Something says John Podesta or Samantha Bee wouldn't eat in this multicultural buffet.
I have to ask......what's with all the posts bashing various cultures around the world? It's quite intriguing.
Don't play dumb.
You know very well who is holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy.
Ahhh, going that route.
Do we need a quick refresher about who is most obsessed with maintaining racial purity? (Even more than the Japanese)
It gets even more discriminatory, xenophobic, and racist:
Soooo....wouldn't that make the tweet just an outright troll of "you know who" and his confinement rather than a pejorative assessment of any particular foreign embassy's cuisine?You know very well who is holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy.
See @NipponPoke ....he's not bashing other cultures.
He just wants nothing to do with them being in America.
I don't want cultures that are anti-Western and will not assimilate being in America. If according to modern-day "progressive" thought that makes me a "racist" then so be it.
The hypocrisy of modern-day "progressive" thought is that is a virulently racist movement. Just read the crap they spew about straight white men, particularly straight white Christian men.
I would say that I don't want individual immigrants here that are anti-Western.
I also don't think that Muslim "culture" is, on the whole, anti-Western....certainly not sufficiently so as to justify a bar to all Muslims or persons from particular nations.
Why would any rational and sane person want our culture to become more like Mexico? (As one example)
The age of consent in Mexico is 12. Insanely sick.
Mexico is number two nation in the world in homophobic crimes. Not tolerant.
And Mexico just hit their record high in murders --- despite being blessed with incredible natural resources and being next to the world's richest nation.
It absolutely is grossly anti-Western.
For a modern case study look at pre- and post-1979 Iran.
I would say that I don't want individual immigrants here that are anti-Western.
I also don't think that Muslim "culture" is, on the whole, anti-Western....certainly not sufficiently so as to justify a bar to all Muslims or persons from particular nations.
I would ask if you've ever spent any real time immersed in the Muslim culture. I promise you its very Anti-western, and the more 'devout' the individual is, the more anti-Western he becomes.
Muslim culture is grossly anti-Western.
Therefore no Muslims should be able to immigrate to America because you don't want such cultures in America
Does that accurately represent your position?
Muslim culture is grossly anti-Western.
Therefore no Muslims should be able to immigrate to America because you don't want such cultures in America
Does that accurately represent your position?
Lots of Muslims are "culturally" Muslim. They identify as Muslim if you ask them but they don't take their religion too seriously. The female ones don't cover their heads. I have no problem with these folks moving here.
But yeah, Muslims who take their religion seriously (I.e. view Sharia favorably and have their women wear anything from the hijab to the burka) absolutely should not be able to immigrate here. They will never assimilate. Plus their religion calls for the death penalty for people who leave their religion or are gay. They also treat women like cattle. Why on earth would I want that stone-aged based culture having a presence here? Does having that culture here somehow enrich our lives?
I would say that I don't want individual immigrants here that are anti-Western.
I would respond by asking you the same question.
I would also respond that I wouldn't characterize my familiarity with Muslim Culture as immersive as it comes primarily from interfaith exchanges programs organized by several churches and by faimiliarity with friends and neighbors whom are Muslim.
I would then request a description of your immersion in the Muslim culture, if any.
Then I would ask you the same question I asked the other guy.
I have. My dad worked for Saudi Aramco and as a high schooler and college student I spent my summers and Christmas holidays living in Saudi Arabia. I've also spent time in Dubai and Bahrain. These are the most Westernized areas of the "Middle East" and while there is some acceptance of Western culture, its limited. The further away from Dhahran that you traveled the less accepting of Western culture the citizens became. I've seen Mutawai (I think I spelled that right) threaten to arrest my mom simply because she didn't wear a mask (she wore the Abaya {the black robe} and head scarf). Even in the larger cities, you can cause a riot by having a women enter the "men's only" portions of restaurants. For example, the Pizza Hut in downtown Dhahran (at one time the largest in the world) is two stories. The upstairs section is for "families" aka those traveling with women. The main restaurant area is men only. Many restaurants and places of business don't even accept women. Its sad, but the modern day Middle east still treats women as property and why we should be expected to allow that attitude to foster here (hello Sharia Law) is absolutely asinine to me.
Muslim culture is grossly anti-Western.
Therefore no Muslims should be able to immigrate to America because you don't want such cultures in America
Does that accurately represent your position?
Sorry, don't think I answered your other question. I'd ask this question to all Muslims who choose to migrate here. Will you forsake Sharia Law and choose to live and abide by the laws and customs of the United States? Because those who can't have no business here.
Fair enough.
I could quibble with the fact that I'm unclear on what you might mean by the customs of the United States, but I have NO problem with an oath to abide by the laws.
I do have an issue with a required forsaking of Sharia law personally because I have Muslim friends that have very different interpretations of Sharia law than you and Muslim fundamentalists do. They same way different Christians have a different interpretation of the Bible than other fundamentalist/literalist Christians. They aren't anti-Western at all and have assimilated quite well, respect completely the law, and love the US.
Good talk. Sincerely. thank you.
Its interesting. Did you know that when I went to Saudi, we were allowed 1 family bible. To carry more to the country would imply that we wanted to share the faith and that's strictly forbidden. Maybe I'm jaded, but I find it interesting that we want to open our borders and our culture to those countries who have ZERO interest in returning the favor. Either we share or we don't, but giving up our culture should not be a one-way street.
Those wanting to immigrate usually wish to live under Western values. Those that are forced here due to violence and no other choice (refugees) are less likely to assimilate because they agree with the laws of the land from which they came.