The official Thursday's Mueller report drop prediction thread


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006
A couple of posters here will have CNN on by 0400 and will spend the day looking like this:

The same posters will finish the day looking like this:

The rest of us will spend the day doing this:
Democrats will no doubt try and claim the report proves obstruction and that Barr was covering for Trump.

Imp, I'd hate to see someone spin that. It appear there's even a thread that's already started BEFORE IT'S EVEN RELEASED!!!

I give you:

Democrats will no doubt try and claim the report proves obstruction and that Barr was covering for Trump.

“It doesn’t prove anything and doesn’t include the latest serious allegations about Putin burning down Notre Dame to benefit Trump.”

“Look at all those redactions. That’s where all the incriminating stuff is. No way it could contain any exonerating info. Anything redacted is bad for Trump and that’s why it was left out.”

Adam Schiff will turn a parking ticket in to a treasonous crime. He will be that little dog that barks like hell that barks just to bark that you want to kick out the door and lock them out.
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Imp, I'd hate to see someone spin that. It appear there's even a thread that's already started BEFORE IT'S EVEN RELEASED!!!

All this after approximately 16732 threads about the report you posted before the summary letter was released?

Good to see the Syskatine Extreme Culture of Failure is still alive and barreling down the highway like a circus car stuffed full of clowns.
All this after approximately 16732 threads about the report you posted before the summary letter was released?

Good to see the Syskatine Extreme Culture of Failure is still alive and barreling down the highway like a circus car stuffed full of clowns.

I haven't seen a straw man take a beating like that since prostatosaurus ballsack stretchmark king said Toon preferred little girls to get mutilated before criticizing islam.
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I'm more interested in seeing how they CYA if anything comes out that there has been manifest malfeasance and skullduggery on the lib/FBI/Clinton sides.
Don't think you'll see any of this. That was the reason only democrats who supported Hildebitch or represented her and Peter Strzok were on the roster. They were placed there to ensure the path didn't deviate that direction.
There’s some meat on the bone for Dems. Hannity was setting the table big time to discredit the angry democrats.

Rosenstein is a very interesting dynamic to this whole thing.
I don't mind the tweets, the name calling, insults.
Robert's rules of order don't apply.
Big league politics is a blood sport.
If DJT ever did anything really egregious, I'd slam him too, however and so far he's just fulfilling campaign promises as best the effing swamp will allow.
Can't expect anymore than that.
Do these labial leeches of Hillary expect us to believe them now? Looks like a panic over their 2 year narrative being called the bullshit it is to me.

I acknowledge that Hillary's labial leeches will act like her labial leeches because that's just biology. Purely rhetorical at this point.
They certainly forfeited any inherent moral high ground when they started this inquisition using dubious, illegal means at its inception.
Like Hellary screeched after the Lauer interview..."If that f__ker wins we'll all hang from nooses!"
More hauntingly prophetic she couldn't have been.
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Okay, ya'll fire away. I hate to rain on anybody's parade but the contents of that report won't change anything. He has carte blanche to do anything.

A milestone. I agree with Sys. No collusion and no obstruction means Mr. President (at 52% approval rating on 04/17/19) is still a free man and can do anything he desires. Thank you Sys.

Do we also agree that it is total BS that this report is being released at all? If anything in the report releases classified and private information having anything to do with the Grand Jury, then Mueller himself needs to be investigated. You don't do that to innocent people when zero-charges are brought. This report should have only been released (in it's proper redacted form) if "intent" of wrong-doing was found.
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Just tried to watch some of this on Nadler is worried about Barr releasing this report with "Barr's Spin," notice he didn't say we hope the truth is revealed, or we are glad a guy we trusted in 2017 now has finished his report. No he is worried about spin! What a giant POS. So truth be damned, spin is the name of the game and the "spin" is what dictates truth or lies.

I loath congress for so many reasons.....long ago they morphed into a partisan hack octopus with the number of arms on the majority leader and minority leader representing party survival and dominance instead of working together to make this nation successful for everyone.

Shitty public schools > DOE > Congress
Illegal immigration > Congress
Bitching about mutli-billion dollar corporations not paying a dime in taxes > tax law > congress.
Whole place should be showered in Rid-ex and flushed.

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