The pro life movement has betrayed

Never heard of Lila Rose, commenters are describing her as 'The Joel Olsteen of the Pro-Life movement'.

Trump is the most pro-life President we have had in our lifetimes. Wake me up when that changes.
He has changed
He is for Amendment 4 in Florida that allows for abortion up 7ntil birth. In the video he says 6 weeks is too short of a time.

This story is blowing up.
Never heard of Lila Rose, commenters are describing her as 'The Joel Olsteen of the Pro-Life movement'.

Trump is the most pro-life President we have had in our lifetimes. Wake me up when that changes.
Wake up! His abortion stance changed the instant his polling showed he was losing votes because of it
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It shows he was never pro life and was
lying to evangelicals just to get elected.
Something isn't adding up here. Libs and RINOs have told pubs for years that they couldn't be Pro Life, that abortion would cost them elections. Now you're saying evangelicals are such a strong voting block that being Pro-Life can push you to the White House?

Which is it?
Personally Opinon vs. Policy...

He's never said one way or another that I know of...However, his stance on some form of Federal law is to currently support how's its constructed...

He's dumb for his personal stance, however, ppl need to calm down.
Trump is the most pro-life President we have had in our lifetimes.
I agree. Which is why he now seems to be trying to soften his position on abortion.

For one who enjoys opining about what the internal polls are showing, Trump's little movement on this issue should tell you something.

But it doesn't.
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I agree. Which is why he now seems to be trying to soften his position on abortion.

For one who enjoys opining about what the internal polls are showing, Trump's little movement on this issue should tell you something.

But it doesn't.
Ever thank yer lucky stars yer still around?
I agree. Which is why he now seems to be trying to soften his position on abortion.

For one who enjoys opining about what the internal polls are showing, Trump's little movement on this issue should tell you something.

But it doesn't.
That's because I generally ignore libs and DeSantis simps criticizing Trump. As I am here.
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That's because I generally ignore libs and DeSantis simps criticizing Trump. As I am here.
Stating what is actually happening isn't "criticizing."

Trump did make the comments and he made them for a reason. His own comments should tell you something. But again, they don't.
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So, has he made his mind up yet? And to think, he claims Harris is the flip flopper!🤣🤣

Again, it's clear what Trump is up to here and why he is doing it politically. Have you figured it out yet?
Trump hasn't done anything but voted No on an amendment that libbers and DeSantis simps said he would support.

Again, this is why I don't listen to libs and DeSantis simps criticizing Trump.
Which comments of his are you taking seriously on this issue?

Again, this has nothing to do with liberals.

We are talking about Trump's comments. Nothing else.
This thread was a collection of tweets from DeSantis simps saying what Trump was going to do.

Then he did the exact opposite. As I said, they are irrelevant. Much like trolls on Rivals who put their politics before their country.
Zero chance of that happening.

Background: Up till 2 years ago, I said DeSantis would end up with a greater legacy than Trump.

But he shit that all to hell and back, and this episode is another massive unforced error by the guy that should be Trump's VP right now, and would be if he wasn't a moron.
Oh, desantis still has a future my man.

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