The left's newest slogan... If you can't get her to join you, beat her

I said it was a poor choice of words. But the faux outrage that claims he was advocating violence is absurd. Both are wrong. What he said and the insane reaction to it by right-wing propagandists.
The problem you have is consistency. You reputation precedes you with your bad habit of only speaking out when it's in defense of leftist.
We both know perfectly well if a Republican had said this your commentary would have extended far beyond “poor choice of words.”
No, we both don't know this.

I told you what I would say. Unlike you Dan, I don't lie or play silly games about what I really believe.

Go look at my recent discussion about Bill Clinton's impeachment on the other thread. Maybe that will help you out some. I doubt it though.
No, we both don't know this.

I told you what I would say. Unlike you Dan, I don't lie or play silly games about what I really believe.

Go look at my recent discussion about Bill Clinton's impeachment on the other thread. Maybe that will help you out some. I doubt it though.
I am not a violent man by nature. I may be old but I can still handle myself. I take great umbrage at being called a liar. If you ever say that to my face I will drop you where you stand.
I've never made sexist comments about men on here. I challenge you to find one.

I criticize politicians over their policies. And when I reference character, I don't use sexist or racist comments. Again, I challenge you to find one comment from me that you believe is sexist or racist.

You have now been shown numerous examples of right-wingers on this board making sexist comments. So my original point has been proven.

Always the victim of his own game. 🤣🤣

No, we both don't know this.

I told you what I would say. Unlike you Dan, I don't lie or play silly games about what I really believe.

Go look at my recent discussion about Bill Clinton's impeachment on the other thread. Maybe that will help you out some. I doubt it though.

Look at the little internet badass. Are you related to the board's trucker unloader?

Yeah, uh, you do lie. Constantly. Like pathological lying. And you constantly parrot pinko commie propaganda. The America loving population will soon put you brain rotted mouth breathing cucks out of your misery.

I am not a violent man by nature. I may be old but I can still handle myself. I take great umbrage at being called a liar. If you ever say that to my face I will drop you where you stand.


Sorry you hate hearing the truth. As I said, unlike you, I don't lie or play silly games about what I believe.

btw, you couldn't drop a fly liar.

Yeah, uh, you do lie. Constantly. Like pathological lying.
Oh no, I'm all mad now and freaking out that you called me a liar!!


Anyways, so Corndog Meds, ever going to enlighten us about what you think should be done regarding Russia/Ukraine? Getting nothing but crickets from you on this.


Sorry you hate hearing the truth. As I said, unlike you, I don't lie or play silly games about what I believe.

btw, you couldn't drop a fly liar.


You obviously don't know who Ponca Dan is. He'd hit you with so many rights you'd be begging for a left. If you see Dan fighting a bear you better jump in and help the bear, cuckboi.

You obviously don't know who Ponca Dan is. He'd hit you with so many rights you'd be begging for a left. If you see Dan fighting a bear you better jump in and help the bear, cuckboi.
Why are you so obsessed with cucks? You sure do talk about them a lot. I'm starting to think it is projection on your part. What, can't satisfy your wife?

As for Dan, 🤣🤣🤣
I've never made sexist comments about men on here. I challenge you to find one.

I criticize politicians over their policies. And when I reference character, I don't use sexist or racist comments. Again, I challenge you to find one comment from me that you believe is sexist or racist.

You have now been shown numerous examples of right-wingers on this board making sexist comments. So my original point has been proven.

your point isn’t proven at all. I will say this one last time

people hate on Harris because they hate Harris, not because of her gender.
They hate on Biden because they hate Biden, not his gender

You, Sys and few others hate on Trump because you hate Trump, not his gender
your point isn’t proven at all. I will say this one last time

people hate on Harris because they hate Harris, not because of her gender.
They hate on Biden because they hate Biden, not his gender

You, Sys and few others hate on Trump because you hate Trump, not his gender
Yes, we liberals don't like Trump and his policies. But we don't attack him with sexist or racist comments. Again, I challenge you to find on example of a liberal on this board attacking Trump in such a way.

As you have been shown numerous times now, some on the right have no problem attacking Harris using sexist comments. They do it over and over again. I don't disagree that they hate her, but her gender is part of that hate. If it wasn't, they were not make the sexist comments they make.

My point has been proven regardless of how much you want to ignore or make excuses for their sexist comments. Harris has to deal with sexist and racist opposition. Fact.
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Yes, we liberals don't like Trump and his policies. But we don't attack him with sexist or racist comments. Again, I challenge you to find on example of a liberal on this board attacking Trump in such a way.

As you have been shown numerous times now, some on the right have no problem attacking Harris using sexist comments. They do it over and over again. I don't disagree that they hate her, but her gender is part of that hate. If it wasn't, they were not make the sexist comments they make.

My point has been proven regardless of how much you want to ignore or make excuses for their sexist comments. Harris has to deal with sexist and racist opposition. Fact.

Manufactured racism is the center of the strategy of the left!

Manufactured racism is the center of the strategy of the left!
We don't have to manufacture anything. The right-wing in America has plenty of racism and sexism to highlight. And it also very evident on this board from some right-wingers.
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Mother Jones Lol!
I knew this would be your response.🤣 I bet you didn't even read the article did you?

The article is simply quoting a former Republican strategist who worked at the highest levels of the Republican Party. He clearly wised up and what he says is the truth. Every ex-Republican (including myself) understands exactly what he is saying.

Maybe one day you will wise up too.
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I knew this would be your response.🤣 I bet you didn't even read the article did you?

The article is simply quoting a former Republican strategist who worked at the highest levels of the Republican Party. He clearly wised up and what he says is the truth. Every ex-Republican (including myself) understands exactly what he is saying.

Maybe one day you will wise up too.
You weren't ever a Republican.

So do you turn a blind eye to Robert Byrd's racism? The prominent use of the stars and bars in Democrat campaign propaganda?

And no, I'm not going to read leftist drivel from Mother Jones.
AC2020 doesn't give a mouse's hiney what color Obama or I am. He doesn't give a mouse's hiney that Ms. Lockupabruthuh or Condaleezza Rice are girls. He cares what's in our hearts. How do I know? I read it in every post he authors.

Now look at the sexist racist I am. I called Kamala "Ms. Lockupabruthuh."

Baseless racist charges is M. O. for the left.
You weren't ever a Republican.
Yes, I was. I left the Republican Party in 2016. I had not voted for a Democrat for President before 2016.

So do you turn a blind eye to Robert Byrd's racism?
Nope, I didn't turn a blind eye to his history. I also observed him change his views on segregation and racial issues and apologized for being part of the KKK as a young man and calling it the "greatest mistake of his life." I consider it a positive development when someone moves away from racism and hate.

Now, why do you continue to turn a blind eye to the racism that exists in the Republican Party and on the right-wing?

And no, I'm not going to read leftist drivel from Mother Jones.
Again, the article was discussing an interview with a former Republican strategist.

I'm not surprised you won't read it though. You can't read anything that challenges your presuppositions. You are comfortable living in a box and denying reality.
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Yes, I was. I left the Republican Party in 2016. I had not voted for a Democrat for President before 2016.

Nope, I didn't turn a blind eye to his history. I also observed him change his views on segregation and racial issues and apologized for being part of the KKK as a young man and calling it the "greatest mistake of his life." I consider it a positive development when someone moves away from racism and hate.

Now, why do you continue to turn a blind eye to the racism that exists in the Republican Party and on the right-wing?

Again, the article was discussing an interview with a former Republican strategist.

I'm not surprised you won't read it though. You can't read anything that challenges your presuppositions. You are comfortable living in a box and denying reality.
Real conservatives laugh off leftist propaganda from rags like Mother Jones.

You're lying. You never were a Republican.
Real conservatives laugh off leftist propaganda from rags like Mother Jones.
No, many conservatives just refuse to read anything that challenges their political beliefs. They enjoy being close-minded and ignorant of the truth. They choose to live in a box.

Again, the article was about an interview with a former Republican strategist and what he said. And he flat out tells the truth about racism in the Republican Party, among other things. Hence the reason you don't want to read it. You can't deal with the truth.

You're lying. You never were a Republican.
And here is another example of you having a hard time dealing with/accepting the truth. I was a Republican from 1997 (when I registered to vote) until 2016. Indeed, I was a vocal Republican when I younger and worked on Republican campaigns. My political views began to change though when I started to seriously consider other viewpoints (something you refuse to do). The last straw for me as a Republican was the nomination of Trump as President. The day after he was nominated, I switched my party affiliation.
No, many conservatives just refuse to read anything that challenges their political beliefs. They enjoy being close-minded and ignorant of the truth. They choose to live in a box.

Again, the article was about an interview with a former Republican strategist and what he said. And he flat out tells the truth about racism in the Republican Party, among other things. Hence the reason you don't want to read it. You can't deal with the truth.

And here is another example of you having a hard time dealing with/accepting the truth. I was a Republican from 1997 (when I registered to vote) until 2016. Indeed, I was a vocal Republican when I younger and worked on Republican campaigns. My political views began to change though when I started to seriously consider other viewpoints (something you refuse to do). The last straw for me as a Republican was the nomination of Trump as President. The day after he was nominated, I switched my party affiliation.

Yap yap yap.

You have the least plastic mind here.

Just the same identity politics rhetoric on a loop.
Didn't you people know if you have a different viewpoint than those on the left you are a racist or whatever lame insult that fits the topic. Ignore the fact the left's policies have failed by any relevant measurement it's all about feelings and intent, not results.
Didn't you people know if you have a different viewpoint than those on the left you are a racist or whatever lame insult that fits the topic.
So, a former Republican strategist who worked on numerous Republican political campaigns, including Dole, W. Bush, and Romney's presidential campaigns and who is now an Independent . . . is considered someone on the left to you now?
No, many conservatives just refuse to read anything that challenges their political beliefs. They enjoy being close-minded and ignorant of the truth. They choose to live in a box.

Again, the article was about an interview with a former Republican strategist and what he said. And he flat out tells the truth about racism in the Republican Party, among other things. Hence the reason you don't want to read it. You can't deal with the truth.

And here is another example of you having a hard time dealing with/accepting the truth. I was a Republican from 1997 (when I registered to vote) until 2016. Indeed, I was a vocal Republican when I younger and worked on Republican campaigns. My political views began to change though when I started to seriously consider other viewpoints (something you refuse to do). The last straw for me as a Republican was the nomination of Trump as President. The day after he was nominated, I switched my party affiliation.
Okay Karl.

No Republican would ever have a Marxist as their profile pic.
No, many conservatives just refuse to read anything that challenges their political beliefs. They enjoy being close-minded and ignorant of the truth. They choose to live in a box.

Again, the article was about an interview with a former Republican strategist and what he said. And he flat out tells the truth about racism in the Republican Party, among other things. Hence the reason you don't want to read it. You can't deal with the truth.

And here is another example of you having a hard time dealing with/accepting the truth. I was a Republican from 1997 (when I registered to vote) until 2016. Indeed, I was a vocal Republican when I younger and worked on Republican campaigns. My political views began to change though when I started to seriously consider other viewpoints (something you refuse to do). The last straw for me as a Republican was the nomination of Trump as President. The day after he was nominated, I switched my party affiliation.
I too left the Republican Party in 2016. Just wasn't the same party anymore.

I am an Independent now and really wish we had a viable centrist third party in this country. In my view, both major parties are beholden to the extremes of the political spectrum.
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I too left the Republican Party in 2016. Just wasn't the same party anymore.

I am an Independent now and really wish we had a viable centrist third party in this country. In my view, both major parties are beholden to the extremes of the political spectrum.
The GOP has gotten more moderate under Trump, not conservative. I'm barely hanging on because I won't compromise.
The GOP has gotten more moderate under Trump, not conservative. I'm barely hanging on because I won't compromise.
The Republican Party has gone to the extreme right under Trump. That is one reason I left the party. Many Republicans have left the party because of where Trump has taken it.

Democrats are no better. They allow the extreme left to run the show most of the time. Both parties polarize the American people.

I wish we had a viable centrist third party. I've been impressed with the American Solidarity Party. But they are small and just not viable at the moment.