The Many Things Democrat’s Got Wrong About the Mueller Report


May 29, 2001
Per the Washington Post.

The comments section sound like they could’ve been written by:

@07pilt @Pokeabear @Syskatine

Per the Washington Post.

The comments section sound like they could’ve been written by:

@07pilt @Pokeabear @Syskatine


You of all people talking about anyone else getting something wrong? You? You've been humping the Hillary leg for years. YEARS. NOTHING. That doesn't count all the other GOP wives' tails you've swallowed and circulated. I could write a book on all the stupid false shit you've posted.

Be honest. Does Biff pass out little follower medals for you guys to wear? Every stupid lie you pass on you get a 3 feet strand of yellow hair? How does he command such allegiance?
You of all people talking about anyone else getting something wrong? You? You've been humping the Hillary leg for years. YEARS. NOTHING. That doesn't count all the other GOP wives' tails you've swallowed and circulated. I could write a book on all the stupid false shit you've posted.

Be honest. Does Biff pass out little follower medals for you guys to wear? Every stupid lie you pass on you get a 3 feet strand of yellow hair? How does he command such allegiance?

Yeah me, beotch.

This is a perfect example of you gaslighting.

You can't name 5 things I've ever gotten wrong in the history of this board on any topic; sports, non-sports or politics. I only say 5 because I have 50,000 posts or so and I like whiskey, so the chance exists for a couple of things I don't remember.

In fact, the only thing I've been proven wrong about since 1997 is my prediction that Dax Garmen would be a good qb. I was wrong, but he could spin it.

On the topic of Russian collusion for example, I have been 100% correct since the first day it was birthed. You on the other hand, have followed every rabbit down every hole and have exactly Jack shit to show for it. A simple search on you and the word "russia" on this board is pure comedy.

You have already written a book and it's shitty fiction, and this post is a perfect example. Five things. Go.
Good God @Syskatine, you are my personal rented mule to whip. I mean... I let @HighStickHarry @CBradSmith and a few others take you out for rides now and then, but I insist they feed you and not leave spur marks. There's never been a single thing in the history of this board that you've been right about except on the rare occasions I've agreed with you. You can't even get it right when it comes to hot women. AOC is a fvcking Muskogee 5.

I am somehow mildly taken aback that you (YOU!) have the nerve to call anyone out for getting something wrong this week. A mentally healthy person would be taking stock of just how wrong they've been for two years. Two wasted years.
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Yeah me, beotch.

This is a perfect example of you gaslighting.

You can't name 5 things I've ever gotten wrong in the history of this board on any topic; sports, non-sports or politics. I only say 5 because I have 50,000 posts or so and I like whiskey, so the chance exists for a couple of things I don't remember.

In fact, the only thing I've been proven wrong about since 1997 is my prediction that Dax Garmen would be a good qb. I was wrong, but he could spin it.

On the topic of Russian collusion for example, I have been 100% correct since the first day it was birthed. You on the other hand, have followed every rabbit down every hole and have exactly Jack shit to show for it. A simple search on you and the word "russia" on this board is pure comedy.

You have already written a book and it's shitty fiction, and this post is a perfect example. Five things. Go.
Good God @Syskatine, you are my personal rented mule to whip. I mean... I let @HighStickHarry @CBradSmith and a few others take you out for rides now and then, but I insist they feed you and not leave spur marks. There's never been a single thing in the history of this board that you've been right about except on the rare occasions I've agreed with you. You can't even get it right when it comes to hot women. AOC is a fvcking Muskogee 5.

I am somehow mildly taken aback that you (YOU!) have the nerve to call anyone out for getting something wrong this week. A mentally healthy person would be taking stock of just how wrong they've been for two years. Two wasted years.

Mega less than a week ago you said three cities would rule us under a popular vote system.

You recently said John brenanB would do more do more time than Manafort.

Should I search for your Seth rich posts and gdp predictions?
You can't name 5 things I've ever gotten wrong in the history of this board on any topic; sports, non-sports or politics.

I haven't kept a diary, but 1) You were on the styxendingle666 train against obvious evidence to the contrary. Pilt outed his anciente and mystick majicke and Nazi occult writings and that dried up. 2) I seem to recall you were whipping up the pedophile pizza ring. 3) Seth Rich. That was a doozy. 4) HRC conspiracies. You? Conspiracies? NOTHING. Now it's Huber! You gullible loon! And last but not least.... 5) Garman, cherry on top.

And Biff lied about his Russia contacts. And Biff kisses our enemies' asses. And he's alienating our democracy allies in the process. And that fiendish North Korean is feeding his nuclear workers meth and rhino horn on a nuclear bomb assembly line as we speak. Kim inspects the factory as they churn out nukes like fords and he cackles and lights the workers' cigarettes and rubs his hands together while Biff celebrates not being indicted.
Nobel prize.

Steele dossier.

Jussie smollet should be charged with a hate crime.
Mega less than a week ago you said three cities would rule us under a popular vote system.

You recently said John brenanB would do more do more time than Manafort.

Should I search for your Seth rich posts and gdp predictions?

Sure. But its pretty clear you don’t know how “wrong” works or how it’s quantified. You’ve missed on every example you’ve listed so far.
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I haven't kept a diary, but 1) You were on the styxendingle666 train against obvious evidence to the contrary. Pilt outed his anciente and mystick majicke and Nazi occult writings and that dried up. 2) I seem to recall you were whipping up the pedophile pizza ring. 3) Seth Rich. That was a doozy. 4) HRC conspiracies. You? Conspiracies? NOTHING. Now it's Huber! You gullible loon! And last but not least.... 5) Garman, cherry on top.

And Biff lied about his Russia contacts. And Biff kisses our enemies' asses. And he's alienating our democracy allies in the process. And that fiendish North Korean is feeding his nuclear workers meth and rhino horn on a nuclear bomb assembly line as we speak. Kim inspects the factory as they churn out nukes like fords and he cackles and lights the workers' cigarettes and rubs his hands together while Biff celebrates not being indicted.

1. Be specific. Too vague
2. I was and still am convinced there is rampant and in some cases coordinated pedophilia in elite circles. Pizzagate... grey area because the basic premise is far from disproven, but the comet pizza aspect was definitely off. To be honest I don’t recall being convinced about that but if you find evidence I was, ill own up to it.
3. Seth Rich is far from definitively disproven.
4. HRC conspiracies..... be specific. Huber is part of what’s coming and that’s open information, not disproven.
5. Garmen. Ok.

I’ll give you .5 for pizzagate. 1.5 total mistakes. You suck at this.
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Mega less than a week ago you said three cities would rule us under a popular vote system.

You recently said John brenanB would do more do more time than Manafort.

Should I search for your Seth rich posts and gdp predictions?

How many cities or maybe counties do you think it would take? My guess would be LA County, Cook County, NY (dont know the name) and one more.
How many cities or maybe counties do you think it would take? My guess would be LA County, Cook County, NY (dont know the name) and one more.
NYC, LA, Chicago MSAs (city plus suburbs) are only like 12% of the population.
@07pilt you and @Syskatine are grown men who believe(d?) Donald fvxking Trump was(is?) a Russian agent.

This level of stupidity and gullibility is without peer. It is a sheer act of monronitude that will likely never be surpassed. It’s simply astonishing that you two fools can even show your faces this week.


1. can you quote anything in the Barr Summary that says DonaldTrump isn't a Russian agent?
2. can you quote me ever saying Donald Trump is a Russia agent?
Sure. But its pretty clear you don’t know how “wrong” works or how it’s quantified. You’ve missed on every example you’ve listed so far.
It is completely wrong that 3 cities would rule under the popular vote system. And that was less than a week ago. You spew wrongness on a consistent basis.
NYC, LA, Chicago MSAs (city plus suburbs) are only like 12% of the population.

12% of the population is a different number than the % that actually vote, right? I would be curious to know what the actual voting % is in these cities. I know I have heard that some districts have 95-100% (maybe not true) voting.

I am not sure I have ever seen something like that.. Have you?
12% of the population is a different number than the % that actually vote, right? I would be curious to know what the actual voting % is in these cities. I know I have heard that some districts have 95-100% (maybe not true) voting.

I am not sure I have ever seen something like that.. Have you?
The states of California, NY, and Illinois cast a total of 27.4 million votes for president in 2016 which is 20% of the total votes cast nationwide.
Obama administration gives Russia 20% of the nations uranium reserves


1. can you quote anything in the Barr Summary that says DonaldTrump isn't a Russian agent?
2. can you quote me ever saying Donald Trump is a Russia agent?

It is completely wrong that 3 cities would rule under the popular vote system. And that was less than a week ago. You spew wrongness on a consistent basis.

You know his history with facts. When he loved him some stykenfinger666 you exposed him for what he was and kept snarfing it up. Look what he wrote about Seth Rich yesterday

You're citing facts in a debate with him. Right?
You know his history with facts. When he loved him some stykenfinger666 you exposed him for what he was and kept snarfing it up. Look what he wrote about Seth Rich yesterday

You're citing facts in a debate with him. Right?

Yes, look at it. You can't effectively dispute it. All you can do is look at it and laugh nervously. It's by definition, an unsolved mystery.
Yes, look at it. You can't effectively dispute it. All you can do is look at it and laugh nervously. It's by definition, an unsolved mystery.

I have no idea what "it" is, but if you said "it" it would not only be disputable, but a complete and total waste of time to do so.
NYC, LA, Chicago MSAs (city plus suburbs) are only like 12% of the population.

three dots on the US map making up 12% of the population and voting virtually as a monolith is self evident domination. You just explained the problem to yourself. You get that 12% to vote the way you want to and you dominate any national vote. It's not debatable. Throw in all the other huge reliably left voting urban strongholds and you probably have closer to half the population who lives in similar urban environments voting nationally in ways that benefit them but fvck everyone else.

It's an obvious strategy just like allowing illegal aliens to pour in and vote without ID's Just like lowering the voting age to 16. Just like challenging the idea of 2 senators per state regardless of population. Just like trying to get DC and Puerto Rico statehood so you can stack the democratic senators.

It's well north of obvious. I would have so much respect for you if you would just have the balls to admit it, own it and not try to cloak it in something it's not.

Getting rid of the EC absolutely FVCKS states with low populations like Oklahoma and makes our votes irrelevant by comparison to how NY, LA, Chicago want to vote. Getting rid of the EC is second only to getting rid of the 2nd Amendment in assuring violent conflict, secession and worse. It's moronic because it's incredibly shortsighted and in my opinion, clearly UnAmerican.

1. This is not a democracy. It's a representative republic. The EC is essential for that.
2. States like Colorado are going to love it when Trump changes his strategy and wins the national vote and they have to cast all their delegate votes to him when they wouldn't have had to otherwise, BECAUSE...
3. The strategy between campaigning for the EC vs Campaigning for the popular vote is exactly like the difference in game planning a football game for points on the scoreboard vs who got the most total yards.
4. In a representative republic, the popular vote is IRRELEVANT. It is only an issue because Trump won and because people choose to congregate in dense urban areas where they cancel out the power of each others stupid commie votes in terms of EC power.
5. Trump or someone else you don't want in power would simply change their strategy. Trump could easily have picked up enough votes in Cali or his home state of NY if it were at all worth his time to campaign there.
6. The numbers in the 2016 popular vote are highly unreliable because we don't have the slightest idea how many illegals voted or how much other voter fraud was involved. There are many who believe the 2018 election included willingly letting the house fall so as to document voter fraud methodology. I am not convinced of this, but within this theory, the difference between Hillary's vote total and Trump's falls easily within the margin of error.
7. You might be careful what you wish for here. Setting afire what's worked very well (compared to popular vote systems elsewhere) for 250 years will absolutely bite you in the ass with unintended consequences at some future point.

Do not fvck with the Constitution.

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