The Left and Children


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
June 21, 2018
The Left and Children
By Trevor Thomas

In their latest attempt to swing this fall’s election toward the Democrats, the left now wants us to focus on “the children.” They haven’t really thought this through. Liberals the world over should work hard to avoid any debate that significantly involves the lives and wellbeing of children. Most anyone armed with even the slightest bit of the truth when it comes to liberalism and “the children” can easily quiet the left in virtually any debate that involves children or the family.

The first bit of truth that any liberal should have to answer for when it comes to children is, if liberalism is so concerned for the welfare of young people, why has the left spent decades fighting for the “right” to kill the most innocent and helpless among us? Ever since the American left decided to ignore sound science and morality and the dehumanization of the unborn became standard dogma for those who support the Democrat Party, children in their mothers’ wombs have been little more than a political headache for the modern left.

Since the 1960s, countless liberals across the U.S. have won elections by promising to keep legal their wicked “final solution” for those who want to be able to do whatever they wish in the sexual realm. Thus, for the left, children are only a concern when the timing is right -- when kids are “wanted” -- and when the political benefits are favorable for Democrats.

Even longer than they have ignored the right to life, American liberals have worked to build a massive welfare state that has played a terrible role in the destruction of the family -- especially the black family. Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh again reminded Americans which political party enabled generations of children -- again, especially black children -- to be separated from their parents.

The Democrat Party exists on dependency, and people that escape it pose a problem. So don’t buy that the Democrats care about separated families. Because, after all… the Democrat Party literally subsidized single motherhood in the black community for decades. It was called AFDC.

The Democrat Party promoted a welfare policy that gave single women additional money for every child they had. The father need not ever be around. In many cases, the father was not even known, the father was not even identified because the Democrat Party assumed the role.

If you want to talk about honestly separating families, the Democrat Party wrote the book on it and promoted it and campaigned on it and won elections on the basis of separated families where the government took over the economic responsibilities of the father.

As I noted in 2015, Barack Obama continued the Democrats’ long practice of promising and giving away “free” stuff from Uncle Sam’s “stash.” Of course, then candidate Hillary Clinton pledged to do more of the same. This is just one of the reasons why she was rejected and Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. The welfare state created by Democrats and their enablers has been as effective as abortion at “ripping” apart families in the U.S.

What’s more, the countries from which thousands of parents are sending their unaccompanied children to make the long and dangerous trek to the U.S. have long been dominated by leftist politics and policies. Thus, these nations have devolved into the world’s “crapholes” from which many of their citizens are eager to flee.

Working in concert with the welfare state is the wicked sexual agenda of the left. Whether pornography, promiscuity, or the LGBT agenda, since at least the middle of the twentieth century, the many sexual perversions of liberalism have wrought decades of death and destruction upon children, adults, and families alike in America.

Among other tragic consequences, this has led to rampant divorce, disease, and out-of-wedlock births -- which, among other terrible outcomes, has given us violence, crime, filthy and deadly neighborhoods, dangerous and ineffective schools, and the like. What’s more, fatherlessness is the leading cause of poverty in the U.S. In their efforts to buy votes and remain in power, Democrats have doomed generations of American children to growing up poor.

Not being content with destroying marriage and family as God gave it to us, liberals have taken the previously unthinkable and duped tens of millions of Americans -- including those occupying the highest court in our land -- into accepting it, or even embracing it, as normal. We were deceptively told that, since no harm comes to others, “consenting adults” ought to be able to do as they wish in their bedrooms.

Ignoring the eternal truths of their Creator, when “consenting adults” do as they wish, it’s often children who suffer the most. Millions of American children today are suffering under the myriad of lies pushed by the perverse LGBT agenda. Some are in homes without a mother or a father simply because liberals decided that it was within their “right” to redefine the oldest institution in the history of humanity.

Tens of millions of U.S. children who are stuck in government schools are not only being taught that homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” are normal, but that biology doesn’t determine a person’s sex. Because of liberalism, children are being read to by drag queens, “entertained” by drag queens, and even turned into drag queens! Because of liberalism, children in government schools are being provided with a study guide on transgenderism that instructs kids that a gender-deluded lifestyle is just another choice for a young person to make.

Because of liberalism, children in government schools are being provided with a George Soros-funded “sexual health toolkit” that, among other immoralities, and in spite of the significant health disparities suffered by homosexual teens, instructs them on homosexual behavior, including sodomy. Because of liberalism, those who wish to flee the immoral and unhealthy homosexual lifestyle are being hindered from doing so, and in this backwards process, liberals have banned the Bible. Because of liberalism, in addition to invading girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms, and as I warned would be the case, boys are taking trophies from girls.

If we can’t trust liberals to instruct children properly on who is a male and who is a female; if we can’t trust liberals to tell the truth on something as old and foundational as marriage and the family; if we can’t trust liberals to work to ensure that children are raised by a mother and a father; if we can’t trust liberals to protect children from sexual perversion; if we can’t trust liberals to guard the very lives of the most helpless and innocent among us, we should trust them on nothing when it comes to “the children.”
Lol more of this bullshit

June 21, 2018
The Left and Children
By Trevor Thomas

In their latest attempt to swing this fall’s election toward the Democrats, the left now wants us to focus on “the children.” They haven’t really thought this through. Liberals the world over should work hard to avoid any debate that significantly involves the lives and wellbeing of children. Most anyone armed with even the slightest bit of the truth when it comes to liberalism and “the children” can easily quiet the left in virtually any debate that involves children or the family.

The first bit of truth that any liberal should have to answer for when it comes to children is, if liberalism is so concerned for the welfare of young people, why has the left spent decades fighting for the “right” to kill the most innocent and helpless among us? Ever since the American left decided to ignore sound science and morality and the dehumanization of the unborn became standard dogma for those who support the Democrat Party, children in their mothers’ wombs have been little more than a political headache for the modern left.

Since the 1960s, countless liberals across the U.S. have won elections by promising to keep legal their wicked “final solution” for those who want to be able to do whatever they wish in the sexual realm. Thus, for the left, children are only a concern when the timing is right -- when kids are “wanted” -- and when the political benefits are favorable for Democrats.

Even longer than they have ignored the right to life, American liberals have worked to build a massive welfare state that has played a terrible role in the destruction of the family -- especially the black family. Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh again reminded Americans which political party enabled generations of children -- again, especially black children -- to be separated from their parents.

The Democrat Party exists on dependency, and people that escape it pose a problem. So don’t buy that the Democrats care about separated families. Because, after all… the Democrat Party literally subsidized single motherhood in the black community for decades. It was called AFDC.

The Democrat Party promoted a welfare policy that gave single women additional money for every child they had. The father need not ever be around. In many cases, the father was not even known, the father was not even identified because the Democrat Party assumed the role.

If you want to talk about honestly separating families, the Democrat Party wrote the book on it and promoted it and campaigned on it and won elections on the basis of separated families where the government took over the economic responsibilities of the father.

As I noted in 2015, Barack Obama continued the Democrats’ long practice of promising and giving away “free” stuff from Uncle Sam’s “stash.” Of course, then candidate Hillary Clinton pledged to do more of the same. This is just one of the reasons why she was rejected and Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. The welfare state created by Democrats and their enablers has been as effective as abortion at “ripping” apart families in the U.S.

What’s more, the countries from which thousands of parents are sending their unaccompanied children to make the long and dangerous trek to the U.S. have long been dominated by leftist politics and policies. Thus, these nations have devolved into the world’s “crapholes” from which many of their citizens are eager to flee.

Working in concert with the welfare state is the wicked sexual agenda of the left. Whether pornography, promiscuity, or the LGBT agenda, since at least the middle of the twentieth century, the many sexual perversions of liberalism have wrought decades of death and destruction upon children, adults, and families alike in America.

Among other tragic consequences, this has led to rampant divorce, disease, and out-of-wedlock births -- which, among other terrible outcomes, has given us violence, crime, filthy and deadly neighborhoods, dangerous and ineffective schools, and the like. What’s more, fatherlessness is the leading cause of poverty in the U.S. In their efforts to buy votes and remain in power, Democrats have doomed generations of American children to growing up poor.

Not being content with destroying marriage and family as God gave it to us, liberals have taken the previously unthinkable and duped tens of millions of Americans -- including those occupying the highest court in our land -- into accepting it, or even embracing it, as normal. We were deceptively told that, since no harm comes to others, “consenting adults” ought to be able to do as they wish in their bedrooms.

Ignoring the eternal truths of their Creator, when “consenting adults” do as they wish, it’s often children who suffer the most. Millions of American children today are suffering under the myriad of lies pushed by the perverse LGBT agenda. Some are in homes without a mother or a father simply because liberals decided that it was within their “right” to redefine the oldest institution in the history of humanity.

Tens of millions of U.S. children who are stuck in government schools are not only being taught that homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” are normal, but that biology doesn’t determine a person’s sex. Because of liberalism, children are being read to by drag queens, “entertained” by drag queens, and even turned into drag queens! Because of liberalism, children in government schools are being provided with a study guide on transgenderism that instructs kids that a gender-deluded lifestyle is just another choice for a young person to make.

Because of liberalism, children in government schools are being provided with a George Soros-funded “sexual health toolkit” that, among other immoralities, and in spite of the significant health disparities suffered by homosexual teens, instructs them on homosexual behavior, including sodomy. Because of liberalism, those who wish to flee the immoral and unhealthy homosexual lifestyle are being hindered from doing so, and in this backwards process, liberals have banned the Bible. Because of liberalism, in addition to invading girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms, and as I warned would be the case, boys are taking trophies from girls.

If we can’t trust liberals to instruct children properly on who is a male and who is a female; if we can’t trust liberals to tell the truth on something as old and foundational as marriage and the family; if we can’t trust liberals to work to ensure that children are raised by a mother and a father; if we can’t trust liberals to protect children from sexual perversion; if we can’t trust liberals to guard the very lives of the most helpless and innocent among us, we should trust them on nothing when it comes to “the children.”

lol, this article is nothing but deflection.

Diehard Trump supporters have been engaged in a lot of deflection this week.
And another deflection lol.

No, you do not address the assertions, your initial response was a deflection. 2 can play this meaningless game all day long. Dems just want votes, not about a real issues. Which has been Dem MO since day 1 of Trump. That article is a more extremist take then what I would write, but 75% is spot on.

Going to pull out the child card after the Russia and racist cards? Better be ready for a full review of facts and alternate opinions.

Do not blame Reps for Dems taking up another position in which their track record is poor and full of failed policies. Dems started the debate, Reps hold the winning hand based on the track record. Dems like playing on the emotions of people which work on weak minded people, but those that want to exam the entire record, let’s exam it. Your own deflection blowing this off as a deflection shows you know Dems hold a weak hand when the entire track record is reviewed.
Dems just want votes, not about a real issues.

And Trump doesn't want votes? The man went to a political rally last night after this debacle. Come on.

And course this was about a real issue. Go tell these parents who had their children taken away from them that this isn't a real issue. See how that works for you. Yes, politics was involved. But this was also very much a real issue.

That article is a more extremist take then what I would write, but 75% is spot on.

That article is nothing but an attempt to deflect away from the main issue, because the author probably recognized the political damage Trump's policy was having. He also probably recognized how Trump's policy is indefensible, and instead of simply saying that, he decided to deflect.

Going to pull out the child card after the Russia and racist cards?


This wasn't a "child card" man. This was an inhumane policy. Even Trump's own wife and daughter took him to task over it. Wake up.

Dems like playing on the emotions of people which work on weak minded people, but those that want to exam the entire record, let’s exam it.

So people who opposed this policy are "weak-minded people." If that is the case, why did Trump back away from the policy? Does that make him weak-minded too?

You just need to stop Okstate. There is no defense for this policy. I get you are a Trump supporter, but the man isn't infalliable. He made a big mistake and no amount of deflection or excuses changes that.
And Trump doesn't want votes? The man went to a political rally last night after this debacle. Come on.

And course this was about a real issue. Go tell these parents who had their children taken away from them that this isn't a real issue. See how that works for you. Yes, politics was involved. But that doesn't mean this wasn't a real issue.

That article is nothing but an attempt to deflect away from the main issue, because the author probably recognized the political damage Trump's policy was having. He also probably recognised how Trump's policy is indefensible, and instead of simply saying that, he decided to deflect.


This wasn't a child card man. This was an inhumane policy. Even Trump's own wife and daughter took him to task over it. Wake up.

So people who opposed this policy are "weak-minded people." If that is the case, why did Trump back away from the policy? Does that make him weak-minded too?

You just need to stop Okstate. There is no defense for this policy. I get you are a Trump supporter, but the man isn't infalliable. He made a big mistake and no amount of deflection or excuses changes that.

You stop, this has nothing to do about Trump but about children if that IS the real issue. Remember?
You stop, this has nothing to do about Trump but about about children if that IS the real issue. Remember?

The policy that was at issue was being carried out by the Trump administration. Therefore, this was about Trump as well.
The policy that was at issue was being carried out by the Trump administration. Therefore, this was about Trump as well.

The children were politicized and now Dems want to move on and really do care about the big picture. Facts surrounding this was distorted by both sides. Trump, Trump, from you and telling me basically shut up. Yeah, this was never about the kids by the Dems. Dems would not even acknowledge that some of these kids are used to help illegals get in and are not even their parents. Dems sit on their hands and intentionally will not help with writing sensible laws. Trump offered a path to legalize 1.8M illegals and Dems walked away.
Dems wanted to make Trump look evil, could give a flying phuck about the plight of children in this country. The average cost of taking care of these migrant kids is $34,000 a year, and have far better conditions then some kids living in the projects, screw solving the problem for our people. Let’s just politicize immigration and kids and hope it gains votes later his year. That IS the real crime in this country, and we are blinded to it over partisan politics, tribalism, and Reps and Dems wanting to be re-elected.

But go ahead and think you can take the high road for a day when every other day it has been the low road.
So obviously it is you who believes you can speak reality into existence.

Do you believe there is any way Trump doesn't get re-elected in 2020?

Reality is wide. Anything is possible.

I do observe this, though, you leftists have lost sight of the middle of the road. It's a dot on the horizon for you.

You treat people poorly and you want pie in the sky policy.

You better course correct after midterms in order to be competitive.
The children were politicized

So are the unborn also politicized by Republicans who are pro-life?

Let’s just politicize immigration and kids and hope it gains votes later his year. That IS the real crime in this country, and we are blinded to it over partisan politics, tribalism, and Reps and Dems wanting to be re-elected.

I don't disagree at all that immigration has been politicized (it always has been in this country). Yes, both parties use it to fire up their base. And yes, both parties should sit down, compromise, and fix the system. I fully agree with all of that.

However, this policy was inhumane and wrong. And Trump was wrong to embrace it and implement it. He made a major mistake. It is that simple.
So are the unborn also politicized by Republicans who are pro-life?

I don't disagree at all that immigration has been politicized (it always has been in this country). Yes, both parties use it to fire up their base. And yes, both parties should sit down, compromise, and fix the system. I fully agree with all of that.

However, this policy was inhumane and wrong. And Trump was wrong to embrace it and implement it. He made a major mistake. It is that simple.

Is abortion in your eyes a moral, legal, or religious issue? And how can you legitimately reconcile being pro abortion and yet try to make Trump an EVIL person over what happened at the border? How do you do that? It is a legit question IMO.

For me this is not a political issue but moral, and the Dems played both sides this past week over politics, which is morally bankrupt IMO.
Reality is wide. Anything is possible.

Then why say he is going to have four more years? We are over two years away from the 2020 election. You are right, anything could happen. Trump may not even be on the ballot in 2020.

I do observe this, though, you leftists have lost sight of the middle of the road.

"You" leftists. haha, so anyone who doesn't agree with you (or Trump) all the time is now a leftist huh?

Tell me, was this policy that Trump was forced to back away from a "middle of the road" policy? Is it something centrists and Independents were supporting?

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

You better course correct after midterms in order to be competitive.

Democrats have been rather competitive since 2016 in elections. And don't forget, Trump didn't win a majority of support in 2016 nor did he win the popular vote.
Is abortion in your eyes a moral, legal, or religious issue? And how can you legitimately reconcile being pro abortion and yet try to make Trump an EVIL person over what happened at the border? How do you do that? It is a legit question IMO.

For me this is not a political issue but moral, and the Dems played both sides this past week over politics, which is morally bankrupt IMO.

This is my understanding of what you are arguing. My2cents is hypocrical because he supports abortion, but criticizes forcefully separating babies from their mothers.

You, on the other hand, seem to be supporting forcefully separating babies from their mothers, but criticize abortion.

2cents is hypocritical, but you are not.

That’s what I read in your comments. Where am I mistaken?
Is abortion in your eyes a moral, legal, or religious issue? And how can you legitimately reconcile being pro abortion and yet try to make Trump an EVIL person over what happened at the border? How do you do that? It is a legit question IMO.

When did I say I was pro-abortion? See what you did there. You made an assumption about me. A false assumption too.

I believe that abortion is a moral, legal, and religious issue. Just like I believe this policy dealt with a moral, legal, and religious issue too.

For me this is not a political issue but moral, and the Dems played both sides this past week over politics, which is morally bankrupt IMO.

So again, is abortion just a political issue to you too? Are pro-life Republicans just playing politics with abortion?

And if you can't see how this inhumane policy was related to morality, then I really don't know what else to say to you.
Then why say he is going to have four more years? We are over two years away from the 2020 election. You are right, anything could happen. Trump may not even be on the ballot in 2020.

"You" leftists. haha, so anyone who doesn't agree with you (or Trump) all the time is now a leftist huh?

Tell me, was this policy that Trump was forced to back away from a "middle of the road" policy? Is it something centrists and Independents were supporting?

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Democrats have been rather competitive since 2016 in elections. And don't forget, Trump didn't win a majority of support in 2016 nor did he win the popular vote.

When did I say I was pro-abortion? See what you did there. You made an assumption about me. A false assumption too.

I believe that abortion is a moral, legal, and religious issue. Just like I believe this policy dealt with a moral, legal, and religious issue too.

So again, is abortion just a political issue to you too? Are pro-life Republicans just playing politics with abortion?

And if you can't see how this inhumane policy was related to morality, then I really don't know what else to say to you.

I never said you were pro abortion, I said Dems were, it was why I asked you. Did I not ask you? I said Dems played both sides. I asked you how do you reconcile that? Can you reconcile that for me, Dems sure can not.
This is my understanding of what you are arguing. My2cents is hypocrical because he supports abortion, but criticizes forcefully separating babies from their mothers.

You, on the other hand, seem to be supporting forcefully separating babies from their mothers, but criticize abortion.

2cents is hypocritical, but you are not.

That’s what I read in your comments. Where am I mistaken?

I think a party that has a bad record when it comes to children has zero right to turn Trump in to an EVIL person over political gain. Many Reps spoke out, but Dems were being hypocrites on this, it was about votes. Funny how no one has addressed the original post.
I never said you were pro abortion, I said Dems were, it was why I asked you.

And you are still wrong. Not all Dems are pro-abortion. Just like not all Republicans are pro-life.

I said Dems played both sides.

Both Democrats and Republicans play both sides often. That is politics.

Again though, none of this . . . not one bit . . . has anything to do with Trump's policy. It is all a deflection to talk about something else. Trump's policy was inhumane and wrong. He made a major mistake. That is why he had to back away from it.
I think a party that has a bad record when it comes to children has zero right to turn Trump in to an EVIL person over political gain.

But this is your opinion. Many Democrats would argue they have a strong record when it comes to helping children.

Again though, this is all a distraction. Why can't you just say the policy and Trump was wrong?
But this is your opinion. Many Democrats would argue they have a strong record when it comes to helping children.

Again though, this is all a distraction. Why can't you just say the policy and Trump was wrong?

Why can’t you address the OP without calling it deflection?
What questions have I not answered?

How do you reconcile the Dems, not your position, but the Dems position in the OP and specifically abortion and protecting the unborn and the wailing of the Dems and the left over “inhumane” treatment of children. How can anyone be pro abortion and use this past week as an example of inhumane treatment and try to pass it off as anything other then politically motivated? I can not reconcile that.
How do you reconcile the Dems, not your position, but the Dems position in the OP and specifically abortion and protecting the unborn and the wailing of the Dems and the left over “inhumane” treatment of children.

(1) Those Democrats who are pro-choice would argue that they are protecting a woman's right to choose what to do with her body. Many of them say they are personally opposed to abortion but that they believe a woman should have a right to choose whether she wants to have an abortion or not. However, they would argue, this was a policy being enacted by the Trump administration (i.e. the government) that was forcibly removing children from their parents. Thus, different from abortion.

(2) Some of the other issues the author of the article mentions Democrats would disagree with his conclusion that they have hurt children. They would argue that their policies have helped children.

How can anyone be pro abortion and use this past week as an example of inhumane treatment and try to pass it off as anything other then politically motivated? I can not reconcile that.

See my (1) answer above.

btw, you may disagree with their view on abortion. But remember, they also disagree with your view on abortion.

Now that I have answered your questions, one question to you, was Trump wrong to carry out this inhumane policy? A simple yes or no will do.
I think a party that has a bad record when it comes to children has zero right to turn Trump in to an EVIL person over political gain. Many Reps spoke out, but Dems were being hypocrites on this, it was about votes. Funny how no one has addressed the original post.

Well I tried to read the OP, but it was way too long for my feeble attention span. I got several paragraphs into it. It seemed to want to rake Democrats over the coals because they support abortion. Which is a fair criticism, but not really germane to the immigration situation. So I agree with 2cents that it is a deflection.

Regardless of who started it, regardless of how long it has been going on, the truth of the matter is separating babies from their mothers is morally repugnant. Obama deserves vilification for what he did. But he is gone now. This is Trump’s mess, and he deserves villificatuon as well. There is nothing Obama can do now. He’s history. The clear and present danger today comes from Trump, his administration and his sycophants in the Republican Party and the right-leaning pundits. The person leading the show gets the slotlight. DJT has not handled it well.
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(1) Those Democrats who are pro-choice would argue that they are protecting a woman's right to choose what to do with her body. Many of them say they are personally opposed to abortion but that they believe a woman should have a right to choose whether she wants to have an abortion or not. However, they would argue, this was a policy being enacted by the Trump administration (i.e. the government) that was forcibly removing children from their parents. Thus, different from abortion.

(2) Some of the other issues the author of the article mentions Democrats would disagree with his conclusion that they have hurt children. They would argue that their policies have helped children.

See my (1) answer above.

btw, you may disagree with their view on abortion. But remember, they also disagree with your view on abortion.

Now that I have answered your questions, one question to you, was Trump wrong to carry out this inhumane policy? A simple yes or no will do.

First, I am not going to get in to details other then to say I was adopted and because of my dad fighting in WW2 and other things my childhood was not easy street, so I sympathize with children on real issues. Like food, clothing, not being abused, etc...not saying all that happened to me but I saw things and things did happen to me.

Trump offered to legalize 1.8M illegals, Dems walked away.

Some of these children are literally kidnapped and used by illegals to get over the border. To assume these adults that pull them all along are really their parents?

They spend $34,000 a year taking care of these kids, they are fed, some have access to video games, and they have shelter. We have kids in our own country not given that financial support and no one cares. Many have no dads.

In those instances when parents and kids are separated I do not like it, but you act as if in all cases that is easygoing determine.

Trump wants a solution, Dems do not want it and want to blow up optics for the Nov election. I believe Trump was hoping all of this would bring Dems to the table to get reasonable laws passed and get Dems to the table to resolve immigration. Having and open border policy is hurting far more children then it is helping.

So, you seem to think the view of abortion comes down to a simple interpretation of adults to control their individual rights.

Similarly, let’s define inhumane treatment. Are these kids being denied access to toilets, shelter, food, clothing, and medical help? No one has said that has happened. So some define separating adults from children as inhumane even when we are not certain if the adults are the real parents.

Although what happened at the border is being defined as inhumane, I am having a hard time seeing it at a 10 level when they are being cared for, and especially when these adults put them in this position, what good parents would do that? Like the OP, where is the Fed governments responsibility to play dad in this country and for Mexico? Enabling the behavior makes it worse. As far as definition of inhumane treatment I rate it about a 2. I was adopted, I fully understand as a child what is really needed as child to prosper. It is not about having a parent, it is about being given the necessities of life and someone that decides to be a father or mother figure to you.

The federal government is giving these kids the necessities to live and to be safe and healthy. Fed government can never replace moms and dads and holy cow we ask them to make sure at the border adults are not bringing in kids that is not their own or is going to use those kids for really bad things.

So, Dems walk to the negotiating table with Reps and get immigration resolved and fixed and stop trying to make this an issue for the Nov election. Dems have over played their hand on this, it is a losing hand.
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