy, and told us from his gilded perch that his anemic, jobless "recovery" (only the stock market recovered, because the blue chips basically fired everybody) was the new norm.
Based on the first two replies I would suggest the author of the article omitted one characteristic common to most Trumpistas: a stubborn refusal to self-reflect, a totally blind unwillingness to consider he might be right, even a little bit right.
Good Lord.

You're a broken record that apparently doesn't own a mirror.
Reading the response to this article and reading posts for about a year I totally agree with the author about trumpsters.
What I dont understand is you live in one of the richest countries in the world and as much as you hate Obama his policies he took your country out of the deepest recession since the 1920's into prosperity. Even the present government is benefiting from his policies.
As the policies of the present govt start taking affect US is moving again towards recession.
I know in third world countries people are always looking for a great leader but why do you in the US.From where I sit US has lost its respect among its closest allies and the leaders of these allied countries are openly making fun of your leader.
He is a joke and is benefiting his own companies like a third world leader.
Open your eyes and read and watch others who do not totally agree with you. Maybe you will see the other side of the picture,.

Can you explain which of Obama’s policies brought us out of the recession?

Also can you post the approval numbers of our allies’ leaders in their home countries?

Really looking forward to these responses. I’ll be refreshing the page all day.
Reading the response to this article and reading posts for about a year I totally agree with the author about trumpsters.
What I dont understand is you live in one of the richest countries in the world and as much as you hate Obama his policies he took your country out of the deepest recession since the 1920's into prosperity. Even the present government is benefiting from his policies.
As the policies of the present govt start taking affect US is moving again towards recession.
I know in third world countries people are always looking for a great leader but why do you in the US.From where I sit US has lost its respect among its closest allies and the leaders of these allied countries are openly making fun of your leader.
He is a joke and is benefiting his own companies like a third world leader.
Open your eyes and read and watch others who do not totally agree with you. Maybe you will see the other side of the picture,.
After reading this response and several others of yours over the last months, it's apparent that you didn't get all you could out of an Oklahoma State education.

Just plain ignorant on a number of things.

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