The left's newest slogan... If you can't get her to join you, beat her

Trump received 63 million votes in 2016, 74 million in 2020, an incumbent record. Trump won FL by 1.2 in 2016, by 3.3 in 2020. FL did not participate in the Dimm vote harvest scheme.

Anyone here take a look at Brandon approval polling in blue states? Anyone take a close look at poll sample data as I do?

There are not 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for Brandon. 22LR and the vast majority here gets it. This is not wave mechanics.
Yes, we liberals don't like Trump and his policies. But we don't attack him with sexist or racist comments. Again, I challenge you to find on example of a liberal on this board attacking Trump in such a way.

As you have been shown numerous times now, some on the right have no problem attacking Harris using sexist comments. They do it over and over again. I don't disagree that they hate her, but her gender is part of that hate. If it wasn't, they were not make the sexist comments they make.

My point has been proven regardless of how much you want to ignore or make excuses for their sexist comments. Harris has to deal with sexist and racist opposition. Fact.
You mean like when Sys calls him Fatass? Like… that kind of “policy”?
Trump received 63 million votes in 2016, 74 million in 2020, an incumbent record. Trump won FL by 1.2 in 2016, by 3.3 in 2020. FL did not participate in the Dimm vote harvest scheme.

Anyone here take a look at Brandon approval polling in blue states? Anyone take a close look at poll sample data as I do?

There are not 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for Brandon. 22LR and the vast majority here gets it. This is not wave mechanics.
Are you one of those who still think the 2020 election was stolen and Biden didn't really win?

I hope not. That is clearly a lie Trump came up with because he couldn't accept the fact he lost. He never thought he would lose to Biden. He completely underestimated both Biden and the mood in the country.
The Republican Party has gone to the extreme right under Trump. That is one reason I left the party. Many Republicans have left the party because of where Trump has taken it.

Democrats are no better. They allow the extreme left to run the show most of the time. Both parties polarize the American people.

I wish we had a viable centrist third party. I've been impressed with the American Solidarity Party. But they are small and just not viable at the moment.
No it hasn't.

Trump is a moderate with a caustic personality.
Are you one of those who still think the 2020 election was stolen and Biden didn't really win?

I hope not. That is clearly a lie Trump came up with because he couldn't accept the fact he lost. He never thought he would lose to Biden. He completely underestimated both Biden and the mood in the country.

Your first encounter with Sunburnt huh? Just wait, till he starts talking about his IQ test and all the other nonsense he posts. Be careful though, if you disagree with him too much, he will claim you can't pass his test and are clearly stupid.🤣

Sunburnt, the genius that he claims to be, was convinced that Trump was going to win easily in 2020. He had a family member hanging around the water cooler who was passing him "insider" polls that Sunburnt was posting on here. When Trump lost, Sunburnt had a meltdown and has never recovered from it. He still can't process in his head how Trump lost.

It is hilarious to observe.
No it hasn't.

Trump is a moderate with a caustic personality.
It's weird that things like border security, immigration enforcement, upholding the law to protect citizens, energy independence, a competitive corporate tax code, etc have suddenly become "right wing" to our leftist mouth breathers. Virtue signaling doesn't make good policy. That's easily apparent in the Regressive ran shitholes we're seeing today.
No, many conservatives just refuse to read anything that challenges their political beliefs. They enjoy being close-minded and ignorant of the truth. They choose to live in a box.

Everything lefties believe are based on Political Beliefs and or Feelers. If it feels good it must be good for everyone! Not.
Myself and most Conservatives do not base everything off of feelers like leftists do.
A lot of times things come down to whether its right or wrong and leftists are not capable of seeing the difference. You parrot what you have been brainwashed with over and over and over again like a broken record.
Lefties are like spoiled children, the more you give them the more they demand. The parents know that what they are doing is wrong but feelers feel good until the child controls them. By then its too late.
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Everything lefties believe are based on Political Beliefs and or Feelers. If it feels good it must be good for everyone! Not.
Myself and most Conservatives do not base everything off of feelers like leftists do.
A lot of times things come down to whether its right or wrong and leftists are not capable of seeing the difference. You parrot what you have been brainwashed with over and over and over again like a broken record.
Lefties are like spoiled children, the more you give them the more they demand. The parents know that what they are doing is wrong but feelers feel good until the child controls them. By then its too late.
Very well stated.
Everything lefties believe are based on Political Beliefs and or Feelers. If it feels good it must be good for everyone! Not.
Myself and most Conservatives do not base everything off of feelers like leftists do.
A lot of times things come down to whether its right or wrong and leftists are not capable of seeing the difference. You parrot what you have been brainwashed with over and over and over again like a broken record.
Lefties are like spoiled children, the more you give them the more they demand. The parents know that what they are doing is wrong but feelers feel good until the child controls them. By then its too late.
You deal with logic. The slow deals with emotion. Even though Mollie Hemingway uses small words in Rigged, it's pointless to recommend the book to the emotional leftist. She lays out in detail how Brandon did not receive an all time record 81 million legal votes. It's excruciatingly simple, as most board members well know.
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You deal with logic. The slow deals with emotion. Even though Mollie Hemingway uses small words in Rigged, it's pointless to recommend the book to the emotional leftist. She lays out in detail how Brandon did not receive an all time record 81 million legal votes. It's excruciatingly simple, as most board members well know.