Such BS, why does everything always come down to the children? And if that is the over ridding factor than why do all the libs bitch and moan when they take children away from adults, at the border, until they can prove that the adult is actually a parent and not a sexual predator? Better yet what about all the children that are murdered in the womb?
I heard the same thing today from reporters purportedly talking to federal employees that are having a hard time feeding their children now that they aren't getting paid.
Of course when an illegal kills a family in a car crash while driving fdrunk, never makes the headlines. Or how about the girl in Iowa last summer who was murdered by the illegal, or the 4 elderly people in NV that were murdered by an illegal.
I say keep the whole show shut down until they can come to an amiable agreement that makes everyone give up something significant to accomplish something relevant. Until then, let them keep whining. Its stories like this that try to make Trump/supporters look like they are heartless reprobates to further drive the liberal notation he is an illegitimate president.
To the vast majority of those who can't feed their kids because of the some freakin money for emergencies like this.